Chapter 6: Smitten

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Dans POV

Ava, she was something, long brown hair, deep blue eyes and the cutest personality out there. I couldn't help but like her, I mean of course she was off limits, She's my sister's best friend but I wanted her, I had only just met her, she's probably taken by some smart, athletic guy that could run laps around me and why would she want her best friends older brother. All these years she was my sisters metaphorical sister, always there, holding her hand the whole time, when I wasn't, and that was why I have such a liking for her, I think,I don't know I can't wrap my head around it. I unintentionally found myself staring into space sitting next to the girl that i couldn't get out of my head.

"Dan, Are you ok?", Ava  asked in her adorable Australian accent.

"Uh- Y-Yeah I um, I'm fine i was just thinking that's all", i stuttered out. i felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment. if only she knew that i was thinking about her... Would she think i was a creep? i mean we barely no each other. God I'm such a freak why did i have to be so awkward? why couldn't i just be normal. ugh.

"Dan, can you hear me?",

i looked up completely stunned and realised i had zoned out once again. Ava had a look of concern on her face and i couldn't help but notice how adorable she looked.

"uh sorry haha what did you say?", i replied sheepishly

she rolled her eyes in fake frustration and i sighed internally at how cute she looked when she was pretending to be angry. i mean what no i most certainly did not just think that. she's of limits Dan. i reminded myself internally

" i asked you what you were thinking about",

before i had time to register what had happened the answer tumbled out of my mouth shocking both of us.


i froze. i couldn't believe i had just said that. she will now think I'm a freak for sure. god what the hell is wrong with me? why do i have to be like this? why couldn't i have been normal and not this socially awkward wreck.

God please kill me

God please kill me

God please kill me

God please kill me 

God please kill me, why do I make, everything so awkward, I sounded so creepy why would you do this?

in an attempt to make this situation a little less awkward i cleared my throat and spoke again.

"i mean-i-uh i was just thinking about everything that has happened- and uh how we met and all that".

i mentally crossed my fingers praying that she didn't think i was some sort of creepy weirdo and kick me out right now.

she laughed awkwardly and i could tell that she didn't believe my cover after all i was pretty sure my cheeks were flaming red by this point and i was stuttering and fidgeting like crazy.

"Dan shut up, and help me with this english paper" She said with sarcasm in her tone. I just looked up and smiled.

"...Ok" I said quietly.

"Wait did you finish high school, I mean you look like the person who would, I mean your articulate" She spoke really fast but I took what she said as a complement.

"Yeah, then I went to uni, then dropped out"

"really? what did you study"

"Law, It was terrible" 

"Your a youtuber now right?" I gave her a funny look, Is she a fan, she knows who I am, does she even like my videos.

"sorry that was a strange question" she said with slight embarrassment in her tone

"no its okay" I hesitated "I am"

"oh, you are because I wasn't to sure, one of my friends showed me your videos, like a year ago and I just remember your name and what you looked like" she said tucking a lose hair behind her ear

So she wasn't a fan, I take she doesn't like my videos

"Oh okay"

"It was a funny video" she said as the corners of her mouth curled up, and showing her dimples.

i smiled back at her and only one thought ran through my mind.

this girl was going to be the death of me...

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