Chapter 2

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Ashton's P.O.V

 5sos was going to perform at the American Music Awards, marking a year since the What I Like About You performance. I'm utterly stunned of how much we've accomplished! All these feelings of excitement made an obvious appearance by violent way I hit the drums earlier. Especially those last notes! I was surprised I didn't make a large hole in the drums. The boys and I were attacking the food table, performing always made us hungry! And you know what they said: better full than empty. I'm not sure if that's a thing but if it's not, now it is.
"I think Jamie is here." Micheal said as he chowed down a cupcake. "I think she was watching us!" He continued with a half full mouth.
"Is that her right now?" I pointed towards the stage, music was blasting and someone with top notch vocals is singing.
"I bet it is," he answered while wiggling his eyes brows, "she sounds pretty good."
"She sounds fantastic!" I declared, trying to see  what's going on stage. 
"Come on, Ash!" Micheal hollered at me whilst walking away, "that pie is so fucking sour!" He complained.
We weren't really acquainted with Jamie Morrison. Actually, the closest time we've ever been to her was when we  sat behind her in some event. I just remember Mikey being completely starstruck, then deciding to match her in hair color; she had an electric blue color going on. Mikey still won't admit this, but we still teased him about it. Besides, she  is the  Anna Campbell from The Campbell's! This show was like the Full House after the 90ies! She's practically the twin-less equivalent of the Olsen Twins.  She's one of those stars that every boy had a crush on her at some point in his life; the classic Kelly Kapowski crush. Delta Goodrem  represented her in Australia. Anyways, she shocked everybody when she basically 'retired' from acting to pursue music. Then shocked the world again when she turned out to be a great musician. Then shocked everyone yet again by becoming the youngest artist to win big awards at a young age or something. The point is, if you had Facebook, she was all over your timeline. Now, she's doing the thing she does best; shocking the world over and over again. I just made her seem like the PG version of Miley Cyrus. In short, we have a picture together from that event that Mikey probably printed and has it hanged over his bed. An instant buzz from my back pocket made me jump and realize that I have not moved an inch from the food table. Awesome, now I have to look for the boys! Maybe I should grab whatever I can from the food table and go. I started carrying all kinds  of cake as someone stood next to me. I assumed it was a girl; her hair  brushed past my skin, tickling me gently. I attempted to push away her hair without bothering her since she has made no signal to indicate her awareness that I am here, upon noticing that it is Jamie. None other than Jamie Morrison was standing next to me, about to eat a pie. A really sour one. maybe I should warn her about that pie dressed in sheep's clothing.

"The pie is really sour." I casually warned her as she stopped the fork from entering her mouth.  A clear look of annoyance  splattered all over her face as she looked up to me. I waited for any sign of life to come out, but she seemed like she was trying to restrain herself from hurting me. 
"Thank you for your unnecessarily  thoughts on this pie," she finally said in a rather rancorous way, "if your done critiquing this pie, Gordon Ramsay, I would appreciate it if you stand in the corner and never talk to me again."
Did she just call me Gordon Ramsay? How rude of her to respond in that way! I'm trying to be nice and she's just rude. Wait, she was nice last year! We only talked for like 2 seconds but still. She's probably one of those stars that act differently around certain people. Jamie completely shut me out, and it's like I don't even exist in her little bubble. However, it seemed that she is completely unaffected by the sourness of the pie, she even had a little smile on her face as she engulfs it.
"Where are you mate? we've been looking everywhere for you!" I heard Luke's voice from afar, growing louder each second. "Hey is that Jamie?!" He gasped then steps forward, ready to start a conversation with her. Unless he's asking for ways to not bother her, he needed luck.

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