Chapter 3: Carries saviours

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sorry about the pov chances, bare with us!

Ava's Pov

Carrie burst through the door, automadically I knew It was steve, he hurt her, he was a monster, a cold hearted monster, and form my point of view even when he was sobar he was still a filthy dog. The trouble with carrie is that she forgives people to easy, shes too nice, too sweet, but I'll give it to her shes bloody good at wearing a metaphorical mask, with an innocent smile painted on. As pathdic as  I was the best reply I had was ask what had happened, which of course didnt help, if any thing it just made it worse. 

"Well I guess I know" I attemped to fix my mistakes. Carrie just nodded, the akwardness grew.

"coffee?" I muttered as allowed her to take a seat on one of the black leather loungs postioned in the room. Carries dull face showed so much pain, it was killing me that I couldn't help, all I could do was sit and watch her waste away. I handed her the tissue box and offered her to clean her self up. Shuffling over to the front door I allowed to close with a small thump, then I made my way to the kitchen to boil the kettel. Across the hall my pale white bedroom door stood out as it contrasted with the dark grey walls. 'why dosen't she leave' thoughts flooded my head, the same old thoughts that would flood my head, at least once aweek from the same old situation. i took off my once white t-shirt and threw it in linen basket across the room.

"i'll add it to my collection" I  muttered. stwiching to a black t-shiet, then joining carrie again.

Dans Pov 

Phil and I had arived at mums house as she was in austraila at the time with lucinda, it had been a week since i had been told about Carrie and after, many sleepless nights it was time I talked to her in more detail, of course phil came, for you know moral support. After our long chat and having all I needed to know, we set off to take a two hour road trip to a small town that goes by the name of Blayney. I admit it, I was nervous, maybe a little scared to reunite with my father again, but my anger drove me. Carrie couldnt live her life like this. Thanking my mothers boyfriend for lift to hell on earth, we took our bags and headed for the front door, of course we werent staying there, but in all logic it would seem Carrie was going to need some convincing so i had a feeling we were going to be stuck her for a least a week. I clutched my fist and took it to the door. The hope that the door wouldnt open was there, but it had too, it really need too, Carries my sister, even if i dont know her, no one should have to live with steve.

"Who are you?" the door opened as the scent of achol and blood came woofting out, causing us to gag.

"your son, you know Dan" I coughed 

"daniel james howell" he said with wide eyes.

"In the flesh" I sarcastcally spat.

"Well its not like youd come to to see your father, so what is it?" He asked as he lent against the door frame. 

"Wheres Carrie" I huffed, happy to get the question off my chest. He asked why we want to speak with carrie and as he did not care if I wanted to meet my sister or not, he allowed, but there was one problem she wasnt home, she had ran off.

"she would be at Avas house, when i get my hands on her" he growled.

"you will not touch her" I hesitated

"An address perhaps" Phil asked.

Ava's Pov

An angry knock came from the front of the house, I got up from the lounge and walked over to the door, opening the door only to see Steve with a beer bottle hand, two other boys stood behind him, I couldnt make out who they were but they were quite tall.

"She isnt here" I spat, striking my signature glare.

"Dont pull this one you little bitch, I know shes here" he growled taking a step closer to my shorter form, he looked down at me.

"How dare you speak to her like that" a voice came from behind steve, with a britsh accent. He pushed steve back out of the way, I was meet with the boys brown eyes, his fringe brushed across his forehead, he was a youtuber I had seen before, Dan... Dan, Danisnotonfire, thats right.

"Please if shes here, may we come in" he spoke kindly, I sighed and raised an eyebrow.

"come in" I muttered as I steped aside, allowing the boys to come in, Dan first, then steve, who I managed to glare at as he walked by, then Phil, AmazingPhil. Carrie shivered as she met with her fathers anger eyes.

"CARRIE" he yelled, I automadicaly steped infront of him.

"STEVE, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO CHARGE IN SCREAM AT MY FRIEND, AFTER YOU HURT HER" I yelled back at his disgusting face, he rose his hand, thats when Dan grabed his wrist.

"If you lay a hand on her, I'll make you regret it, now you heard her get out" Dan threated him.

"How dare you speak to me like that, Im your father" Steve spoke words that hit Carrie and I like a bus, Son, what, I fell into a spirl of thoughts, howelll it makes sense, but it cant be, I could only imagine what Carrie was thinking. 

"Your nothing to me" Dan spat, and with that Steve left, snatching his keys from Phil and slaming the door causing my house to shake.

"Are you okay?" Dan spoke, point the question at me.

"fine thanks, excuse me for being rude but would you care to explain this" I spat in reply, my head was spining, not from the steve thing, but from the hole dan thing.

"Right, Im sorry" he spoke towards he then turning his attention to carrie, he drew his breath to speak but I cut him off

"perhaps we should take a seat" I said mentally preparing myself for what came next. 

"Well Im Dan and his Phil lester" Dan began, he explained his story and each word painful.

After hearing all of this the boys sighed and decided it was time to go, but being the stupid person I was I decided to allow the to stay for Carries case anyway. Dan took the guest room and Phil took the sofa bed and carrie already had a room here, as she practcally lived here.

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