Chapter five:The beginning of something great

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Sorry lots of pictures!

Ava's pov

"Wasssup, thank fuck it's the weekend" Carrie said as I entered the kitchen, still half asleep, bumping my head on the door frame. The two people standing in the room laughed.

"Yeah to finish off fucking assignments" I groaned as I tuned my head, my messy bun was in the way. You see my parents bought me this house and my car but there's a catch, I have to go to uni.

"How long till you graduate" Phil's asked, and Carrie replied with the answer of 'about a month' and I just nodded as I tugged at my oversized t-shirt.

"Then what are you planing to do?" Phil asked his attention focused on Carrie. 

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes" Carrie said shaking her head. 

"What about you?" A voice from behind me spoke, I jumped and spun around to see a really tall British figure looking down at me, smiling a kind smile. He was clearly wanted me to answer.

"A s-school teacher" I stuttered 

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said. I gave him the 'it's fine' look and moved out of the kitchen doorway. 

"Since there are four people staying here" Carrie said enthusiastically 

"Staying here" I gasped, since when were they staying here.

"Carrie! You said it be fine" Dan exclaimed. 

"Oh yeah you passed out, I've been meaning to ask you, if they could stay" I couldn't believe the words that past Carries lips, then again they might be the only chance of getting rid of Steve.

"I guess it's fine, you live here anyway" I said with reason, god my parents are going to kill me, two unknown men just living here, that make out that one of them are Carrie's brother and the other being their for moral support.

"Yay" Carrie chirped, I looked at her with disappointment, I mean I'm allowing two strangers into my house.

"Are you sure?" Dan asked, with a thankful look in his eye also, why would she just let us stay here mixed in there as well.

"Yes, as long as your out by the time my parents are back"

"Of course, Thankyou" Phil thanked for his free accommodation.  

"This is your parents house?" Dan questioned.

"No but that bought me the house, and let's just say they bought it, because mum has some crazy idea that I'll get married when I leave school and she'll finally have grandchildren but for now Carrie, Lucinda and I live here, which is fine, it's just-"

"Ava's dads scary" Carrie interrupted 

"Okay, well Thankyou" dan thanked me for the thousandth time.

"If you don't mind some ID would be nice" I asked, Dan handed me a license 

Daniel James Howell
Bla bla bla bla
Age 21
And Phil handed me a passport with the same details, full name and he was 2 years older then Dan.

"Well you better visit the grocery store" I said point the question to Carrie, she sighed and turned to the front door.

"suppose aye, I've gotta pick up lucinda as well"

"Lucinda?" Dan faced his attention to carrie.

"yeah every month she comes and stays for a week" Carrie replied

"You know what we should just take a house tour, I had the house cleaned yesterday so, carrie half-hour to go clean your room" I suggested hinting carrie to clean her room

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