Chapter 59 Thursday:

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"Good morning." Josh said as I poured water into my glass.
"I look absolutely horrendous."
"Look at me. Try again."
I do admit that he did dress worse than me. He was dressed in every piece of sporting jerseys and outfits he could fine.
"Please tell me that the singlet is washed."
"Yeah, it is. Don't worry."
"Come on or we're going to be late." I said taking a drink out of my cup then putting it in the sink.
"Whatever you say, Blake."
We left for the school, and we arrived just in time to go to first block. He came to my house later than normal to take me to school.
"Don't you two look weird." His dad commented.
"Thanks Dad."
"The singlet throws me off."
"Yep, Joseph is bigger than me."
"Where did you find this stuff anyway?"
"The singlet was in the back of Joseph's closet, the soccer jersey is from like back when Jackson was younger. That's why it's small, James's basketball shoes, Jonathan's old baseball hat, and my football pants. Yeah, it's good to have older brothers."
"I bet."
"And what about you? Jack's old baseball stuff and some of your own."
"Yep, I literally came up with this last minute this morning because my dad called me, and Jackson was texting me. It was a mess."
"I bet that it was. There is football practice today."
"I know that and knowing your head coach your going to be worked to the bone."
"Yeah... Since it's homecoming and we didn't practice yesterday."
"Okay. We have a science test tomorrow." I said, "so, you can come and study tonight."
"Okay, but it's after football practice, and you know that I'm going to be somewhat hopeless, right?"
His dad got up in front of the class, and pulled down the projector screen.
"We're just going to watch a movie today because I have some stuff to do." He said then turned on the projector.
He was laid back, which was good, but when the state made him do papers just to get the grades in it gets a little annoying.
"Like what?" I asked Josh.
"My brothers are making a 'surprise' visit. It's their homecoming tradition. Until I'm out."
"Poor baby." I said patting him on the shoulder.
"You actually have no idea."
Watching four guys walk in and out and annoy Josh was kind of funny. I mean they embarrassed both of us, but it was so much worse for him.
When James showed up he waved to Josh then threw something at him from the front of the row.
"If you're going to give him actually hand it to him." His dad yelled at him, "you're so..."
"Got it, father."
He picked it up, and walked down the isle.
"You're the basketball player." I stated looking up at him.
"Yes, yes I am. How could you tell?"
"I just remembered. That and you threw a jersey at him."
"Point taken."
"One too many concessions. He's a little..."
"I'm stupid, okay, I get it. Not my fault that I smashed heads with a huge guy from New Mexico." He paused like he was waiting to see if Josh was going to correct him, "anyway, do you want this?"
"No, I'm wearing your shoes."
"That's why. Wear your cleats and give me my shoes. I have practice, and I need them."
"I can't wear cleats. Are you crazy?" He said, "I'm going to mess them up."
"Come on little bro. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. And I'm too stupid to tell the difference."
"Piss off."
Next thing I knew Josh was in the floor holding the back of his head. I stood-up and gestured to Mr. Williams. He got up and walked over, and though the isle. We were drawing a crowd for students who were waiting to see what happens next.
"What in the world is going on?"
"Daddy." James said looking up at him.
"Get up. Both of you."
James got up and helped Josh up.
"What's your problem today?" Mr. Williams asked.
"I need my shoes back."
"Did you ask? Or..."
"He has anger management issues. That and he's a touch Bipolar." Josh said holding the back of his head, "that hurt this time, James."
"So? I did ask, but he said no, and my other shoes don't fit like these do."
"James, just deal with it." He said, "get out or shape up. This is a high school campus. Not fight club. Be nice, be careful, or get out."
He looked at me.
"Blake, please excuse me. I'm... The messed up one in my family. Anger issues, I'm somewhat bipolar, and I'm ADHD on a bad day. Like today."
"I get it. You're the crazy one."
"Yet he's still had more girlfriends than anyone but John."
"Because girls love professional basketball players."
"You're still only in college. You won't be..."
"Don't make me beat you, again."
"Come with me." Josh said grabbing his shirt, "we're not doing this here."
They walked past Mr. Williams, and he went to the front of the class.
"Please excuse my sons for their display."
I got up, and went outside. They weren't there.
"Where did they go?"
"Blake, I don't know what's wrong with James today. There isn't any explanation for him being this way today." He said siting down.
He looked defeated just by that outburst.
"Does he have another concussion?"
"Not that we know of. He has anger issues. The last big one was his fault. This huge guy from New Mexico pissed him off in the middle of a game. Next thing I know both of them are passed out in the floor because my dumbass son of mine smashed heads with him."
"James sounds lovely..."
"Yeah, he does." He said, "go and check Joseph's classroom. He's right down the hall."
I walked down the hall, and all five were in there. He didn't have a class right now. Jack was yelling at James. I didn't want to get in the middle. That was until James took a swing at John. I opened the door, and Josh grabbed me by the waist.
"Why did you follow us. We can handle him. Just stay here. Please don't do this."
I knew that the bell for second block was going to ring and tons of freshman where going to walk in, and these 5 grown men are intimidating to say the least.
"We're going to be late." He said, "we have to go."
They all looked at the clock. Even James looked back.
"Yeah, I teach freshman next block. You four losers have to leave."
We left the room, and walked back to his father's class room.
"I have no clue what's going on with James, but everyone is going back to college, except for Joseph and I."
I noticed how he seemed to be the favorite. Everyone seemed to love Joseph, and even James is below John, and John is definitely not the favorite.
