Chapter 8

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    "It's an amazing story we can tell when we get older, I assume."
    "Ah, hog wash! No one would be interested in readin' about someone like you and me, no offense, Stanford."
    "Well you never do know, Fiddlesticks."
    They had been together for over three years now. Impossible-to-separate best friends for three years, eleven months, and seventeen days. They shared every birthday, every Valentine's Day, every Friday night, every Christmas Eve, every Chanukah (in Ford's case), every New Years', every single minute they had to spare— they shared all of it together.
And still, here they were, about to graduate college and go on their separate ways once and for all.
"What d'ya plan to do when ya get outta here, Ford?"
"I think I'll head over to Uh... This small town in Oregon... Gravity Falls. To continue my paranormal research and all... What about you, Fidds..?"
"California, definitely. Well, Palo Alto to be exact. Maybe I'll finally perfect those computermajigs I started workin' on last year..."
Stanford gave a sigh and looked at the brunette who had began packing their numerous photo albums and posters that had built up over the years.
"So... I suppose this really is it for the dynamic 'Ford Squared' as everyone called us..."
Fiddleford stopped and turned to look at Ford. He smiled warmly. "Nonsense! This is just the beginnin' for us— just ya wait! Stanford Pines and Fiddleford McGucket— the men who changed the world!" he grinned.
    Ford couldn't help but smile back. "You sure do have some big dreams for us..."
    Fiddleford shrugged. "Can't mess with faith, Stanford. You're destined to be somethin' great, I reckon. And ah... If I'm lucky, perhaps I could meet you at the top of things as well!"
     Ford's smile fell a little and he wrung his hands together.
     "...are you sure we can't make this work? Long distance...? You're a few hours away from Vancouver... I could drive over on weekends and visit and-"
     "Hush now," Fiddleford waved his hand dismissively. "We both know I would just be a distraction to ya and your work. You got that grant o'yours, didn't ya? I reckon under the right circumstances you can single-handedly change this here world we're livin' in, Ford!" his smile became a little bitter. "I'd hate to take that away from ya."
    "Fiddleford I know to you it seems like-"
     "Are ya finished packin' up?"
     "Good. We have about an hour or so to get on outta here... Think you can help me movin' a few boxes into my ma's car?"
      Ford stood and nodded. "Sure." He grabbed a few of the bigger boxes off of Fidds' bed. The (still) shorter southerner led Ford down to a red slightly worn-out truck parked in front of the dormitories. They went back and forth between the room and the car a few times before getting all Fiddleford's stuff out, then back in and out again for him to assist Stanford.
By the time they were fully packed and ready to leave, it was a little past 5 PM.
     Fiddleford let out a small sigh of relief as he set down the last box in Ford's car. He glanced at the taller man who flashed a smile his direction.
     "Thanks again," the brunette said quietly.
     "It's no problem, Stanford. After all, y'helped me as well."
    And at that the shorter man blinked. Ford looked down as he continued on.
    "No, no I mean....thank you. For everything. I mean, these past four or so years have been great and I'd say we had quite an adventure around here?"
     Fiddleford smiled softly as he recalled the past years with Ford. "I'd say it sure was fun..."
      Ford had walked over and stood at his side. He reached out and wrapped his arms around the scrawny man.
     "I love you...." he whispered softly.
     "I... I... I love y-"
     The two were interrupted by a car honking and a woman sticking her head out of the truck's window, calling out to the southern man.
     "Y-Yeah Ma, I'm'a comin'!" Fidds called back. He turned around to face Ford, who still had an arm around his friend, and hugged him tightly. A few minutes they stood like that before Fiddleford leaned up and pressed a short, but sweet kiss to the Pines' cheek, causing his former roommate to light up like a Christmas tree.
     "Don't be a stranger, Stanford Pines," Fidds smiled and slipped a piece of paper in the other's hand. "Call me if you ever need a friend."
     Their arms fell and the shorter man turned around once again and began to walk towards the truck that waited for him.
     "W-Wait!" Ford called out. Fiddleford stopped and looked back at him for a moment. "Don't forget me okay? I... Don't forget us okay..?"
     He saw the other's lips curl up into a smile as he continued walking. Ford sighed and opened the door to his own car to leave.
    "I won't forget you if y'won't forget me!"
     He looked up at the car that stopped in front of him and at the grinning Fiddleford who sat in the passenger's seat.
     "I won't," Ford replied after a moment. The shorter man stuck out his hand.
     He couldn't help but smile as he shook it.
     "I promise...."

    The End?

    Well I guess that's the end of Ford Squared then!
     There is a sequel coming, I will post a note here about that when I get the introduction done.
    You can't get rid of me that easily!
    But thank you all, anyway, for sticking around for this somewhat short book! It really was a pleasure writing this and seeing all your feedback.
     Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
     And, remember,
     Reality is an illusion
    The universe is a hologram
    Buy gold


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