:Chapter 8:

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Ash looked around the yard his teeth bared. Rogues had decided to come through. In the back were two huge black wolves. Their eyes were a coal black. I looked at the rest of the golden eyes. At least none were red like those hybrids. Ash didn't even hesitate he launched forward at brown and white wolf snapping his jaws. He slashed his claws across his face.

The thought of Isabella up in the mansion powered Ash on. Ash ducked under grabbing the rogues throat and crushing. He leaped over the dead rogues body and aimed at a greyish-whitish wolf. Ash smashed his paws into the wolf's chest sending him tumbling.  Ash looked at the twin werewolves who were practically smirking at him.

That send Ash into a rage. Completely ignoring the rogue he charged at the werewolves. The only thing in his sight was red rage. He snapped his jaws in a challenge. The larger one went straight at Ash baring his teeth. Ash and the other wolf collided in a fight of claws and teeth.

The wolf sunk his teeth into Ash's shoulder. Ash kicked the wolf in the chest kicking him off of him. Ash then slashed at his face opening five cuts. The wolf snarled at him pushing himself back up. The smaller wolf began circling Ash. I swear if they hurt Isabella they better run. The large one sprung himself at me at the same time the smaller one did.

We rolled around in a blur of fangs and claws. Ash was on top then they were on top. Ash was covered in cuts and bites but so were the other wolves. They both got off of Ash with a wolfy smirk. That's when it happened. They both stood up onto both of their legs. They were lycans not .

They both started approaching me, salvia dripping from their snouts. A arrow whizzed by me burying itself in the bigger lycan's stomach. The thing howled in pain. Ash turned around and saw Lucas standing there with a crossbow positioned towards the lycans. Lucas smirked evilly his eyes a bright pink-red. I've seen Lucas smirk before but this was different. This was a sadistic smirk.

"What's the matter puppy, demon got your tongue." Lucas taunted. Derik walked up smirking. "Got your tongue, you practically ripped it out." Derik said as he pointed his shotgun at a rogue. The bullet flew out and buried itself in the rogue between his eyes. Both Ash and I winced at that. A she-wolf growled and whimpered at that.

"What's the matter did I kill your mate, oops." Derik said as his eyes flickered gold showing Randall was in and out. I guess Randall was a sadistic too. I really hope Isabella isn't like this. The she-wolf growled and lunged at Derik. Another bullet whizzed by burying itself in the wolf's head. Ash turned around and whimpered. Isabella was limping over with no crutch, her pistol pointed out.

Isabella smirked at them. "Join him in hell, oh tell Death I said hi and thanks for his cupcakes." Isabella said smirking. Oh god Isabella was exactly like them, sadistic. But this doesn't change anything. Looking at them I saw something over Isabella and Lucas's heads.

Over Derik was a really hot girl. I don't know why but I feel like I would do anything for her except cheat. She was a bleach blonde. Black and pink ribbons were the only thing on her body except huge wedges and a black cape outlined in red.. She had huge pink and red bat wings. Her eyes were the same exact color as Lucas's. My bet was she was Lilith.

Hovering over Isabella was Satan. He had a smirk on his face. He had a Bring Me The Horizon long shirt. On his legs were a pair of black acid wash jeans and for shoes were low top black and blue Adidas. Just like Lilith he had black cape except his was outlined in blue. On top of his head was a pair of black horns that curved backwards.

Isabella twirled her pistol around. "I'll give you one minute to run or I'll burn all of you to crisps." Isabella threatened as her gun was set on fire. Now that sent the rogues running. The bigger Lycan looked at her then ran with the smaller one. Ash looked at Isabella. A smirk was on her face.

Jason had walked up to Ash and was staring at me. 'Dude you alright?' Jason asked mind-linking Ash. 'Yeah, I now understand why people were so scared of them.' Ash said. Ash let me get control of my body and I shifted back. Nico looked at me and threw a pair of shorts at me.

I looked at Lucas and saw him stiffen. He leaned sideways and whispered something in Isabella's ear. Isabella stiffened too. Derik, Lucas, and Isabella turned around and walked back into the mansion. Well Isabella limped. I looked at Andrew who was sitting next to Orchid hugging her. Orchid looked incredibly conflicted. You could tell she likes him.

Angel literally zoomed by. "Getting anywhere with her?" I asked. "She's shortened her vocabulary with calling me names." Nico said with a grin. I shook my head at that. "But I am pissed off about the rogue marriage they wanted her to do." Nico said. I nodded. If Isabella was forced into marriage I'd go ballistic. "I can promise you if they come, we'll shred them." I said tossing my hair aside.

Nico then started running in the direction Angel had went. I looked at Andrew who was helping Orchid up and bringing her to the mansion. They were really cute together. If Orchid decides to accept Andrew, they're gonna have a really powerful child. It'd be taking Originals to a whole another level. Turning around I made my way to my house.

There was only two objective on my mind right now and I was going to do it. Ask Isabella, Lucas, Derik why they were so sadistic. Then Isabella and Lucas about there stiffening and whispering. Pushing open the door I made my way into the kitchen. Lucas and Isabella sat at the granite counter talking.

Lucas looked at me and smiled. It was really getting hard  to hate him or even dislike him. On his index finger was a rainbow ring then on his middle, a silver ring with a pearl. Not to mention he has a freaking gay pride ring. Walking over I sat next to them. "Hey." I said awkwardly.

Lucas and Isabella shared a look. Isabella shot me a smirk-smile. It was cute but scary. Sorta like everything about her. Time for investigations. "Why did you guys go silent when Lucas whispered in Isabella's ear?" I asked them with a serious face. Both of them got very quiet and looked at each other.

"Should we tell him?" Lucas asked. "I don't know he might flip." Isabella whispered. They were talking about me like I wasn't there. "Yes you should tell me, so tell me." I said in a demanding voice. Isabella sighed. "The hybrids aren't gone." Isabella said. Ash growled lowly. Hybrids meant Isabella being in danger. Ash refused for her to get anymore serious injuries.

"But I thought killing Gavial would destroy them all." I said confused. "First of all I didn't kill Gavial, I sent him back to hell for centuries, if I want to kill him I have to fight him in the part of hell he was created in, but I thought sending him to hell would surely destroy him." Isabella said thinking hard. She looked so cute. The way her nose scrunches up and how she concentrates on an object.

"He warned me, said they'd come." Isabella whispered in thought. Lucas popped at that. "They're is more people working behind the scenes, that's what Gavial meant." Lucas said. "Great more hellhounds, we're gonna need to counter them somehow." Isabella muttered. "I can get packs and other supernatural." I said popping in. "Ok, warn them about the hybrids though, I'm gonna see what Satan can do." Isabella said as she got up and limped into the living room.

Well that was an interesting talk.

Bam!!! Done. No worries this wont be some short book, its gonna have at least 40 chapters. I want to enjoy writing this series. I want maybe 6 or 7 books. But forget that. How you guys liking it so far. I'll reveal more throughout the chapter. This is random but I got a 70 on my math quiz, for me that's a huge deal, I usually fail but not this time. But until next time you shifting mini, large, normal, rainbow marshmallows.

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