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So I realize I haven't updated in a long long long time but I'm but I'm back. I'll be honest with I accidentally logged out and forgot my password and where I wrote it down but I found It today and I'm back thanks for all your support.
Artemis POV
Me and my hunters stared in shock and a man in a black cloak ran down the side of the hill. He joined the battle slashing and hacking at any monster in sight. I felt like I knew him from somewhere the cloak he wore looked familiar.

Then as I watched him leaped in the air and his swords came down on the empadusa's (did I spell that right) neck causing it to explode into dust, I realized this was the boy we chased through the forest .

I shook my head and nocked and arrow in my bow and shot an hellhound down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy light himself on fire and continue fight the nothing happened. I noticed I wasn't the only one staring at him, most of the hunters were staring at him wide eyed in shock. Everything got even weirder when he turned into a giant wolf and continued fighting.

Soon the army was obliterated and destroyed. "Wait where are you going?" Thalia cried out as he jumped into a swirling black and sliver portal.
"Milady who was that?" Phoebe asked.

"I-I don't know,"I stammered barley getting the words out," but w-whoever he is the rest of the Olympians n-need to know a-about him."

Percy POV
"Who are you?" I asked the man who stepped of of the portal. The man had pitch black skin and hair but purple eyes. "I am Chaos" the man rumbled.

That's it the worlds gone crazy. Was my last though before I blacked out.
For all those people I did did learn how to use bold and italics I feel so proud.

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