Leaving Rivendell

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Man, just looking back at the chapters, I realized how many mistakes I made. Just please point them out if you find any, and sorry!

My coat seemed thicker and warmer when I put it on this time. How did they do that? First my (probably) shattered arm is healed in a matter of hours, then when I put my coat back on, it feels like a cloud and a mini heater?

Elves, am I right?

The long trek had begun. Slowly. I was back in my jeans and tennis shoes and, again, on a horse with just enough room my butt could fit on. I looked back at the beauty of Rivendell many times before I could no longer see it. Not that I wanted to go back, Lord Elrond was a *beeeeeeep.

We walked over mountains, through forests, and sometimes even by ruins of once-great castles. Over plains and streams, for hours upon hours every day for a couple of days. It was always a little cold. No matter how low in altitude we were.

"We must hold to this course, west of the Misty Mountains, for forty days," Gandalf told me. "If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east to Mordor."

We had stopped after a very long time of walking and sitting. I sat eating bread beside Strider and watched as Boromir was teaching Merry and Pip how to use their swords. "Two, one, five," he was saying as he was one-on-oneing with Merry. "Good! Very good."

They practiced this over and over, Strider every now and then giving advice. "Move your feet," he told Pip.

"You look good, Pippin," said Merry, watching.


Boromir moved to Merry. "Faster!" he said. He struck and Pippin easily deflected.

"If anyone was to ask my opinion," Gimli stated, "which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way 'round."

At this I turned, no longer paying attention to the training in front of me.

"Gandalf," he said, "we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

"No, Gimli," Gandalf said calmly. "I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

Legolas jogged over past where Gimli was standing and stood atop a jutting boulder, looking out to the sky. I saw what looked like a small, black cloud coming slowly toward us. But much faster than any cloud I had seen before, and I could feel the wind blowing the opposite direction than where the cloud was heading.

"Ah!" Pip yelled, dropping his sword and whipping his hand around. I looked back at them. Boromir's sword had slipped and hit Pippin's hand.

"Sorry!" Boromir said, and Pippin kicked him in the shin; Then Merry got into it. They had tackled him to the ground, and by that time I was laughing uncontrollably.

"What is that?" Sam asked, looking at the black cloud. I looked and again noticed how fast it was moving.

"Nothing," said Gimli. "It's just a whisp of cloud."

"It's moving fast," said Boromir. "Against the wind."

Birds. It was a cloud of birds.

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolad yelled.

"Hide!" Strider yelled, pulling me back into the rocks. The others stamped out the fires and hid theselves and the pots, pans and swords as Strider pushed me onto the ground and put a dusty Elvish cloak over me. It occurred to me that that was what Frodo had done in the third movie, and I almost had another fangirl heart attack.

Trapped In Lord of the Rings | Book 1 | (Currently Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now