Chapter 1

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Fiddleford McGucket had never been all that punctual when it came to most things. And, unfortunately for him, traveling to his university and moving in on time just happened to be one of those things.
'I missed the first day... Oh my... I hope my roommate's nice... Will they like me..? Should I try toning down my god awful accent....' the young brunette man bit his lip as he approached his dorm room, boxes stacked in his arms as he clumsily stumbled through the hall, trying to not drop everything or knock anyone over. All these nervous thoughts flashed through his head one after the other. '...oh I shoulda listened to Ma when she was trying to get me to pack up and leave a day beforehand....'
With that last thought, Fiddleford momentarily put down some boxes and inhaled as he opened the door to his new room.
Books, books, and more books. That was the first thing he noticed. The piles of books stacked dangerously high all over the place. The next thing that caught his eye was the bent over figure that was mumbling as it maneuvered its way through the maze of literature to get to the desk. The figure froze as it noticed the other man and Fiddleford met the nervous stare of brown, doe-like eyes. For a few minutes they held the stare before the other cleared his throat.
"Uhm... May I help you with something...?"
Fiddleford grew even more nervous, if possible. He fumbled with words around in his mind before holding out his hand and plastering a warm smile on his face.
"Fiddleford Hadron McGucket."
"excuse me?"
    "M-My name. Is Uh... Fiddleford McGucket... I'm your roommate, assumin' I'm in the right place."
    "Ah right!" he said, as if just remembering he wasn't the only inhabitant of the room. Even after noticing that Fiddleford had every right to be there, the other still looked uneasy and didn't take the offer of his hand. "My name is Stanford Pines... Oh! Do you need help with that? Here let me-"
    "Sweet sally!"
    As Stanford had approached to take some of the boxes, Fiddleford felt his face heating up for some reason. He had taken a step back and clashed into the wall, dropping the few heavy boxes in his arm. The boxes of books fell on top of the poor clumsy boy's foot, earning a cry from the brunette.
    "Oh my... Are you.. Okay...?" Stanford asked as Fiddleford's hands flew to cover his mouth.
    "I... I'm just fine, thank you kindly... I believe I can handle these boxes on my own though." Fiddleford cleared his throat and bent over to grab the boxes, lifting them with a huff. Stanford reached out and grabbed the containers from his roommate.
    "I insist," he said and walked the boxes through the maze of books and to the empty bed on the other side of the room. Fiddleford sighed but didn't protest any further and just went to grab the rest of the boxes from the trunk of his worn out car. Within an hour, his things were all inside and he had settled in.
    "Hey, uhm, Stanford. You won't mind none if I hung up my poster would you?" the brunette glanced over to his roommate as he looked up.
    "Call me Ford..." Stanford murmured and looked at the over-colored poster Fiddleford held in his hands. Usually he would protest against something that flashy but this time he just nodded. "And.. Sure.. Go ahead, buddy."
    There was a silence before Ford realized what he had said.
    "Why thank you, pal," Fiddleford eventually said and smiled. "And why dontcha just call me Fidds, since Ford's already taken."
"Okay... Fidds..." He said the name cautiously yet had to fight back the smile that threatened to spread across his face as he turned back to his books.
'So... This is what it's like to sort of have a friend I suppose...'
Ford chuckled softly to himself.
'It seems as difficult as I imagined...'


Hello there, it's me again I am back. So I recently got seriously obsessed with Gravity Falls and while on major writer's block for everything else I thought 'oh what the fu€k' and cracked open a fresh page and began writing this lovely FiddAuthor (Fiddleford and Stanford :P) story. I'm still working on Snow Angels and KAYF and The Knight but this just popped into my head and yeah.
Low and behold a new obsession.
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Thanks for reading hope you enjoy!

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