Chapter 3

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I pulled out my phone and added the number to my contacts. I got started on my homework ( math, again) and then I scrolled to his number and pressed call. after a few rings he picked up. " troye, hi!" he chirped. " hey!" " I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for coffee later?" " we could study for Spanish or something?" I rubbed my palms over my jeans, why was I nervous? " yeah, that sounds great." I let out a sigh of relief, " cool! Is 7 good?" " of course! see you theeenn" he sang.
I laid my head against my wall, smiling. thinking of all the things I wanted to do with him, Spanish not included...

     the clock read 6:45, I glanced at the mirror one last time, fixing my hair. I grabbed my keys and went to the car, accidentally slamming the door a little too hard. " shit!" I grumbled. I pulled in to the parking lot minutes before 7, so I decided to turn on the radio.

" The brightness of the sun will give me just enough, to bury my love in the moon dust. I long to hear your voice, but I still make the choice to bury my love, in the moon dust."

I  killed the engine and decided to head in and get a seat. Connor walked in a few minutes after me. his face lit up as our eyes met. " hello!" I said, not even bothering to hold back my smile. We walked over to the counter together, " I'll have a caramel macchiato." I forgot to even glance at the menu, distracted by  connor's lips. " ah, I'll just have whatever he got."  We sat back down at our table,  " so did you bring the book?" he questioned.  " oh shit I forgot" I giggled. " it's fine, I have a spare ." Connor started rambling and I just blocked it out. he was much more fun to think about. " troye?" I jolted out of my daze, " oh! Sorry" my cheeks got hot. " you know I think we have enough time to revise, do you just wanna chat?" " sure, that'd be nice." We talked for hours, about our dreams and our happiest moments, about our dogs and our favorite snapchat filters, and anything in between. but I was too caught up in my head to remember any of this.  I've never felt like this before, towards anyone. I've had crushes here and there but they've never done this to me. all I did was think about him, and when I talked to him, it made me forget. Forget about how shitty my life was,  it was like that moment was directly focused on him, and that's all I ever wanted to feel. This is so new to me, I don't know what this feeling is, and that terrifies me and excites me at the same time.  we should do this more often.


hello! sorry if this chapter was boring/ messy, it was kind of a filler, but I'm super excited for this story, hope you are too. <3

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