Dreadful desires

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"How dare you not aid me! you are all able are you not? Have you all got legs of are you just incapable?" The werewolf and the man stood guilty and worried if their vampiric friend may attack them in aggrovation. "Now, can we please all commence into delivering this god forsaken tooth!" He glided down towards the earth bottom in great disgust. He didnt even realize that the other members were trailing behind like school children in trouble as if they had gone on to the school field without any permission.

It was nearly early morning now, and the sun was starting to ignite, however I dont think the vampire was at all pleased. The trio soon came to a forked road directing to seperate places. The vampire made his departure to some derelict caves filled with stalactites and stalacmites. It was dark for a normal person yet paradise for a child of the devil. There was no word from him and he tossed the tooth to the werewolf thinking he was the most capable and soon was gone.

" There is no part of me that feels guilt, he did not exactly ask!"

"Well yes he did actually, however, I was not going to take part in a slaughter involving someone i previously knew; never". Spoke the man, he was a man of God and stood by his opinion. The werewolf soon parted ways with him and headed straight for the major library of Libros. Whereas the man trotted of down the road through a deep forest and north to White Cage: home of the dwarves in the snow.

Whilst heading to Libros, the werewolf witnessed some most exquisit sights. During the The Great Wood, the werewolf saw Dryads playibg within and out the huge logs of bark and Alkonosts observing their every move incase one injures themselves (Alkonosts were great alchemists). You could sometimes see white stags grazing in the meadow of the great wood and Midgeets (small mole-like children) picking flowers or daisies to make their clothes look prettier, for they were'nt lookers. But this was'nt going to change the future for the werewolf, oh no.

It was midday and the foreign sun was burning like a bush fire inside the humid jungle-like forest. He came across a large rock in the absurd shape of a wolf head. The werewolf was alarmed and ventured even closer to the monument. " Oh no," he thought in his mind, "This is the lunar den-a place where werewolves gather together". He attempted to be as quiet as a mouse however, there was absoulutely no point because monsterous wolves had excellent sense of hearing. As soon as he trespassed over the teritory, a scraggy mut lolopped out as if he had come from a ransome sleep. He had over grown claws and hair matted especially in places uncomfortable to reach and clean. A shrilling howl alerted more werewolves that appeared. Big ones, small ones, ones that were strong and even werewolves that suprisingly had fangs that reached to the ground, digging into the fertile soil. The werewolf we know though stood up proud and growled in an odd way and spoke " please brothers it is I...." Hr paused for a minute and realized, no more transformation at will. His brow started sweating immensly as the pack drew nearer and nearer. Shaking, shivering in all sorts of places, he dashed off to the closest available tree. His awful idea was to climb the tree and hope for the best. It wasnt working. The wolves formed around him in a tight circle as they drew nearer and nearer. He was gone. All the remains were severd parts of flesh and a trail of fresh, translucent blood leading to their shelter.

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