Chapter 9 .Look what you've done

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A/N: Okay guys so Im gonna skip a couple of months to the wedding .. Uhh lets say about two , okay so I know it takes longer than two months to get ready for a wedding but something's gonna happen in the story that if I skip to many months it won't add up and y'all will be confused , and no body got time for y'all asking all them damn questions ! Lmao , I love y'all tho ! Thanks for reading loves ♡ I appreciate it .. Y'all are the reason I write ! Even those little ghost readers .. *glares at y'all ghost readers* I love y'all too tho .. ANYWHORE I know I'm probably boring the hell out of y'all and half y'all gonna skip over this part but enjoy .. :)

Roc's P.O.V.

I stared at myself in the full body mirror as the lady did the last minuet check on my tux looking for any errors .. She smiled at me as I smirked at her ..

Lady: Are you ready for marriage ? Your so young !
Me: Yeah , but I love her so much ! We've been dating for about 3 years now ! I really feel like she's the one ..
Lady: ... Sweetie .. I don't wanna say you'll regret it because some people stay happily married at a young age I guess . But .. *sighs deeply* never mind . I'm glad you're getting married Hun .
Me: Thanks ? *smiles*

She packed up her supplies and wished me good luck one last time and closed the door . I huffed while staring at myself in the mirror . Was I really ready for marriage ? Was Courtney really the true one for me ? I suddenly heard a knock on the door .

Me: *sighs* come in ..
Brandy: *walks in slowly* you okay ?
Me: *fake smiles* I'm great ! Why wouldn't I be ?
Brandy: *walks up to me , fixes my tie then looks in my eyes* Stop lyin ..
Me: I just feel so unsure .. my designer lady really made me think .. Am I ready ?
Brandy: *sighs deeply* If you really love her ...
Me: but the thing is I-

We were interrupted by Courtney's father telling me that I had to walk to the alter .. I shook my head , gave Brandy a hug and walked out ..

Brandy's P.O.V.

As soon as he walked out the tears flowed .. Soon I have to watch my best friend .. The love of my life .. Get married .. I got myself together and walked out to my seat next to Ashley , we sat there for a good 10 minuets and the music began .. My eyes began to water and I watched as Courtney walked up the isle with a beautiful white gown .. Ashley seen the rage that was building in my eyes . She grabbed my hand and tried to calm me down .. But my heart was in to much pain ... I began to zone out trying to calm down until I heard ..

Priest: Speak now or forever hold your peace ...

My eyes widened .. I began to get up and I felt eyes fly on me .. Ashley began to try to pull me down but I yanked my hand from her grip and began to speak

Me: I-I object ... *shakes head and begins to cry* Im sorry .. But uh I ..

I began to sing 'Someone else' .. (If you don't remember check out chapter 4) when it ended everyone was staring at me .. Courtney looked outraged but I could care less about that bitch .. Chresanto just stood there his eyes were widened but I seen a small smirk appear on his face ... Ray's jaw was dropped .

Me: That's how I feel , now fuck this bullshit excuse of a wedding .. *walks out*

Courtney's P.O.V.

Oh HELL no this bitch didn't ! Come up in here ruining MY wedding MY dream day ! But it's okay .. That's just one irrelevant hoes opinion and I'm pretty sure Chres will just throw it to the side cause he loves ME ! Shit .. I knew that hoe loved him ... Her little "best friend" act ! Shit just one step closer to get to the dick .. But when I'm done with Chres like how the plan is suppose to go then me and my TRUE love can leave his soon to be broke ass ! But anyway , I rolled my eyes and began to calm myself down

Me: Fuck her Chres , lets just continue with this wedding ! *smiling*
Chres: ...
Me: Continue Priest !
Priest: Courtney do you take Chresanto to be your loving husband !
Me: I do ! *smiling looking at Chresanto*
Priest: Chresanto do you take Courtney to be your loving wife ?
Chres: *dazed* ...
Me: *mumbling* God Chres this is embarrassing ... Chresanto ! Do you ?

Chresanto's P.O.V.

Courtney: Chresanto ! Do you ?

I stared at her then back at the door Brandy walked out of .. Shit .. I have to make up my mind .. Do I truly love Courtney or should I go with Brandy .. Who's the one that's been with me when everyone would abandon me ? Who's knows everything about me ? Who knows me better than I know myself ...? Who's the one who would do anything for me ? The one who would take a bullet for me ....?

Courtney: He do-
Me: I don't ..

The whole audience gasped like one of those dramatic soap operas !

Me: Im sorry .. Courtney I love you .. But I-
Courtney: Fuck you ..... Fuck it ! I don't have time for your pity party ..

