Chapter 62 Saturday:

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     I wanted to get ready for our date, but he was going to keep it a surprise until the last second, and I hate surprises.
Jess was over trying to help me pick something out. She knew where we were going.
     "Hey, Blake."
     I looked over at Jackson.
     "Natalie and I are going to the fair because her parents want her out of the house. Her and Andrew are fighting."
     "Have fun. At least you know where your taking her."
     "Why? Josh is keeping it under wraps?"
     "Pretty much."
     "Well... I know where you're going and so does Dad, so if you need anything then just call one of us."
     "I'll see you later."
     "Bye, Jackson."
     He waved and walked out of my room and down the stairs.
     Josh was due to show-up at any moment, and I was being indecisive.
     "Jess, just tell me. I'm never going to pick because I don't know where I'm going."
     "Just wear this." She said handing me a sweater and jeans, "A nice sweater, jeans, and a pair of boots. You're going to want to add an inch to your height."
     "Jessica. Just let me know where I'm going."
     "No, Josh would be mad at me. Besides, I want you to be surprised."
     "Whatever, Jess."
     I changed into the sweater and the jeans then got my only pair of cowboy boots out of the back of my closest. They were actually my dad's, but I got them somehow.
     "See, you look good."
     I grabbed Josh's letterman jacket, and I heard the door downstairs open. My heart skipped a beat with excitement.
     "Is that Josh or Jackson finally leaving?"
     "I don't know, but come on. We'll go see."
     I took a deep breath and walked with her downstairs. It was just Jackson leaving.
     "You okay, there, Blake?" Dad asked looking up form his laptop.
     "Yes sir. I'm fine."
     He took his glasses off, and looked at me.
     "Was your mother here a while ago?"
     "Yes sir, she was. She came and got everything."
     "I figured." He said closing the lid on his laptop, "did you know that she didn't take a single family photo?"
     "That's to be expected, right? You gave her the world, but it turns out that she didn't want that particular world?"
     "I guess you're right."
     The door bell went off, and my dad hopped down off his bar stool.
     "Daddy, it's fine. I can..."
     "I'll get it."
     I would attempt to out run him, but that's not going to happen. Jess and I slowly followed him to the door.
     "After this I'm leaving to go see Brent." Jess said, "Then we're going to the fair."
     "I want to go to the fair. Why is everyone going to the fair but me?"
     "Beats me."
     My dad opened the door, and Josh was standing there.
     "Mr. Lamb."
     If Josh's voice didn't prove that he was nervous then his body language sure did. He looked visibly uncomfortable.
     "Come in."
     He walked into the house.
     "Okay, you're going to drive her to your date, and you better have her back in time."
     "Yes sir. We'll go then come back here in plenty of time for homecoming."
     "Alright." He said, "Behave and bring her back."
     "Yes sir."
     Josh brought me outside and walked me to his truck. We got in his truck and he pulled out to the road.
     "Okay, Josh, where are we going?"
     "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?"
     "Josh, I want to go to the fair, but I don't know where we're going."
     "I like surprising you. You seem to like my surprises."
     "Whatever you say, Josh."
     The closer we got to the where we were headed the easier to see that we were on our way to the fair ground.
     "Are we really going to the fair?"
     "Yes, you want to go, and why am I going to deny you the pleasure of riding rides, eating corn dogs, and wasting my money until we're sick and I'm broke."
     "This is seriously why I love you."
     "I'm glad to hear that."
     We parked and walked toward the ticket booth.
     "We're meeting everyone else here. Your brother, Natalie, Jess, and Brent."
     "I wonder what my dad is doing."
     "Probably on his computer doing something."
     "I guess so."
     I was sometimes worried about my dad. He was always too busy with work, but I knew it was all to avoid the real elephant in his life.
     We got up to the ticket booth and Josh paid for us. We got arm bands, but I knew that we probably wouldn't stay long. My dad said to be back several hours before the dance.
     "Let's go in."
     In my opinion the state fair is the best fair. That and they always say that every thing is bigger in Texas.
     "Let's meet up with them first." He said, "I want to be cliché and ride the ferris wheel last."
     "What? Then kiss me once at the top?"
     "Pretty much."
     "I like that." I said, "you're very good at making cliché feel special."
     "I know." He said.
     We walked over to where Natalie and Jackson were standing.
     "Took you two long enough. Where is Jess and Brent?"
     "Beats me. Jersey Boy is his own man."
     "He hates being called that. Always has. Why do you insist on calling him that?" Jackson asked.
     "Because I feel like it." He said, "keep in mind, Jack, you're the one that broke her brother's arm."
     "And he deserved it. Blake knows that." Natalie said.
     "You fight dirty, don't you?"
    "Okay, let's go." I said, "believe me, Jess and Brent can find us."
     We rode about two rides before Jess and Brent found us.
     "It's so weird being here in the day light. We always used to come in the dark." Jess said hugging me.
     "Yeah, it is so weird. Especially since we all have boyfriends now."
     "Yes, but remember When I had to take the two of you here."
     "Oh you had Natalie. You never really paid attention to us."
     "For good reason. If anyone would have snatched you two they would have brought you back."
     "Right, and she wasn't raped by Dallas." Josh said, "give them back..."
     "You know what? You were not there when she was younger. I love Blake and so do you, but at some point I'm going to be the brother and I will beat you up. And I know that you're kind of freaked out by me."
     Josh grabbed my arm.
     "We're going to go ride the ferris wheel." He said.
     "It's not late, and they just got here. Josh stop acting like a child."
     "Fine, I will, but we have to leave by four."
     "We all know that, Josh." Jackson said, "then let's go."
     We rode rides then went to eat corn dogs. I had one. Josh had like four, and they were a decent size. Jackson had four as well. Jackson seemed happier now that he was playing baseball again. I knew that he would and I knew that Dad would be nicer after he decided to do baseball again.
     "Okay, it's three thirty. Let's go ride the ferris wheel then we can leave."
     "Okay, I've been waiting for you to take me on the ferris wheel all day."
     "Then let's go." He said, "Jack, we're going to go."
     "Be safe and have fun."
     "We will."
     We walked to the ferris wheel and got in a seat. We went around several times watching the city lights and the lights of the fair.
     "It is so pretty up here."
     We were stopped at the top of the wheel and I looked out at the lights then back at Josh.
     "I love you." He said.
     "I love you too."
     He put his hand on my cheek, and I looked into his eyes. The gold and silver were shinning though the green. He kissed me.
     I felt the wheel start to go down. I pulled back.
     "It would be too awkward if the guys working it sees us making out."
     "Point taken."
     After the ride we left to meet up with everyone. We had to leave or Jess and I were never going to be ready in time to go.
     "Jack and Natalie. Where are you two going?"
     "We're going to our house." Jackson said, "I wanted to see Blake leave for the dance."
     "Thanks, Jackson."
     He just smiled and walked to his car. I followed Josh to his truck.
     "Let's take you home so that we can go to homecoming."
     "Sounds like a plan."
     We were standing outside my house at about 4:30. We were cutting it close.
     "Well, this is see you later." He said, "I'll be here at 6:30."
     "That sounds like a good idea."
     He leaned in to kiss me, and my dad open the door.
     "Goodbye, Joshua."
     "Come in, Blake."
     I kissed Josh on his cheek, and walked into the house.
     "I'll see you at 6:30."
      My dad shut the door behind himself and looked at me.
      "What am I going to do with you?" He asked me.
     I shrugged my shoulders and walked up the stairs.
     "I guess all you can do is love me, feed me, and never leave me."
     "Don't worry. I won't."

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