Chapter 11

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shout out to H-Love ;)

AS ALWAYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333333333333



I watch as Summer Fabray and Danny Dothain walk down the halls of Princeton Academy.

Ever since Summer moved to this town, she has taken everything away from me. My school, my career, and my favorite coffee shop.

It’s so irritating.

Then there is Danny.  He’s so hot, I don’t even know what he sees in Summer. He’s way out of her league, he could do so much better, like me. Danny isn’t even Summer’s type anyway...

But here they are again walking down the hallway laughing, pretending like they’re not dating. It’s so obvious something is going on.


I turn around a scowl on my face. “Ashley! This was supposed to be unknown point of view you just ruined the whole damn thing!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Ashley asks a confused look painted on her features.

I roll my eyes and flip my hair. “Nevermind. What do you want?”

“Well I just got some dirt on Summer for you!” Ashley says smirking in satisfaction.

My eyes light up and I grin. “Oh yeah? Spill.”

“She was on the red carpet with Alex Pettyfer this weekend-”

“That bitch.”

“Wait, listen. Alex said they’ve been dating for three months!” Ashley grins.

My mouth gapes open in shock. “No.”


“But her and Danny... oh my g.”

Ashley nods in response obviously knowing what I was thinking.

I am either going to ruin Summer, or get Danny.

I have a feeling it’ll be the latter.


I walk up to Danny’s locker at the end of the day leaning against the locker beside his.

“Hey cutie.” I say smiling.

Danny looks at me and then furrows his eyebrows. “I’m not cute. I’m a badass mofo.”

I laugh at his words rolling my eyes. “Not to me baby.” I say getting up on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek.

“People can see us...” Danny says slowly.

“Oh no...” I say looking around quickly to see some people staring. “I’ll meet you at your car okay?”

Danny nods and I smile slightly. I hurriedly walk out of the school and to Danny’s car.

I lean up against the passenger door, my heart aching.

I feel so bad that I can’t show Danny any kind of affection in public... but I’ve worked so hard to get where I am. I can’t just throw that all away.

“Summer.” A gruff voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see Taylor standing there.

“Please leave.” I say as nicely as I can.

“It’s a free country.” Taylor growls back. “I heard you were dating that Pettyfer kid.”

“Taylor, Alex is older than you, and yes I am. What’s it to you?” I ask him, glaring daggers.

“I just like to know what my girl is up to. You know?” Taylor says flashing me a grin.

I all but scoff. “Read my lips. I’m. Not. Your. Girl. Buzz off.”

Anger flares up in Taylor’s eyes. “Your such a slut.”

I purse my lips. For some reason this word gets to me. It cuts deep.

Thank goodness I didn’t have to think of a comeback because just then Danny walks up next to me.

“What's going on here.” Danny’s voice says it more of a statement then a question.

“We’re just having a conversation.” Taylor says calmly.

“Really because Summer doesn’t look too happy to me.” Danny says. I can hear the anger starting to build up in his voice.

“Listen. Summer’s never going to like you. She’s a whore that only goes for pretty boys that won’t ruin her image. She’s always been like this, and she always be like this.” Taylor growls.

I see Danny clench his fists up as though hes getting ready to punch Taylor.

“Danny...” I say quietly. I reach over and touch his arm.

He looks at me and his gaze softens. He unclenches his fists and then turns back to Taylor.

“Don’t you ever dare call Summer a whore ever again. You’re the manwhore here. And don’t judge a damn book by it’s cover. Now I suggest you get out of the way, before I run you over with my car.” Danny says through his teeth. He flips Taylor off before opening my door and then running around to the drivers said.

I look at Taylor’s face and it’s just in awe. I smirk and wave at him before hopping in the car.


“I’m so proud of you.” I say smiling at Danny when we were back in my room that night.

Danny smiles and wraps his arms around my waist from behind me.

He rests his head on my shoulder. “Proud of what?”

“The way you didn’t lose your temper today. If you did it would’ve been bad.” I said.

“Yeah.” Danny chuckles. “I would’ve killed him if you weren’t there.”

I sigh. “You can’t do that. I don’t want to see you go to jail.”

“I’d go to jail if it meant I defended your honor.” Danny says darkly.

“But then you’d just leave me to be alone.” I say sadly. I break from his hold, and then I slip into my bed.

Danny stands at the foot of the bed hesitantly before climbing in next to me.

Laying an arm around my waist.

“You wouldn’t be alone forever.” Danny whispers into my ear.

“It would feel like forever.” I complain. “Just... don’t do something stupid that would cause you to have to leave me. Ok?”

Danny softly kisses my shoulder. “Ok babe. I promise.”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

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