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"Love you" Chres says.

"Love you to-" Nicole started.

She stopped in the middle of her sentence noticing that Chresanto wasn't talking to her, he was speaking to the girl in their corridor. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she watched Chresanto caress the female's face in a soft mellow way.

The girl noticed Nicole staring.

"Baby, who's that?" The girl says.

"Just a maid, I let her crash here." Chres replies.

It was like knives had been slitting her throat the whole time just watching. Tears rushed down warming Nicole's cheeks, as her throat burned in sadness. She was a broken girl that needed some time to herself.

Chresanto and the women said their last goodbyes and Nicole laid back down. As soon as he entered the room again Nicole's head shot up .

"Why Chres?"she whispers.

"Why what?" He says coldly.

"Who's the girl?"

"None of your business." He mumbles.

"It is my business since I'm supposed to be in a relationship WITH you. So tell me who the girl is dammit."

"None of your fucking business." He says looking her straight in the eye.

"You know. I don't even know why I waste my fucking time with you. I don't have to stay. I have no more love for you." Nicole says getting up and rushing to her drawers of clothes.

"For one, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have gotten out that hellhole you call a home. Remember that."

"You brain washed me into thinking that to go with you would be the right choice!" Nicole says raising her voice.

"You keep blaming the shit on me. I could have persuaded you foreveeeeeeeer, but at the end it's up to you. Therefore, I didn't" Chres replied in a smart manner.

Hate to mention it, but he was correct. At the end of the day it was all up to Nicole on what she wanted to do.

"I'm leaving." Nicole says.

"Ohhhh, I see" Chresanto says laughing.

"You already tried this card...the consequences will always be the same. The answer will always be the same too! You're not going anywhere, but staying here. So shut the fuck up, go back to fucking sleep, and obey. " he says in a deep tone.

Nicole had it up to here with Chres. Her bright brown eyes had turned dull and dark with bags under them from sleepless nights. Her face pale and her body weak. She was tired of everything. Mentally, physically and even verbally. She was under the control of him. She hated that.

Tears formed in her eyes again looking Chres in the eye.

"W-what happened to your sweet personality? I miss the real you. I don't know the person that is standing in front of me. I don't know who you really are. The Chresanto I know loved his momma to death and swore down he would never forget her. The Chresanto I know actually liked me. That like turned into loved. He was sweet, nice and gentle. Who is t-this?" Nicole says.

She knew that talking to him like this would make him have mercy on her for at least a week or so.

He automatically started to silently sob, Nicole pulled him in closer.

Even though Nicole hated Chresanto he couldn't resist him at times.

Suddenly throughout the hug Chres got ahold of him self falling into the mean guy he really was. Deep down inside he would always be like this. He pushed Nicole down the steps yelling and screaming things Nicole didn't understand.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU. " he repeated. Over and over again.

Nicole's fragile body could barely take it anymore. Tumbling down the steps she went, with every scream after every step.

"CHRES STOP ." She screamed over his voice.

Another case of stairs were there and she went falling down those too. In the basement she went. It was dark , cold and nasty. Chres then locked her down there .

Nicole pulled her knees to her chest struggling to keep warm. She but her lip to stop her teeth from chattering and shaking uncontrollably. This wasn't the first time she had been down here either. She hated it . Chres wouldn't let her eat , go upstairs . Nothing she was completely trapped with. No escape plan.


2 days later~

Nicole found food but very little of it. She had no idea when he was going to let her back upstairs so she kept quiet. As hours went by she started to hear loud talking and music. She thought Chres might be having a party. He would get drunk and forget that she was down there.

Another hour went by . All she did was stare at the wall. There were no windows to escape and the basement door was locked. Just to remind you, the basement was empty, no tools. Nothing.

Another 2 hours passed.

"HELP ME!" She repeatedly said as she beat the door.

Her knocks were worthless. Her voice was just a waste of time.

She gave up after thirty more minutes. She sat back in her usual spot just rocking back and forth. Suddenly the basement door opened.

Nicole her footsteps getting closer and closer. Her heart beat was going faster than ever about to bust out of her boney chest. Her eyes darted across the room.

Then stepped down a guy around 18 she'd say, with an Afro and black shades.

"Oh shit." He said frightened.

He rushed over to Nicole as she cringed begging him not to hurt her.

"Shhhh. I'm not gonna hit you." The boy says calming her.

"P-p-please get me out of here" Nicole pleads.

"What's your name?"

"Jacob" he said.

"And yours?"

"Nicole. "

Without hesitation Jacob picked her up and got her upstairs. No one saw them as they left the house.


Another short chapter:(

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