Chapter 2: Believing in Freedom seemed Pointless to Me.

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Carries Pov

"When does he get home?" Ava whispered as if it was on cue because just as she allowed the words to pass her lips, we heard the door slam and the heavy footsteps of my father stumbling through the house. Ava sprung up and locked the door then rushed back to russume her spot on the edge of my bed. I was unaware what mood my father was in, it was hard to tell with my father, rarely he'd come home sobar and be father-like but majourity of time he came home reeking of achol, with that he would beat me and call me names.

Ava was the only person who knew me properly, meaning she knew bout all this mess that I called my life and she was sworn to secracy, we had made a promis that no matter what, we wouldn't say anything, and I was well aware that it was killing her to keep it locked away in the back of her mind.

"Carrie Alyssa Price" my fathers voice boomed through out the house, I shruddered and stood up pushing Ava towards the window across the room.

"You should go" I whispered pulling the window up. All I ever wanted to do was go and run with her, you know leave head for the hills but there was no hope, I'd be dragged back and holy hell, things would only be worse. Beliveing in freedom was pointless to me. 

The rattle of the door nob startled me out of my thoughts, or what should be called day dreams, only to relise Ava was a figure in the distance and I was staring out of the window of what seemed to be a prision. I shut the window and prepared for what was to behind that door, of course it had crossed my mind that I didnt really have to open that door but he would only grow angry.

"Open ThIS DoOr" my father sneered, fear shot through me, I hated this life, I hated my father, and its been this way since my mother died 10 years ago. I faced the door and drew a heavy breath, every thing went silent, I hesitanly opened the door, thats when I was met by my fathers anger face, my hand fell from the door, I felt the air go cold but I took a step back, he lunged forward, and with out warning I felt pain rush to my cheek when he slaped me, while he tugged my hair. I felt my eyes fill, then flood, my tears damping my burning cheeks, this site must of made him felt happier so he hit me again, then again, he slaped me until all I could see was my fathers blood thirsty eyes blurred through my tears, he let go of my hair and allowed me to fall to the ground like a child's ragdoll, and just like that he left the room. I curled up holding myself, the carpet provied cusioning for my pounding head.

I lied scared allowing my blood to be soaked up by the carpet, thoughts rushing through my head, the pain was more real then ever, my bumps and bruises were very visible but they were nothing compared to my emotional state, It seems the world has stuck the finger up at me and walked away, Ava is my only true friend, shes my other half, my sister and the only thing I'm gratful for, as she is the only good think in my life. I knew I had to do something, what was the point of rotting on the carpet fall that would allow the enemy to win. I lifted my self and crawlled to the window, I jumped out of the window, jaring every muscel in my body but thta was the least of my worries I limbed over to my back fence and left the gate open. I didnt quite know were I was going but I did Know were I was welcome.

I found myself before Ava's house I didnt bother to knock, I burst through the door, were I was met by Ava's schocked, scared face. I fell Into her arms, my blood smearing across her white shirt but she still held me tightly.

"Oh god" she mumbled. 

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