Ch.2 The Runner

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T͙h͙i͙s͙ i͙s͙ t͙h͙e͙ f͙i͙r͙s͙t͙ u͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ s͙o͙ f͙a͙r͙ I͙'m͙ g͙o͙n͙n͙a͙ u͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ i͙t͙ e͙v͙e͙r͙y͙ s͙o͙ o͙f͙t͙e͙n͙ w͙h͙e͙n͙ I͙ h͙a͙v͙e͙ t͙h͙e͙ c͙h͙a͙n͙c͙e͙. R͙e͙m͙e͙b͙e͙r͙ I͙ d͙o͙n͙'t͙ o͙w͙n͙ P͙J͙O͙ o͙r͙ H͙O͙O͙ a͙l͙l͙ c͙r͙e͙d͙i͙t͙ g͙o͙e͙s͙ t͙o͙ R͙i͙c͙k͙ R͙i͙o͙d͙a͙n͙. S͙o͙r͙r͙y͙ f͙o͙r͙ a͙n͙y͙ s͙p͙e͙l͙l͙i͙n͙g͙ m͙i͙s͙t͙a͙k͙e͙s͙ t͙h͙a͙t͙ o͙c͙c͙u͙r͙.
1y͞e͞a͞r͞ l͞a͞t͞e͞r͞ P͞e͞r͞c͞y͞ J͞a͞c͞k͞s͞o͞n͞ P͞O͞V͞
I could live with my father disowning me but Annabeth cheating on my when she now I'm right there watching her broke me. In that moment I just wanted to die from what she did to me. I walked to my cabin burnt all the pictures of Annabeth while saying "Go to Tartarous Annabeth!!!!" I grabbed the rest of my stuff and ran to the stable while every on was still fawning about Jeremiah. C͟o͟m͟e͟ o͟n͟ B͟l͟a͟c͟k͟j͟a͟c͟k͟ w͟e͟'r͟e͟ l͟e͟a͟v͟i͟n͟g͟. I said to him mentally as I climbed onto his back. Naturally I flew to my Mom's and Paul's apartment. I knocked on the door once and no one answered. I knocked again and again ed no one answerved. I knocked down the door. I stared wide eyed at the sight there were two dozen monsters my heart stopped when I saw my Mom and Paul chained to the wall. I only got more frightened when I saw that there swords were steel and they could kill my parents. Naturally I went to draw riptide only to remeber Poseidon gave it to Jeremiah. My eyes got even wider as I saw the gaurds the gaurd raise swing their sword and decapitated my parents. Shock was soon replaced by sheer rage. I stepped out from my hiding spot and screamed in rage. Before I knew what happening I felt the Earth start to shake ffufuriously. I watched in awe as the apartment turn to ruin around as me as all the monsters were destroyed. I turned around to see that Blackjack fled. I grabbed my stuff and prepared to leave until I saw a bright flash. I turned to face it only to relieved it was one of my favorite Olympian Hestia "Lady Hestia." I bowed. "There is no need to bow Perseus" said Hestia.
F͞l͞a͞s͞h͞b͞a͞c͞k͞ e͞n͞d͞e͞d͞

S͙o͙ t͙h͙a͙t͙ i͙s͙ m͙y͙ f͙i͙r͙s͙t͙ u͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ i͙m͙ g͙o͙n͙n͙a͙ C͙h͙a͙n͙g͙ m͙y͙ b͙o͙l͙d͙ f͙e͙w͙ t͙o͙ t̉h̉ỉs̉ s̉ỏ ỉs̉ ỉt̉ ẻảs̉ỉẻr̉ t̉ỏ s̉ẻẻ. S͙o͙ y͙e͙a͙h͙ g͙o͙n͙n͙a͙ u͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ a͙n͙d͙ f͙i͙n͙i͙s͙h͙ t͙h͙i͙s͙ c͙h͙a͙p͙t͙e͙r͙ s͙o͙o͙n͙.

U͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ T͙w͙o͙ Y͙a͙ H͙e͙r͙e͙ w͙e͙ ot

Ủn̉k̉n̉ỏw̉n̉ L̉ỏc̉ảt̉ỉỏn̉
Ảr̉t̉ẻm̉ỉs̉ P̉ỎV̉
It been almost a tears since Percy vanished. Everyone thought he would go to his Mom's for a month a come back but when we heard his Mom was dead. We all thought he would come back because he had no where to go but he never did. Percy disappearing made Thalia very distraught. She tried to do everything to find him. In time the whole hunt joined the search after hearing stories of how he saved Artemis and the world.(I forgot to tell you this is between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero and it extends after. So yeah it's gonna be long.) After Thalia heard the story of why Percy left she wanted to kill Anna-bitch as so did I. I know the immortal man-hating goddesses feel bad for a boy no man. Currently we were on the move searching for PPercy. I don't know if I was the only one who noticed the first line of the new prophecy had come true because Percy was the sea and he was broken and he ran. All the sudden Thalia signaled up to stop and be quit. I looked forward to see what it was I saw a person in a cloak that covered their face. Thalia gave us the symbol for on three attack. Thalia started to count down 1... 2...3. On three we burst out of the bushes and attacked as we started to attack the person started running. The person who ever they were was fast. The hunters started to draw there bows and shoot and the person. As soon they started shooting he took throwing knifes and threw them. Instead of going for the kill he went for the bow strings and snapped them. I don't want to admit it but I was in awe because of this person persision. I drew back my bow and took and took aim. The shot I aimed should have hit the persons Achilles tendon preventing them from runningg. Instead the person lifted their leg up dodging the arrow. I heard a hunter trip I looked behind me to make sure the were okay they gave me a thumbs up, when I turned forward I saw a knife flying at me. It all of the sudden swerved to the side a slowed down in shock. While I was in shock the person jumped into the tree's and made there escape. My hunters striped the chase as I went back and pried the throwing knife from the earth's grip. "Milady do you know who that was?" My lutendent asked me. "No Thalia I don't know who that was. I need to go to Olympus and inform the other gods of this."I responded.

U͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ 3 d͙o͙n͙e͙ I͙'m͙ r͙e͙a͙l͙l͙y͙ p͙u͙m͙p͙i͙n͙g͙ t͙h͙e͙s͙e͙ o͙u͙t͙ f͙a͙s͙t͙.
T͙i͙l͙l͙ n͙e͙x͙t͙ t͙i͙m͙e͙.

I͙ w͙o͙u͙l͙d͙ l͙i͙k͙e͙ t͙o͙ r͙e͙p͙o͙r͙t͙ I͙ j͙u͙s͙t͙ h͙i͙t͙ 57 v͙i͙e͙w͙s͙ t͙h͙i͙s͙ i͙s͙ a͙w͙e͙s͙o͙m͙e͙ c͙o͙n͙s͙i͙d͙e͙r͙i͙n͙g͙ t͙h͙i͙s͙ h͙a͙s͙ o͙n͙l͙y͙ b͙e͙e͙n͙ o͙u͙t͙ f͙o͙r͙ l͙e͙s͙s͙ t͙h͙a͙n͙ t͙w͙o͙ d͙a͙y͙s m͙a͙y͙b͙e͙ l͙e͙s͙s͙ t͙h͙a͙t͙ o͙n͙e͙ d͙a͙y͙ a͙n͙d͙ i͙t͙s͙ m͙y͙ f͙i͙r͙s͙t͙ s͙t͙o͙r͙y͙ o͙n͙ t͙h͙i͙s͙ w͙e͙b͙s͙i͙t͙e͙. H͙e͙r͙e͙ i͙s͙ u͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ 3 o͙r͙ i͙s͙ i͙t͙ 4

