Chapter 24

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AS ALWAYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333333333


“I’m cutting you off.”

I laugh into the phone, “Go ahead dad, I’ve been living on my own for a month now. I’m eighteen anyway there is nothing you can do about it.”

“I’m so disappointed in you Summer. You were such a good girl... what happened?” My dads voice cries.

I roll my eyes. “You and mom happened. Goodbye,” I hang up the phone, as I watch Danny rip open a box.

I laugh as he totally destroys the cardboard. “I guess we won’t be reusing that...”

Danny sighs in frustration, “Well you try!”

I walk over to one of Danny’s many boxes. Why does this guy have so much shit?

I open it with ease, and I smirk at Danny.

Danny narrows his eyes at me, “Shut up, and help me take this box to our bedroom.”

So I guess I should probably give you an update of what’s going on.

It’s been a month since Danny and I made up. When we all came back to California the house next to Audrey’s went up for sale a few weeks later. I purchased it in it’s entirety. It is literally way to big for just me. Bryce got deported a few days later. I cried for so long that now I can’t cry anymore. Last week I decided since Danny was at my house so much he might as well move in. Plus if he lives here he’ll be much closer to his recording studio. We’ve both been so busy that we quit school. I’ve been doing so many shoots, that I see myself everywhere I go on magazines. It’s getting kind of creepy. Not to mention Camille got adopted by the Bakers, she’s doing well in school she comes to visit us as often as she can.

So now we are currently moving Danny in... or attempting to.

I giggle as Danny falls back onto our king size bed. “It’s break time.”

“We’ve been unpacking for... ten minutes today,” I say rolling my eyes.

“Ten minutes too long,” Danny groans.

I open my mouth to say something, but my phone rings. I pull it out, and I answer it.

“Hello?” I ask.

“Hey it’s Clayton Summer.”

“Hey Clay! What’s up?”

“Well I’ve got some not so good news...”

“Oh no what is it?” I ask frowning. Danny gives me a look, but I ignore him for now.

“Well the script for your movie got revised, and now they’re changing the dates they’ll need you on set. You leave in three days before you leave. Then you’ll be there until June tenth.”

My heart drops, “But that’s Danny’s album deadline... that means he can’t come with me.. but that’s not.. no I...”

Danny hears these words, and sits up on our bed.

“I know honey. It’ll only be a few months apart.”

I don’t know what to say. My tongue get’s caught up on all the words that want to spill out.

“Ok Clay... I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Bye honey.”

I don’t say bye as I hang up the phone, and push it into my pocket.

“What’s wrong?” Danny asks frowning.

“Um... the dates for my movie got changed. I have to go earlier now,” I say shakily.

“Ok,” Danny says slowly. “When are you leaving? Do you know?”

“In three days,” I whisper.

Danny’s eyes widen. He reaches out for my wrist, and then pulls me towards the bed. “Until when?”

“June tenth.”

“That’s when I have to be done with the album...” Danny trails off.


“So I can’t come with you.”

“I know. That’s why I’m upset.”

Danny frowns, and pulls me into his lap. He kisses my forehead. “It’ll be alright babe. We’ve made it through a lot worse.”

I nod a tear slipping down my cheek. “I’ll miss you so much.”


“Do you have everything?” Danny asks me for the fiftieth time.

I giggle and nod, “Yes dad I do,” I say jokingly.

Danny rolls his eyes at me, and then pulls me into a hug. “You’ll be amazing,” He whispers to me.

“I’ll facetime you on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines day, St. Patricks day-”

“I get it Summer,” Danny chuckles as he pulls away.

“I’ll see you in eight months,” I say.

“Don’t put a number on it,” Danny frowns.

“I’m sorry babe,” I say. I go up on my tippy toes to peck his lips.

“Good luck,” Danny grins.

“Thanks Danny. I love you so much.”

“I love you more,” He grins kissing my nose. “Now get on the plane before Clayton gets out to kill me, for making you late.”

I turn to board the plane, but Danny slaps my butt playfully.

I turn around, and glare at him.

“A goodbye present,” He jokes.

It’s my turn to roll my eyes before I step on the plane.

Taking the a last glance at Danny, before leaving him for eight months.

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