:Chapter 7:

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I leaned against the walls with a smirk. "You guys already started eating!" Daniella yelled her eyes flashing gold. "We were hungry." Rory said getting brave. Daniella's eyebrow twitched. Then she breathed in and out. "I'll let it slide, this time." Daniella said darkly.

Orchid smirked at Andrew who was moping over his meal. "Ignore the witch coven, you should chose your husband." I said. "They threatened to destroy this pack." Orchid said as she put a piece of the waffle in her mouth. "Would they really want to mess with The Organization, The Five and their generals, and the seven deadly sins, or all of Hell?" I asked.

"I'm the strongest witch, they say I'll ruin my pureblood line with a omega mutt." Orchid said. Andrew looked hurt and sad. "Having a hybrid of a werewolf and a witch would be an extremely strong child." I commented. "That's mostly why." Orchid said as she finished her food. "Fuck your coven, you have rights and they're violating them." I said getting angry.

Orchid sighed as she put away her plate. We walked out of the room, well I limped. "They could careless as long as the bloodline stays strong." Orchid said rolling her eyes. "Your stronger than them, take control." I said doing a little fist pump. Orchid smiled at me. "Your right, I'm gonna go out and practice some new spells." Orchid said as she walked out.

Dalton was suddenly standing next to me. "Where is Orchid going?" Dalton asked tilting his head to the side. "To practice spells." I said as I studied his eyes. Not to sound weird but I really did like the color of his eyes. Dalton nodded and looked at Andrew who was putting away his dish.

"Can I tell him?" I asked giving Dalton a 'Please' look. Dalton sighed but nodded. Picking up my crutch I limped over to Andrew. "Andrew." I whispered calling out to him. Andrew turned around and smirked. We sorta have a pranking buddy thing going on.

"Sup." Andrew said nodding his head. "Orchid." I said. Andrew looked down pain on his face. "She doesn't like me because I'm an omega." Andrew whispered. "No that's not it at all, her coven is trying to marry her off to some warlock to keep the bloodline pure and not to have a half witch-half werewolf, they even threatened her, she really does like you." I explained very quickly.

Andrew looked up his eyes flashing bright gold. "No, she's mine, I marked already." Andrew growled out. Ok, talk about a kick in the face. "I did not know this." I said. "She has a black half moon on her neck, its my mark." Andrew explained. I simply nodded. "So a mark takes a shape?" I asked. Andrew nodded tossing his hair aside.

"Where is Orchid?" Andrew asked. "Outside, practicing spells." I answered with a smile. Andrew nodded and ran outside. I smiled at that. Lucas walked up to me with a weird smirk. "Are you seriously getting involved with Orchid's love life, again?" Lucas asked. "Least its not you and Ethan." I answered. Lucas groaned at that. "Ethan was horrible, I found someone else anyway." Lucas answered perking up.

"Who?" I asked very interested. "His name is Logan." Lucas answered this dumb look in his eye. "Logan, Kane's brother?" I asked shocked. Lucas nodded with a smirk. "You sly fox." I said punching him in the shoulder lightly. Logan was Kane's younger brother. He batted for both teams but leaned towards guys. To put it straight, Mason was hot.

He had midnight black hair with brown tips. His eyes were a bright silver that were rimmed in red if he was pissed off. For a vampire he was lighter than most. Him and Lucas would be so cute. "Lugon." I said with a smirk. Lucas smirked at me. "Della." Lucas said with a smirk. "Satan already did that." I said cockily. "I know he told me it." Lucas countered.

'Seriously!' 'Maybe you should attend my tea party with The Five.' I rolled my eyes at this. Demons were strange. Why would they even throw a tea party. 'We can have childish fun too you know.' They were so evil sometimes.

"Well Lilith helped me with the Lason." I countered. Lucas turned bright red. "That's right, suck on that." I said with a smirk. "Suck on what, you ain't got anything." Lucas said. "I got more than you." I said. Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Wanna find out?" Lucas asked with a smirk. "Yeah no." I said turning around and limping out.

Dalton looked at me and smiled. Nico ran up to me. "Wanna start on the project Ms. Willard gave us?" Nico asked. I nodded a smile on my face. Nico led me up to his room. Angel was following us. I know she was, I could hear us. Nico opened the door for me and pushed Angel in. Angel looked at me blowing a strand of pink her out of her face.

Nico walked over to me with paint and two canvas's. "Paint what you want then we'll combine them into a huge knit work." Nico said as he set up his two easels. Angel sat in a chair observing us. "Do you guys always paint together?" Angel asked. "We started doing this a few weeks ago when Isabella moved here." Nico explained as he began painting.

I picked up my paint and dipped it in blue. Then I began painting.
"Done." I said happily putting my brush down. I never really pay attention to what I paint if I can choose what I'm doing. "Just have to fill this in and done." Nico said putting his brush done. Nico showed me it proudly.

It was a portrait of a blonde wolf and a pure white wolf playing with each other. My guess it was Angel and Nico in their wolf forms. They were in a snow covered forest. It was already light snowing already. It made wolf pretty since the snow stuck to their coats. "I like it." I said looking at Angel.

Angel simply rolled her eyes. "What's yours?" Nico asked. I turned my painting around. "That is so, you know." Nico and Angel said. I looked at it. It was a blue pocket watch pointed at twelve engulfed in red and blue flames. "You are a good artist." Angel said pushing her hair back into a ponytail. My cheeks turned pink. "Thanks Angel." I whispered.

Nico picked them up and walked over to a place and setting them up to dry. Angel took this chance to sit next to me. "Where's your room?" I asked. "They're making me room with Nico." Angel said glaring at Nico. "Isn't he your mate?" I asked confused. "Yes, but I was suppose to be married off to this douche rogue Alpha and he might come for Nico." Angel explained looking down.

"I doubt anyone would let him get you, plus this town is under protection by the Organization." I explained. "I know but he's trying to rush things." Angel said. "Your different then most girl werewolves, that's one of the many reasons I like you." I said smiling. "Thanks." Angel said with a grin. "If you ever need some time away from them just call me." I said handing Angel my phone number.

Angel smiled at me. "Thank you, you don't seem as bad as werewolves put you out to be." Angel said. "I only kill rogues that threaten society." I said. "I should probably tell you, there's been forsaken running around." Angel said. "I'll deal with that." I said smiling.

There was a loud thud. Nico had dropped his easel. "Rogues."  Nico said turning around and running towards the door. Angel was right behind him. 'Um Isabella we sorta need help.' Lucas said appearing in my head. I reached into my hoodie with my good hand and grabbed my pistol. I grabbed my crutch and began limping after them. I was not missing out on some rogues. 'I'll be right there.'

BOO! Did I scare you. I know I did. So how you likin' it so far. I'm trying to make it as awesome as SA but even better. Your gonna get the full blown sarcastic Isabella next chapter. The sarcastic Ash will also make a scene. The hunters are gonna show what they're really like in hunting mood to the werewolves. Until next time my werewolf marshmallows..

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