2. History

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4th Period: Mr. Marsh, History

*Christina's POV*

"Chris Anderson?"


"Douglas Adams?"


"Madi Bower?"


"Breanna Chumbley?"


Roll takes foreeever! Especially with a last name like VanDam which is at the end of the alphabet. I looked over at my besties, Alyssa Turner and Kaitlyn McGuire, and they seemed to feel the same way. I wish Zayn was in this class. He could make anything exciting.

"Carley Jackson?"

What? Who's that?

A quiet 'here' was heard from the back of the room.

I turned to examine the girl. She was really pretty! She must be the new girl everyone's talking about.

Before I knew it Mr. Marsh was calling my name and roll was over.

The rest of class flew by rather quickly, but if course, Mr. Marsh had to give us homework. Scratch that, A SEMESTER PROJECT ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Who does that?! Arrrggggg!!

"Oh don't worry class, it's not like you'll be doing the project along. You will each be in a group with 4 other students."

The class erupted with cheers! Everyone was clapping and high fiving each other! And of course, us cheerleaders had to get up and be all peppy. That was the worst thing about being a cheerleader all the time. No matter how you were feeling, you always had to at least look peppy.

"I have your groups right here," he explained while showing off his notebook.

"Okay here we go, pay close attention because I will not repeat myself. Cally, Haley, Michelle, Sadia and..."

I didn't pay attention long enough to hear the last name. It was probably Madi anyway. Those girls are basically sisters with how close they are, which I think is cute. I was zoning out in my own little world thinking about my amazing boyfriend. Oh, I wish he was in this class. Then maybe we could 'work' on the project together.

All of a sudden I heard Alyssa's piercing scream, she calls it her 'Happy Scream'. But, I think it sounds more like 'Help I'm being raped, save me save me!'.

I just turned and stared at her wondering why the hell she was so happy. Usually the only thing that could make her happy that fast was seeing Liam and they're not even officially dating!

"What? I'm just excited because we're in the same group," she explained with a 'duhh' look on her face.

"Wait, we are?!" I asked getting excited. Teachers usually never put more than one cheerleader in a group because they don't trust us. Which is dumb because we are very trustworthy.

"Yeah. Weren't you listening? It's you, me, Kaitlyn, Carol, and the new girl, Carley."

"Yes!! Finally! That's awesome!!!"

Right after me and Alyssa's scream session the bell rang so I didn't get a chance to talk to Carol or Carley. I probably could have found them in the hallway if I really tried but, I wasn't going too because my next class was Chemisty and I just so happen to have my gorgous boyfriend for a lab partner.


Yayy! Now you've met all the winners! Just so you know I had a contest on instagram for people to be in this fanfic so that's what I mean when I say winners. They were Carley, Carol, Alyssa, Kaitlyn, and Christina and they are the main characters in this story. If you want to check out my instagram it is @love_the_uk and it's deticated to Cher Lloyd and Little Mix, but mostly One Direction so feel free to check that out.

Okay so this is only the second chapter and I'm sorry if it's not very good or there are spelling errors or anything like that.

There hasn't been very much drama yet but, don't worry because it's coming very soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you like it(:





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