Chapter 2

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    From that moment forward they were nearly impossible to separate.
    If you were to see Stanford outside of classes, chances were, Fiddleford was not too far behind. In fact, during most of the free time they had, the two never even left each other's sides. Fidds and Ford.
    The slightly less dynamic duo.
    They were perfect, everyone had said.
    But still, little Connie Fields had to hope.
    It was in the middle of the third quarter when Stanford came running into his and Fiddleford's shared room, looking like he had seen a ghost (which, actually would have been more believable at the time than what had really happened). His brunette roommate raised an eyebrow.
    "Ford? Are ya doin' alright over there?"
    Stanford looked over at him and shook his head. Within a couple minutes Fiddleford had gotten the scared-looking male to his bed and was readying a cup of coffee as he spoke gently, "Mind tellin' me what's gotten you so spooked?"
"I.. I can't even... How did it even happen? I'm not.. I'm not cut out for this I have no experience..!" Ford mumbled words quickly.
"Slow down there pal!" Fiddleford handed the mug to Stanford, who desperately took it and gulped the contents down. "Now, try again."
    "Fidds... Something terrible happened... The thing I always thought would never happen to me..." Ford spoke slowly.
    "...oh you don't mean....?"
    "Yes." he sighed and pushed his glasses up, sitting straight.
    "I believe I have accidentally gotten myself into a date."
Knock. Knock.
    19-year-old Connie Fields stood in front of the dorm door, knocking ever so politely. Earlier that day, she had encountered one of the most intelligent (and aesthetically pleasing) man she had ever seen. Of course, naturally, she had tried to land a date with him.
    And, of course, unnaturally, she had actually gotten one.
Knock. Knock.
    Sure, the man had seemed a little out of it when answering the (in her mind) easy yes or no question of "will you like to go out on a date later?", but nonetheless, she stood in front of the door of Room 618, waiting.
Knock. Knock.
    'Is he coming...? Did he forget...? Maybe he's not even hom-'
    Her thoughts were cut off at the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the door. She straightened her posture as the door opened and-
    "Why, hello there, stranger!"
    This most definitely was not her date.
    "H-Hello," Connie mumbled, looking up at the tall man, who smiled goofily (or at least she thought it was) down at her. Rustling came from behind him and he stepped aside to let another man, the one Connie had actually met, step out.
    "Ah, I apologize for the wait," he said carefully.
    "Oh i-it's okay... Uh..." Her voice trailed off, trying to remember the almost-stranger's name.
    "Stanford. Stanford Pines," he introduced himself. "But Ah... You can call me Ford..."
   Connie smiled. "Okay, Ford."
    "Well, now that that's taken care of. Are we all ready to go?"
    "Why yes we all a— wait..." She blinked. "We all...?"
    Ford looked at her. "Oh, yes. I forgot to mention, my roommate Fiddleford will be joining us... If that's okay with you..?"
    Despite all inner screaming for her to say 'NO', Connie just smiled and nodded slowly.
"Alright then." Ford smiled and looked at the lanky man who stood in the doorway. "Off we go?"
"Off we go!" Fiddleford grinned again and walked down the hall in front of the other two.
Connie sighed and followed slowly after Ford, who undoubtably bounced with excitement and nervousness after his friend.
This would end up being a tad bit less romantic than she originally thought.
And, that wasn't very much.

A Tale of Two FordsWhere stories live. Discover now