One Office File.

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Scene IX

The curtain is lifted.

Mr Verma really wants his daughter to take over his lineage.He has sent Mia to his office to organise certain documents.As if that will attract her to that lame office.

Mia : I really don't wanna be here.

Sophie : You don't have to do all this, miss.I'll do it for you.

Mia : I don't cheat.

Sophie : Sorry, ma'am.

Mia : Ah, chill . It's not that big a deal.Just a ten dozen files.My dad really thought that these withered files would tempt me into joining his company?

Sophie : I have no idea why he gave you this task! These files have been lying in the basement since ages.

Mia : These are the files from the basement?

Sophie : Yes, ma'am.

Mia : Okay, now call me Mia and my task is to arrange them in a chronological order?

Sophie : Precisely, miss...Mia.

Mia : Fuck.These files sure can lure me in.

Sophie : These old records?

Mia : This is my treasure, love.Can you help me out so we can get the arrangement done quickly?

Sophie : Ofcourse.

And suddenly she started working fervently.Like a mad scientist just about to crack that right formula.Why though? What was in those files that injected such zeal in her?

An hour passes by.And so do the two dames; pass down on the floor.

Sophie : We did the entire thing in an hour.It was supposed to take a day.

Mia : Oh it wasn't supposed to.

Sophie : I don't understand?

Mia : Nothing, thank you so much for helping me out. I'll take it from here.

Sophie : Alright, give me a ring if you need my help.

Sophie exits.

And suddenly, Mia's phone starts ringing.Ahoy,it's her lover boy!

In call...

Mia : Yo, bitch!

Aarush : You're happy!

Mia : Elated.

Aarush : Well, I'm not.

Mia : Why?

Aarush : My girlfriend cheated on me.

Mia : I don't remember doing anything.It must be the other one.

Aarush : Oh no,it was you.

Mia : Okay, how?

Aarush : Well, you promised me a pizza.

Mia : Ah fuck, I did.

Aarush : So,come home, my little chef.

Mia : I really have work to do.I'll come in the evening?

Aarush : You had to join after a week, right?

Mia : Yeah, I'm actually working at my dad's office.

Aarush : I don't think I heard you correctly.

Mia : You did, doofus.

Aarush : You're ditching me for work at your dad's office?

Mia : He gave me my clue, Aarush. He gave me a task to arrange the old files.

Aarush : You're getting your answers, then.

Mia : I don't know.I hope so.

Aarush : Should I come there?

Mia : Do you want to?

Aarush : Ofcourse, but only if you want me there.

Mia : Nah.I think I want to do this by myself.I'll come to your place just when I'm done, okay?

Aarush : Alright. Take care of yourself, would you?

Mia : I will.I'll catch ya later.Bye.

The phone is disconnected.

And Mia begins digging through the past.Gasping at certain pages, blankly staring at most.But then a wild wind hurls as she picks up a certain file.The file of the year her parents got tied down.A page is then turned; it turns around her life.

The curtain drops.

Scene X

The curtain is lifted.

Aarush(to himself ) : It's been three hours.She should've been here by now.I can't even call her; I need to give her space.But...but God am I worried.What was her douche of a father thinking?

Laila : Brother?

Aarush : Yeah, sweety?

Laila : Why are you worried?

Aarush : I'm worried about Mia, babygirl.

Laila : Awe what happened to my best friend?

Aarush : She is just messing around as always.

Laila : And you let her mess around alone, again?

Aarush : I just give her space, Laila.

Laila : You're dumb.

Aarush : You're too wise for a little girl.Will you be okay alone?

Laila : I'm a big girl,brother.

Aarush : Thank you, sweety.I'll be coming back soon.

And as he open the door to leave, a gasp leaves his mouth instead.

The curtain is closed.

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