Chapter 3

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    "Left! Left! Lord almighty, Stanford, I said go left!"
     "I'm trying, Fidds, but the controls on this thing is almost more confusing than calculus!"
     "Sweet Sally, just pull over!"
     30 minutes.
    They had been jumping on each other for 30 minutes. And no, that's not really that much time but when you consider the movie theatre supposedly 5 minutes away, this just became a whole lot more sad.
Stanford pulled over and Fiddleford climbed into the front seat, right next to Connie (who seemed to have been regretting everything at that point). Once Ford had sat down, his roommate sped off, earning a cry from the other.
"Fiddleford, slow down!"
"Nonsense, Stanford!" the brunette continued to drive wildly. Ford and Connie were thrown around the car numerous times.
Needless to say, by the time they reached the movie theatre, the couple was a little less than happy.
'That idiot could have killed us!' Connie thought as the three stepped out of the car. She grabbed Ford's (oddly larger than usual) hand and began walking with him into the movies. 'I honestly hope that he gets some kind of heart attack before we head back! Wait... That sounds kind of harsh...'
"After you, Stanford!"
A nervous Fiddleford looked back. "M-My apologies m-ma'am! I didn't mean ta, I swear... A-Are yalright...?"
"Just peachy," Connie murmured through gritted teeth as she followed the two men in.
"So I uhm... I'll go get us some seats in there," Ford said awkwardly and rushed off to the theatre, leaving Fiddleford and Connie waiting in line to get some popcorn.
'Ugh... You have to be kidding me...' She was honestly regretting everything at that moment.
The line progressed pretty quickly and soon the two had paid, heading towards where Ford had went. Connie carried the bucket of popcorn while Fiddleford struggled to balanced three cups of soda in his (awfully clumsy) hands. It didn't end particularly well.
They turned a corner to go into their theatre and, due to some stupid carpeting underneath his feet, or perhaps his own klutzy self, Fiddleford had tripped.
He tripped.
The fall had caused him, and the drinks in his hands, to topple down on to the ground. But that wasn't the worse part. Fiddleford had an okay pain tolerance but what he didn't have (and regretted not having) was emotional strength. So, naturally when the yelps and screamed insults that, the now soda-drenched, Connie directed towards him were said, he couldn't help but feel a sharp stab in his chest as he stumbled to his feet.
"I-I'm awfully sorry, madam! I could h-help you clean it u-up-" he had reached out with a napkin in his hands. She slapped his shaking hand away.
"Oh my god do not touch me!" Connie exclaimed. "You've done enough damage! Is that what you planned? Is that why you came? To ruin Ford and my date?!"
"W-What..?" Fiddleford blinked. "No no! I just c-came along to help him, honest!"
"Then you just must naturally be a screw up!"
He froze and his face fell. She looked down at her dripping dress.
Suddenly, the wishing for his death seemed less cruel.
"Ugh! You asshole— look what you did!"
He flinched at the insult. "I... I'm sor... Sorr-"
"Don't bother!" she threw the bucket of popcorn at him. "Stupid southern hick!"
She ran off.
    Fiddleford felt his chest get heavy and he scrambled around on the floor to clean up the mess. He brushed the popcorn kernels off of himself and stood, knees shaking as if they would give out at any second.
    The brunette quickly turned away from the theatre door. Ford had walked out to check on the two and looked confused as he saw his friend alone.
    "Fidds? Are you okay..? Where's Connie?" Stanford approached him with a hand outstretched. He flinched away from him.
    "I-I'm perfectly fine, Stanford," Fiddleford cursed his voice for cracking and his eyes for watering a little. "Just feelin' a little s-sick.... Oh! And C-Connie's in the ladies' room..."
     Ford didn't seem to listen after the first word.
    "Sick, did you say..? Do you need a drink.. Or food or something of the likes...?"
    "N-No... I'm just gonna head back to c-campus... You have fun now, Stanford..."
    "Fidds wait-"
    But Fiddleford was already gone.

A Tale of Two FordsWhere stories live. Discover now