Chapter 3: fights and flights

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"Anger is drinking poison and expecting the other man to die"

"You! You're that f-f-fuckin kid that sings and dances and shit! You're fuckin famous! Why are YOU HANGING ROUND WITH SOMEONE LIKE HIM?"

I don't know why he started shouting, all i know was that i was pissing myself. This guy is hella scary. Just then the guy that was holding me crumpled and i fell to the ground.

Kalens pov

I did the only thing i could do; i stepped in between Talon and the old man. The backhand took me full force and i hit the floor. I heard a faint shuffling. I feel myself losing consciousness. No. I can't. Talon can't see anything. No one can know. I can just about make out the words being said:

"You! You're that f-f-fuckin kid that sings and dances and shit! You're fuckin famous! Why are YOU HANGING ROUND WITH SOMEONE LIKE HIM?"

What the hell is he talking about? He must be really drunk.

I had to do something before he hurt Talon.

The guitar.

It's centimetres away from my fingers. I reached for the neck; but didn't quite make it. I shifted my body this time, groaning in pain. Yes! I got it.

I swung the guitar round the back of the old mans head and he crumpled.

Talon dropped and scrambled back on the gravel. He looks really scared. "Talon are you alright? Talon?" No responce, he just looked at the unconscious body in front of him. "Is-is he d-dead?" I sighed, "of course not. Look you need to get out of here." He nodded then asked "what about you, he'll kill you when he wakes up?!" I shook my head "I've got it sorted. Don't worry about me. I'll see you round?" Hopefully he won't ask any more questions. "Erm, yeah, sure. Are you sure your cool?" I nodded and he climbed on his bike. He gave me one look and drove away.

I sigh and look at the body of a man who's regaining consciousness. The old man groaned and sat up; rubbing the back of his head. It's time to make a decision. Good cop or bad cop? The old man started swearing. Bad cop it is!

I grabbed his shirt, "LOOK AT ME!" I started, i lowered my voice into a deadly whisper "this never happened. We fought. You won. Ok?" He nodded fear in his eyes "you won't cause trouble for me, i won't cause trouble for you. Good?" He nodded again, understanding.

I picked up my new laptop and felt my phone still in my pocket, thankfully it escaped unscathed. I started walking into the house when i turned back.

"I love these little chats we have. Let's keep them endangered shall we?" With that, i went in. And dove into my never more comfy able bed.

because that floats my goat

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