Chapter 1- troye's pov

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Living in southern states means it's hot... All the time. Summers are usually around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, fall- 70 to 80 and winter is 60 degrees at the most. But none of these temperatures could compare to the heat in my cheeks when I see him standing there with his girlfriend, hands in his pockets, laughing at the stupidest joke, with that cheesy smile of his. It's a shame he's straight. "Trooooyyye" " TROYE!" " oh my god what!" I exclaimed, waking from the hypnotized state he has put me in. I sipped a bottle of water, attempting to get the red on my cheeks to calm. " what are you staring at?" my brother, Tyde asked. " uhm, was nothing." I mumbled. Usually my brother would just shrug it off, nothing unusual. " are you staring at - " " no, it's nothing ." I picked up my tray and scraped the food off, making sure to take my time, in hopes to  avoid the rest of this conversation. Finally the bell rang, dismissing everyone from the cafeteria. " ah, perfect timing." I walked swiftly to my locker, making an effort to not be late to class again.
last period of the day, gym. I also had this class with him. Considering our gym teacher is too lazy to actually teach us anything, we spent most of our time in here sitting on the green bleachers in our gym clothes, and I've got to admit, having a gym locker right beside him, was my best luck. I looked around frantically, hoping to see one of my friends wave me over, but the friends I did have this period, we're nowhere to be seen. well it couldn't hurt to go sit by him...right? agh fuck it! I scooted over towards him as he looked over, making an attempt to be friendly. " hi! I'm Connor."

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