Chapter 8: birthday boy

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Soon to be rockstar chosen to be the front of Kalen

"Wake up it's time for school dada!" I opened my sleepy eyes to see a very awake Harry. "Hey Harry, Happy birthday big man!" I said happily.

Recently Harry has taken to calling me 'dada' or 'daddy' or 'dad'. I tried to stop him but he was one stubborn kid.

"Do i get present?!" He jumped up and down excitedly.

"Yeah yeah, of course. What time is it? 6 o'clock HARRY!?" He looked at me and gave me a cute sheepish smile. God this boy is too cute. "Fine, go wake the others and take them to the lounge. You'll open them there ok?" He nodded jumped off my bed and went to wake up the others. I had sent him on a dangerous mission, waking up a load of teenagers. He might not make it back alive... At least i can have more cake- "WE'RE RAEDY!!!" He shouted from downstairs, boy that kid works fast.

I open my closet and pick up the wrapped presents that i had saved up months for. I love making birthdays special for other people, just because i can't bear mine doesn't mean i can't enjoy other peoples with them.

I went down the stairs and saw everyone half asleep sprawled out on the couches except for Harry who was bouncing off the walls. "YOU'RE HERE!" He jumped up and hugged me. "DAD! WHAT ONE DO I OPEN FIRST??!!" I noticed all the others had got Harry small presents and cards. "Well, i think you should do Johnny first then the girls so they can all have time to do the hair, you know how Johnny is." Johnny glared at me "it's an art, i have to look good for the lady's!" He growled in responce, "whatever you say Danny Zuko (Grease reference)." He just grumbled and chucked Harry's present towards him, he opened it to find a fire truck, Harry loves fire trucks to the ends of the earth. This went on for ten minuets, the cycle of opening a present and jumping up and down and thanking the person by throwing himself at them.

Penultimately was Kyle, the young head care worker i told you about earlier. He handed Harry a bag of candy and he went even more hyper to our dismay and soon to be his teachers. I gave him my present which was a CD, when he opened it he looked confused but thankful. Such a sweet kid. "Play it kiddo," when he slid it into the CD player a song i had written about a young boy called Harry who will be a superhero fire truck driver, this is how it sort of went: i actually made this up 😂 i know it's kinda crappy but he's a kid

You might just say I'm a normal kid,
And most of the time i am,
But when your back is turned to me,
My powers are set free,

I'm a superhero,
Look at me go,
Look at me go,
Flying through the sky,
Fighting the bad guy,
No need to fear,
Because, i, am, here,
I'll be your superhero!

If there's trouble,
I'll be there,
I have just the thing to wear,
Cause I'm a superhero,
No need to fear,
Flying through the sky,
I'll be here,
Look at me go,

I'm a superhero,
Look at me go,
Look at me go,
Flying through the sky,
Fighting the bad guy,
No need to fear,
Because, i, am, here,
I'll be your superhero!


"Oh my god! I LOVE IT!" He screamed whilst jumping up and down, this kid has talent i couldn't do that for that long.

"Go get ready for school I'm taking you on my bike so grab your leather jacket and helmet. He smiled jumped up and down a few times and ran off, that kid sometimes.

I turned around to see the others passed out on the sofa, guess they couldn't last that long either. "WAKE UP GUYS, TIME FOR SCHOOL!" No movement. "ILL CANCLE THE NETFLIX!" Suddenly all heads jerked up, "you wouldn't!" Said Benji in shock, "no, your right, I'll just change the password" a sudden ripple of gasps of horror went around the room, "get your asses up and off to school, y'all have ten minuets!" Suddenly Johnny shot up and ran upstairs so he could do his hair. All the others were hot on his tail so they could get into the bathroom first.

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