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Rachel's POV
Garfield and I scored the highest on the test. I've got my speech I'm sitting next Garfield on the stage with our caps and gowns. I was holding his hand. Then the principal "how the highest scoring student Rachel Roth " everyone started to cheer. "Dr. Seuss once said 'you have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.' Well he was right we have steered ourselves here we have gone from being young children, to awkward middle schoolers with our body growing and changing, and look at us now we're 18 years old and graduating from high school and going to college or off into the world. We've laughed together. We've loved I know I have. But we've also gone through so hard times. Like bullying, harassment, and through it all we made it. We're the future. Here's what I want you to do... I want you to go to parents after this and thank them for making you the successful person you are today" I said. I was in tears. "Thank you Rachel for that beautiful speech" Mr. Wilson said.
"You're welcome" I said. "Rachel Roth here's your diploma" Mr. Wilson said as I shook is hand. "Garfield Logan" he said. Garfield walked over to him and got his diploma. Then when everyone was done. We threw up our caps. I saw everyone thanking their parents. Then everyone got silent. They all looked me and circled around me. Then Garfield walked into the circle and got down on one knee.

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