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I have never seen my brother more nervous than at that moment. He looked like he was about to have a cow, then die.
"Jackson Aaron Lamb if you don't sit down I'll make you sit down!"
He promptly sat down in a chair.
"Blake, go get dressed sweetheart."
"Yes sir."
I left the grooms' dressing room and walked across the church to the brides' side. It was a huge beautiful Baptist Church with stain glass windows, beautiful mahogany wood doors that open into the sanctuary with a wide isle with two floors, of course our families weren't that big, that led up to the alter that Jess, Shawn, Shelby, and I spent a lot of time decorating.
Okay, why don't I say this. If you haven't figured it out already it is Jackson and Natalie's wedding day, and it is spectacular.
I walked to the brides' section, and Natalie was pulling up her dress over her bust to put it on.
"There you are. How is your brother?" Natalie asked looking back in the mirror.
"A nervous wreck."
She laughed. She was nervous too.
"How adorable." She paused looking at her reflection in the mirror, "oh, you two better get dressed. It's starting soon."
"We know, Nat." Shelby said, "you need to calm down."
"I am calm."
"Natalie, you're not, but it's totally okay for you."
"Thank you, Blake."
Shelby and I helped each other into our dresses. There was a knock on the door.
"Are you ladies decent?" I heard Mr. McNeil ask thought the door.
"Yes sir." Natalie said, "we're okay."
He walked in, and closed the door behind him.
"You look beautiful, baby. All of you look beautiful."
"Thank you."
"We're ready to go, if you are."
"We are."
"Then grab your bouquets and come on."
We grabbed them and walked out and stood before the doors that led to the isle.
"Ready Nat?" Her dad asked her.
"Yes sir, I am."
I could hear the music coming though the doors. It wasn't a traditional song, but I knew that as soon as she walked down the isle it was going to be the traditional wedding march.
We proceeded though the doors. Shelby walked before me. We were going to mix it up a little. Shelby is the Maid of Honor, and Shawn is the Best Man. I was not going to walk back with Andrew.
I kept looking at Jackson. He looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown. I couldn't wait for him to see her.
We stood at the alter and the song changed to a man playing the piano. I couldn't help but look at Jackson. He was in his tuxedo and was staring down the isle. He looked in that moment as nothing else in this world he so wanted more than Natalie.
She and Mr. McNeil reached the alter. The preacher looked at them with a smile.
"And who gives this woman?"
"I do, her father."
Mr. McNeil lifted her vail and gave her hands to Jackson then sat next to his wife. I looked at the crowd quickly. There were way more people for Natalie then there was for us, but that was a given. Our mother's side of the family didn't show. It was just my father's.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in Holy matrimony..." The preacher started.
I didn't remember the rest until the vows.
"Do you, Jackson Aaron Lamb take Natalie Marie NcNeil to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward though sickness and in health, though richer or for poor until death do you part?"
"I do."
"And you, Natalie Marie McNeil take Jackson Aaron Lamb to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward though sickness and in health, and though richer and for poor until death do you part?"
"I do."
"By the power vested in me by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
They kissed for what seemed to be a solid minute, but I didn't care. My brother was happy and that's all that mattered to me.
"I now present to you for the first time: Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Lamb."
"You look so beautiful in this dress." Josh said twirling me around, "The dancing is starting soon, and I cannot wait to see this dress twirl."
I blushed and he drew me closer to him.
"I think for once I look good in pictures. The pictures were cute."
"I know. I wasn't allowed to watch."
"Come on. The dance is starting soon then we get to eat."
"Good. I'm starving."
They had the father, daughter dance, then the mother, son dance. Jackson went in the middle of the dance floor by himself.
"Blake, come here." He said, "dance with me."
I blushed and walked away from where Josh, Jess, Brent, and I were seated. (Josh just wanted to play around before sitting down. He sat down after I walked away.)
"You know I can't dance." I said.
"Blake, you can do anything you want to do. You just don't know it yet."
I danced with Jackson until the song ended then it was Jackson and Natalie's first dance as man and wife. They looked perfectly, perfect together. She laid her head on his shoulder and looked up at him. I knew in that moment. That beautiful moment in time that nothing else mattered but how much they love each other. That love was all I need.
I looked back at Josh and he looked at me with the same looks that Jackson was giving Natalie. He is all that I need. My favorite visiter.

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