"Amanda wake up." As I slowly regain awareness of my surroundings, I realize that Naomi is stading over me, shaking my shoulder. "Amanda come on. We're going to be late for class!"
"W-what?" I mumble, as I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes.
"It's 8 o'clock. Class starts in 15 minutes!" She says, with just a subtle touch of panic I her voice.
"Oh My Eragon! I forgot to set my alarm!" I jump out of bed, scrambling to get out of my pyjamas and into my robes.
"Hurry up and grab your stuff, Dora says she has a way to get us to class on time."
~ ~ ~
Five minutes later Naomi and I run down the stairs, a new record for me. It normally takes five minutes for me to just sit up, plus another twenty to get ready.
Downstairs we find Aunika, Alicia and Dora waiting with their bags slung over their shoulders.
"Hey Dora, you said you knew a way to get us to class on time?" I pant, trying to catch my breath, I haven't moved so fast since well, in a really long time anyways.
"Oh yeah. We should probably go out into the corridor first..." she trails off, and without a word of question we follow her into the corridor. "Watch this."
As we watch in absolute wonder, Dora screws up her face in a pained expression, and a second later, where she'd been standing was a great red dragon.
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"Climb on." Now you can call us all crazy for just climbing onto a dragon that ised to be Dora, but hey, I'm pretty sure we were all in shock.
As soon as we were all on, the Dora-dragon spread it's wings and proceeded to fly us to class, getting us there with a good two-three minutes to spare.
After we'd climbed down, the dragon thing turned back into a red-haired Dora.
"How did you do that?!" Aunika exclaimed, breaking the momentary silence.
"I'm a metamorphmagi. It means I can change my appearance at will." She says, probably noting our confused looks after she said metamorphmagi. "Here I'll show you. Give me a hair colour."
"Purple, green, blue. Braided." Aunika says, after a moments hesitation.
"Okay." Dora scrunches her face up into the same pained look she used earlier, and after only a second, her hair was braided smoothly, with a mixture of purple, green and blue strands.
"That's sooo cool!" I squeal, and yes I know, squealing is immature, but I really don't care.
"Yeah it-" Alicia breaks off at the sound of the door opening. Professor Snape had arrived.