Chapter 56 Monday:

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Everyone says that dressing up is more fun and less embarrassing with someone else to do it with you, but walking into the school with Josh made me feel so stupid and embarrassed. At least my father and brother weren't there to make fun of me.
"I feel so stupid." I said, "why are we doing this?"
"It's tradition. I already explained this."
The way he said it was short and snappy I know that he probably didn't mean it, but I could be annoying since I was asking the same thing over and over again.
"I know, baby." I said, "so, were you the one who dressed up last year and the year before? You went completely and totally out last year."
"Yes, it's who I am."
"Right, but this is not me. Flamboyancy and I are not friends."
"Calm down, sweetheart. We're not the only ones."
"Yeah, okay."
We went to first block, and his dad started laughing. I blushed and sat in my sat.
"Um... This is..."
"He's my dad, don't worry."
I noticed that his brother, Joseph, walked in, and looked at us.
"Wow, I can't believe it... The traditional has spread to a girlfriend... Which is weird to have anyway."
"What do you need, son?" Mr. Williams asked him.
"Nothing, just dropping by to say hello."
"Do you teach here or do you just coach?" Mr. Williams asked in a monotone voice.
"Dad, we both know that I don't teach."
"Neither do I."
I couldn't help but laugh. It was true. He was the easiest teacher because he was only really here for one reason: to coach football. He looked at me, and I ducked under my hat and looked at Josh.
"He's not wrong." He said looking back at me.
"Alright, you have to go if you're not going to do anything."
"Okay. Whatever you say, Dad." Joseph said leaving, "behave little bro!"
Josh just put his head down.
"Will do."
I giggled and looked out the window.
"Stop it."
"You're the one with 4 older brothers."
"So? It's not like I asked for them." He said, "and what about you with a very over protective brother?"
"You're not dead yet, are you?"
"Yet? Is he planning on it?"
"No, but if you mess-up my dad might."
Before he said anything his dad stood-up, and started a lesson. I wasn't failing his class, but I wasn't doing as well as I should have been.
"What's your grade in here?" I asked him.
"An 80."
"How? I have a 77."
"How? You don't even need to do anything."
"Well... I did fail that test last Friday."
"Do you need help?"
"No, I'm going to re-take it tomorrow."
"Since I am your ride when were you going to tell me?"
"I wasn't. You have football. I wasn't going to worry you with it."
"Blake, what if there isn't football practice?"
"When isn't there football practice?Besides I can always call Jess to come and get me."
"Okay, whatever."
"Don't be mad at me for this..."
"It's all right, Blake, we have football, and your re-take shouldn't take long. Afterwards just come down to the field tomorrow."
"Chemistry is stupid." Josh said putting his head down on the lab bench.
"It's not stupid."
"When would I use it?"
"You, maybe never because of the job you want."
"Good, I knew being a professional football player was a good dream."
"But you'll need it to be a doctor."
He groaned, and looked at me.
"Please tell me you're joking."
"Nope, sorry baby, you're going to have to."
"Screw it. I'll have enough money not to need to go back."
"I thought you wanted to?"
"I did. Now I don't want to."
"Whatever, Josh."
He pulled my stool closer to his.
"I love you, and I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry about?"
"I'm not sure. That felt like the best thing to say."
I rolled my eyes and put my head on his shoulder.
"What am I going to do with you?"
"The only thing you can do. Love me and feed me."
"I don't think I have enough money or food to feed you."
He laughed.
"Then just love me."
"Now that can be arranged."
Math was embarrassing to say the least. We were the only ones dressed up in that class. That and the teacher made it her mission to make us the center of attention. Almost every homework question, and almost every note page question was just for Josh and I to answer. I wanted to disappear. When the lunch bell rang we went and sat with Jess.
"Wow, Blake is participating? Where have you been the past two years, and where is a camera when I need one?"
"Shut-up, Jess."
"I'm glad you're happy, Jessica."
"Why, what's wrong? Trouble in paradise, Joshua?"
"No, but there's something wrong with our math teacher. We're the only ones dressed up in that class, and we were the target of it."
"Poor babies..." She said fake pouting, "on a different note... Can I bring Brett to the wedding?"
"Sure. I don't think my brother and Natalie would mind."
"Cool, I'll tell him."
"You two are still dating?" Josh asked picking up his sandwich.
     He went through the lunch line and picked up a sandwich for lunch. It looks as if Hooch wouldn't even bother to eat it.
"Yes, we are, why?"
"Nothing, it just seemed like his was a royal douche bag when Andrew was here."
"That's because Andrew made everyone just like him. An ungrateful SOB without a care for anyone else." Jess said uncapping her water bottle, "Blake would know."
"Really? We have to bring him up with Josh here?"
"No? But you did date him twice."
I got up from the table.
"I realize that, but I don't want to remember that. Like how I don't want to remember Dallas. I want to go home."
I walked away.
Jess followed me into the hallway.
"I'm sorry. I know how talking about them makes you feel, and you didn't deserve what my cousin did to you. I thought he had changed, and I only needed him for the driving while drunk thing. I didn't know that he was going to stick around."
"Jessica, it's not your fault, okay? He's a victim of his own circumstances."
"Dallas is not just that. You probably never knew this because he didn't bring you around my aunt much, and you don't know my aunt that well, but she's an alcoholic. Has been since her husband left. Dallas is just like his parents."
"Come on. Let's not think about that. Let's dwell on Josh, and the fact that he got you to dress up."
"Changing of subject... I am rubbing off on you, Jessica Mathews."
She rolled her eyes and we walked back into the cafeteria and sat down with Josh.
"The bell is about to ring. Are you okay?"
"Just peachy."
"You could always just stay and watch practice." Josh said as he walked me to Jess's car.
"But I want to go home and do homework like a good kid. Besides your dad thinks I'm a distraction, and you boys have to win this Friday or it will be the worst homecoming game ever."
"Point taken, okay, I will see you tomorrow to dress-up again. Don't forget."
"I won't forget, don't worry. Day two of public humiliation. Wouldn't miss it for the world."
He rolled his eyes, and I got pressed up against the car.
"You know... I can take it all back."
"Take what back?" I asked innocently looking into his eyes.
The gold and silver specks were dancing in the green of his irises like tensile on a Christmas tree.
"Let's see... My jacket and my ring."
"No, I like your jacket."
I put his jacket on before walking outside because it was cold and my tourist shirt had short sleeves. That and I really do love his jacket.
"Just kiss her then leave." We heard Jess comment from behind us.
"Fine, I will."
He kissed me then backed up.
"Behave you two. You're notorious for being bad."
"Joshua, you don't know the half of it." Jess said walking to the driver's side, "come on, Blake. You can ogle at him later."
I blushed, waved goodbye, and got into the car.
"You couldn't help yourself, could you?"
"No, evidently I could not."
"Let's just go home."
So I can pick-out my next flamboyant, standout clothes for tomorrow, joy.

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