Chapter 11

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I pull up to August house. Kelia take a deep breath in and out. I did that then I grabbed my purse and took my keys out the ignition. I slowly walk up the driveway. Then I get to the door. I breathe in one more time then I rang the doorbell. I waited for a minute then I was about to ring it a second time, but the door opened.  What up Kelia. Hey August. August was shirtless and was leaning against the door. Come in he moved to the side and I walked into the house. He looked at me and laughed. What's so funny? That you have on a scarf. He touch the scarf I had around my neck. You ashamed of what I did? No Aug, I do have parents though. Right, right. He got closer to me and grabbed me by my waist. August let go, please. He did what I asked, but he still had the look of lust in his eyes. August where can I put my jacket. In the closet right here. He pointed to the closet infront of me. Thanks. I open the closet and put my jacket on a hanger and hung it up. I turned and August was looking at me. What is it Aug? Nothing, he stepped closer to me. We just didn't get to finish what we started yesterday. He wrapped his arms around me. August not now. Why not? August I don't really know you. Like yesterday was cool and I liked it,but........... He looked at me funny. I guess you wanna talk, let's talk. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the black and gold room again. He sat down and I sat down by him. What do you want to know Kelia? I don't know , I guess everything. I looked into his eyes. Well ok, I was born August Anthony Alsina II on September 3. I was born in Downtown, New Orleans. I have four siblings. One died his name was Melvin we call him Mel for short. Growing up in New Orleans is no joke, its hard. I never really had friends cause I don't trust people and people didn't like me.  I only had one girlfriend in my entire life. She cheated on me with someone I called my brother. Then she got pregnant by that nigga. I'm seating here just soaking in all the information. My pops was never in my life. I seen him once. My step pops been in my life since I was one or so. That nigga ain't no good either. I left house cause I couldn't take anymore of his bullshit. He looked at me. Then I found my way back to New Orleans. I start to sale crack. Then my brother died from the game. I decided to be the biggest Drug Lord out. I want to kill the niggas that killed my brother. He start to rub his face. One by one. He looked at me, is that enough? Yea that's more than enough. Your turn. I breathe in and out. Ok my name is Mekelia Marie McBroom. I was born March 30. I was born and raised here in Ohio, but my dad is from Brooklyn NY. I have seven siblings. I am the second youngest. When I was little I remember my mom being really sick. Everyday she was in pain and stuff. He got closer to me and held my hand. She died the day after Christmas. I was so sad. After that I hated the world and I was so mean. I then realized my mom wants me to be happy for her. Life is to short to be mad all the time. So now I'm numb to a lot of shit. I try not to show emotions. I felt a tear. Then I quickly wiped it. Yea that's it about me I exhaled. August was mad close at this point. He took my scarf off and looked at my neck. He looked back at me. Do you feel better Kelia? Yea a little. I moved back and he got closer. August I don't think we should..... Before I could continue his lips were already press against mine. I stand there shock like I was yesterday. He broke the kiss. Kelia kiss me back. I just stayed like I was. He smiled in the kiss. He start to trace his tongue on the bottom of my lip again. I don't know what that means. He grabs my waist then rubs his hand down my thigh almost to my private. I grasped and he put his tongue in. He takes it out and then laid me down on the couch. He got in between my legs. He start kissing my neck again. It felt really good. I'm scared though. August , august. Hmmm baby girl. I'm scared. Scared of what? Scared of what's going to happen. Things are going to fast August. He sat up and looked at me. I sat up and fixed my clothes. You feel like it going to fast?, august looked at me. Yea because one minute we were just associated, then you want to have sex with me. He looked at me and smiled, you a virgin, huh? What does that have to do with anything? Nothing just something for me to know. He got up and with upstairs. He came back down with his phone. He was texting away. Aug how many phones do you have? Two, one for business one for personal stuff. I shook my head. Kelia, Ariel is coming over. Ohh ok let me just go then. I got up and put on my scarf. I went to the closet and put on my jacket. I start to walk to the door and I left. I walked to my car and got in. I tried to start up my car, it won't start. What the fuck! Not right now, please not right now! I see Ariel park in back of me. I got out my car and slammed the door. She start walking up the driveway. Hey Kelia. Hey Ariel. She smiled, I walked behind her. She knocked on the door. About a minute later August comes and opens the door. What up Ariel, he smiled. Hey Auggie. She stepped in the house. Then he seen me. Kelia what you still doing here? My car won't start. He gave me a evil grin. Come in kelia. You can sit in the living room. I looked at him and he looked at me. I already know what he is about to do. He ran back upstairs. I heard the door close so maybe it won't be that bad.
Oh my goodness I have to leave this house. Ariel has some fucking lungs on her. I just keep hearing her scream August and daddy. This is mad annoying. I heard the door open. Finally, they both came down the stairs. I heard the door close. Then I seen August, he walked into the room and waved at me. Come on so I can get you home.
The whole ride was quiet. August pulled up to my driveway. Thanks Aug, I smiled. Welcome Kelia, he looked straight ahead. I sighed and got out the car. I walked up the driveway and went to the door and unlocked it. When I turned August was already gone. I walked up the stair. I went in my room; since no one was home I left the door open. I took my scarf off and looked at my neck the marks have lighted up; their almost gone. I'm in for the rest of the day I close my door and  I got in the shower. I washed my body and I thought about August for some reason. I got out and looked at myself. I go into my room and I start to put on my lotion. Then my door opens. What the fuck get out! Damn you are so fine. Andre get the fuck out! I tried to cover myself. He got closer to me. Eric , Eric ! Eric ain't here to save you ass now. He was inches away from me. Neither is Yungin. Also baby girl I see your car ain't here; so your all mine. He got closer to my bed. Moved all the way to the wall. He grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. No stop; please let me go! He didn't say anything. He then ripped my towel off my naked body. Please don't do this Andre,I cried. Shut the fuck up. I hit him repeatedly. Nothing stopped him. His hands wondered my body. I felt exposed and abused. He pulls a gold package from his pocket. I got up then he pushed me right back down. He grabbed my arms and pinned them to the bed. He then pulled out his stuff and put on the condom. Please no I cried. He start to touch my private. I am crying heavy now. You virgin,huh? Please stop, I sobbed. This gonna be fun. He then forced himself in to me. I let out a scream of pain, that came with more tears. He grunt as he went in and out of me.
I'm laying here on my bed shaking. Andre was fixing his clothes. Thanks Kelia, that was the best pussy I had in a minute. I curled up in a ball hugging my body. He laughed. He walked out my room and down the stairs. I heard the door open and close. I start to cry more. I can't believe I just been Raped . I never thought this would happen to me. I felt dirty, I felt like I wasn't my self. My body is sore and it hurts so bad. I grabbed my phone and called August.
Hey kelia
A-august I-i need y-you
What's wrong Kelia
I-i w-was was
Was what Kelia?
I-i w-was r-r-rapedd
What the fuck! I'll be right there.
He hang up. I put my phone down and cried more and more
Hey babies I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know this is a little graphic but if you could read it thanks and love you all good night

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