Ủn̉k̉n̉ỏw̉n̉ L̉ỏc̉ảt̉ỉỏn̉
P̉ẻr̉c̉ỷ J̉ảc̉k̉s̉ỏn̉ P̉ỎV̉
I pulled out my bow and shot the hellhound charging me through the eye causing it to disintegrate into gold monster dust. Throw my bow over my back and draw my new sword curtsy of Hestia my patron. I will the blade to catch fire I charged into the rest of the hellhound destroying one by one. I help but think t͟o͟d͟a͟y͟'s͟ b͟e͟e͟n͟ i͟n͟t͟e͟r͟e͟s͟t͟i͟n͟g͟. First I have to run from the Hunters of Artemis now Hellhound fabulous just plain old fabulous. I jump back into the tree and head north to my camp. After
About ten minutes of jumping from tree to tree a thigh speeds I reach my camp which is made out of a simple tent. The thing is the tent is not so simple the tent is magic because inside it is a two story house outside it looks like a four person tent and when your done it folds into a nice little pocket sized square. I walk inside into the living room and plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. On the TV was so me show about volcanoes and fire I sighed w͟i͟l͟l͟ t͟h͟e͟r͟e͟ e͟v͟e͟r͟y͟ b͟e͟ a͟n͟y͟t͟h͟i͟n͟g͟ g͟o͟o͟d͟ o͟n͟ T͟V͟ I thought to myself. After 20 minutes of pure boredom I got up off my lazy but and walk to the kitchen and grabbed an ambrosia square and tossed it into my mouth. I poked my head outside of the door/flap and realized it was getting late so I crawled into my bed and went to sleep. Only to wish I hadn't because I had dream of Annabeth the girl who I thought loved me. I woke up with a start and put my weapons on and shrunk the tent down and put it in my cloak pocket and pulled my hood up. I started by walking north about ten mile then turned and went northwest for five miles before I broke out into a run. Stride after stride after stride I covered more distance with every stride my feet barely touching the ground at all. To think about how slow I used to be made me feel weird. Pretty soon I crossed the border into Canada. I decided to set up camp at about 11:00 p.m. ish and crawled into bed after summoning myself a meal of chicken stir fry. I woke up from a dreamless sleep a dreamless sleep I've been dreaming of for so long. I felt a familiar warmth on my chest I reached down my she to a compass necklace Hestia gave me. The compass light up a needle in the direction I need to head. A needle pointed southeast was lit up. I sighed and walked to closest on changed and put on my cloak and got my weapons right as I walked outside I heard Hestia's voice in my head P͟e͟r͟c͟y͟ I͟ n͟e͟e͟d͟ y͟o͟u͟ t͟o͟ p͟i͟c͟k͟ u͟p͟ a͟ d͟e͟m͟i͟-g͟o͟d͟ a͟n͟d͟ g͟i͟v͟e͟ h͟e͟r͟ t͟o͟ t͟h͟e͟ h͟u͟n͟t͟e͟r͟s͟. T͟h͟e͟ c͟o͟m͟p͟a͟s͟s͟ w͟i͟l͟l͟ g͟u͟i͟d͟e͟ y͟ou͟ t͟here. Hestia had never made me pick up a demi-god before. I sighed and shrunk my tent down and out it in my cloak pocket and pulled my hood up.

U͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ 5 a͙l͙r͙e͙a͙d͙y͙ y͙a͙ f͙o͙r͙ m͙e͙
L̉ỉn̉ẻ b̉r̉ẻảk̉ 1 w̉ẻẻk̉ l̉ảt̉ẻr̉
I was almost to this demi-god's house and I began to wonder why see was so important. All the sudden the compass glowed completely signaling I was there. I looked in front of me and saw a two story house as I got closer I could hear "Get back hear you stupid girl." u scowled at hearing those words a broke down the door. I saw a man stand at a door with a belt in one hand. He turned and saw me "Get the fucked out of my house kid" he sneered. I snapped I charged him and grabbed him by the throat and held him off the ground. I squeezed harder until I hard the satisfying crunch of his neck be crushed. I dropped the limp body to the floor. I went and knocked down the door reveling a frighten girl no older than nine years old was crowing in the corner "Shhh. I'm not gonna hurt you." I spoke softly. "How can I trust you?" the girl moving out of conner. When she moved out of the shadows I noticed all of the bruises and cuts she had. I willed a glass of water to apper. The girl stared at me in "I'm Jayden"she declared. I crud I can't let her now who I really was. James. No. Gearki. No. Angel. Not bad but maybe. Aggelos yes angel in anceint Greek perfect. "I'm Aggelos. Come with me I will get you a new home." I replied
U͙p͙d͙a͙t͙e͙ 6 d͙o͙n͙e͙

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