I shrugged and ran out of the room . I walked outside to see Brandy sitting in her car crying . I ran over to her car and got in on the passengers side . She looked up at me and began to cry harder .. I pulled her into a tight hug as she cried on my shoulder . She began to cry uncontrollably to the point where she couldn't talk , I calmed her down and waited for her to begin talking ..

Brandy: I just .. *sighs deeply* Chresanto I love you deeply .. I'm sorry .
Me: *raises eyebrow* why are you apologizing ?
Brandy: *looks up at me* cause I ruined your day ....
Me: You didn't ruin my day ma ... *kisses lips*
Brandy: I did .. This is your day and I-
Me: you didn't ! If you done anything you made my day better .. You saved me from probably making the worst mistake of my life ... *wipes tears from her cheeks* so stop crying beautiful .. I just feel terrible that I played with your emotions all these years ...
Brandy: *giggles* yeah ...

I leaned in for another kiss ... We began to French kiss passionately ..

Ray's P.O.V.

I stood outside staring at them kiss .. My heart shattered in a million pieces .. I feel like I've been stabbed in my heart .. The thing that gets me is that how she says she loves me and that I'm her number one then confess her love for someone else ... I wonder how long she loved him .. Shit I almost killed myself for this bitch ! Man fuck this shit .. I'm going to the bar .. I need somethin to ease this pain temporarily ..

-3 hours later-

Brandy's P.O.V.

I'm at home now alone because Chres went to go discuss things with Courtney and how he's moving out, wedding funds, and shit like that . I'm glad as fuck ! The thing is explaining it to Ray .. How's he gonna take it .. Probably hurt him at the wedding . I began to clean around to pass time until I heard a knock at the door ..

Me: Who is it ?

No answer .. I walked away and began cleaning again .. I walked in the room and fixed the bed . I heard the door open and I began to walk out the room .

Me: Hey Chr-

I felt a hard pound against my head which dazed me out for a second .. I tried to regain my balance and restore my blurry vision . Once I got it again I seen a man in all black ..

Man: Im sorry Brandy ...
Me: How do you kn-

He punched me in my face . I fell back hitting my head on the corner of the table then I fell to the floor as my eyes began to roll in the back of my head then everything went black ...

Rays P.O.V.

I got out of my car furious ! I can't wait to tell this bitch off ! The fuck she think she is ... I know I probably sound like a female right now but I just can't believe that shit ! I walked up to the apartment room and unlocked the door . Damn ! This place look like a tornado hit it .. I saw little splatters of blood and became worried .. I heard faint whimpers coming from the bathroom . I ran as fast as I could almost busting my ass , I gasped while tears burned in my eyes ... Brandy was on the ground in a pool of blood the mirror was shattered and I saw a big hunk of glass in her head ! I picked her up bridal style carrying her to my car and driving to the hospital ...

-15 minuets later-

The took Brandy in the E.R. and said they were gonna have to perform surgery on her to get the glass out of her head and stitch her head up .. They said if it wasn't for me and my perfect timing she probably would've been dead ...

-2 hours past brandy's hospital room-

The doctor walked in as I watched Brandy sleep , Chres is stuck in traffic but will be here shortly .. But for the time being I'm gonna watch over her ..

Doctor: *looks at clip board* okay , well brandy suffered a head injury but she should be okay ... But ..
Me: But ....
Doctor: Im sorry to report that ... *sighs* she lost her baby while the fight was in progress ... She was 2 months pregnant ..
Me: W-w-wait ... WHAT ?! BABY ?! THE FUCK ! OH HELL N-
Doctor: SHHH ! Be quiet !

Brandy's eyes flew open to the reaction of the noise . Her eyes landed on me and smiled faintly , but my face was just stale ... I .. Our baby .. Wait wait wait wait she couldn't have been pregnant with my baby... We haven had sex in 4 months ......... Oh my Go-

Brandy: Hi Ray ...
Me: *silent* .. I-I-ill tell her ....
Brandy: tell me what ? *raises eyebrow*

The doctor walked out and I sat down while burying my head in the palm of my hand .. I glanced up at her ..

Me: You were pregnant ?
Brandy: No ... Why?
Me: Because , they said you lost your baby when I found you ...
Brandy: wait !! Oh God .. I'm sorry R-
Me: Forget it .... *stands up* Chresanto w-will be here shortly .. I'll s-see you late-

I couldn't even finish my sentence before I stormed out of the room .. I didn't want her to see me cry .. I loved her to death .. And I thought she felt the same ... I feel like a complete idiot .. A fool ..

I can't take the pain of gettin hurt any longer ......


To be continued ....

No more than friends . (A mindless behavior love story) -Editing-Where stories live. Discover now