New Plan.

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I said before I won't be updating until I got everything done, but I don't feel right doing that.

Instead I'm going to be taking turns, one requested, then one of the plans I already had, just so that I can have more motivation.

The ones that I have to do more research for will be put on hold until Winter Break, if I can, since that will take more time.

I have an overwhelming amount of plot ideas I have no idea what to do with, which is how I came up with this keikaku (Translators Note: Keikaku means plan.)

I have a bunch of shit going on, so that's a thing that'll hold me back. (And I also just got SSB4.)

Requests are off until I have finished all of the ones I got.

(I really wanted to leave this at 69 words but I guess that won't work out, I have other things to plug)

I made an AmeriPan ask-blog on tumblr called "ask-kinks-and-alfu", just in case you are interested in that.

I post my art and edits on Cocotora, and my regular blog is Otakchu.

I am going to update as I please since this is a form of self help for me at the moment, so everything is on hold, unless I want to write, and then I will write what I like and want to. (I appologize if this sounds selfish, but this is my only request.)

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