"We'll enjoy the rest of your day."
The bell rang and we went to second block.
"Quick question. Can this day get any more weird?"
"No, actually the rest of our day should be painfully boring." He said, "Everyone went back to college."
"Who is the favorite?"
"Me, Joseph, Jackson, John, and James."
"Poor James. He's just misunderstood." I said, "All of this really isn't his fault."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that my parents don't have to deal with him. My dad really doesn't like to deal with him."
"Like I said, poor James."
"I agree." He said as we sat down, "ready for your next hint?"
"Yes, I am ready for my next hint. Even though they are bad hints."
"Okay... Let me think... Games."
Games? Maybe it's an arcade, but cotton candy?
"I hate surprises, and you suck at giving hints."
"Nope, you just suck at guessing."
"That test is tomorrow. Are you going to come over to study, or do you have family matters to attend to?"
"Nope, my family is okay. Everyone will be at college until the homecoming game, which we will win."
"Don't jinx it, baby."
"Okay, yes, I am a sport player. I shouldn't jinx it. That would be bad."
"Exactly." I said, "so don't talk."
He looked at me, and pulled my stool closer.
"I hope you know that you sound dirty without trying." He said, "or maybe it's my over active imagination."
I looked at him. His eyes were captivating me. I wanted to kiss him but then I remembered that I was in school, in chemistry, with a lot of people in there.
"I think it's your over active imagination because I don't think that sounded dirty at all."
"Oh... Yeah? I want to come over for 'tutoring' after football practice."
"Okay, but it is just tutoring. You do realize that you will fail if you don't become serious about this chemistry test."
"I know, Blake, but you're pretty and smart, and the homecoming game is freaking me out. They're one of the best teams in our district, and I'm still one of the youngest quarterbacks in the state." He said, "I mean I was the quarterback as a freshman and we never lost. What if I get burnt out before I go to college?"
"Josh, none of your brothers did. Look at them. None of them have burned out."
"True, but I get nervous before almost every game."
I linked arms with him, and looked at him. He had a frightened look on his face.
"Baby, it will all be okay. You'll do good. You always do good."
"Thanks." He said, "you really are good at calming me down."
"It's a gift."
I put my head on his shoulder when class started.
     After chemistry we walked to math. We weren't the only ones dressed up, but I was in Jackson's old jersey with his last name on it. We sat down in our seats and took out our homework.
"Jack's little sister, right?"
I turned to look at who said that. He was a  senior on the baseball team this year.
"Yes, he is. Jack Lamb, why? How many Lambs do you know?"
"You, your brother, and your hot mother." He said, "and you look just like her."
I saw Josh's body posture get ridged out of the corner of my eye.
"How do you know my mother?" I asked, "because I know your brother that goes to Texas A &M."
"My other brother has her as a teacher at Austin State. I hear she's a whore. Is that why your with her, Josh?"
"Shut your mother fucking mouth! Blake is nothing like her mother."
Josh was standing over him, and was scaring me. After his brothers this morning, and the fact that he's on edge because of the game. He was freaking me out a little.
"Joshua, sit down." I said, "it's fine. My mother is out of my life anyway."
"I should kicked your ass."
"Why risk it? Then we'd lose the game, and I don't think your daddy would be too happy about that."
"I'll be back." Josh said walking out.
He was missing the whole class until lunch. That worried me because it was so out of character for him. At the lunch bell I decided to text him to find out where he was.
Did you die?
Come to my truck, now.
If you insist.
I walked out to his truck, and opened the passenger door.
"What is the matter with you?" I asked, "I know Kason Scottsdale is an ass like his brother but you didn't..."
He cut me off with a kiss. It wasn't light or subtle, and it scared me. I pushed him back.
"That wasn't supposed to happen."
"Yet it did, and you scared me."
"I didn't mean... I know..."
"I've been taken advantage of before, and you know that I'm afraid it's going to happen again. I know your pissed off, but don't do that again unless I'm expecting it. Come and get me when you calm down." I said getting out of the car.
I walked to the lunch room and sat across from Jess.
"What's the matter?"
"Josh just kissed me."
"You know some people enjoy kissing their boyfriends."
"He got mad at someone who was making fun of my mother... Don't ask, then I went to his car, and he kissed me. It scared me because it wasn't gentle or sweet. It made me think of Dallas, and it scared me."
"Do you want me to go kill him?"
"No, I told him to talk to me when he's cooled down."
"I mean I don't know." She said, "he's probably under stress. I mean the game tomorrow, and I heard that his brothers showed up."
"They did. It was horrible."
Josh walked in and sat next to me, but didn't say anything.
"Okay, this is awkward." Jess said looking between the two of us.
You have no idea.
After football practice Josh took me home. We walked in and sat on the couch.
"Look, Blake, I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm just upset, and when James is pissed the whole family becomes upset." He said, "Because he gets riled up and angry. It's just not good."
"Josh, it's okay, really. You were upset."
"But I'm not Dallas, and I scared you. I never want to see that look on your face."
"Joshua, it's okay."
"Okay... If you're not..."
"Abusive parents... I can handle a lot more than you think."
"I'm going to go home because after today I don't think that you're okay with me spending the night."
"Yeah, you should go."
I walked him to the door.
"Well, this is goodbye and goodnight." He said.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Until tomorrow."
He left, and I closed the door behind him. I didn't hate him, and I wasn't scared anymore. I just didn't want him to spend the night because he seemed to be on edge too much today, and one more distraction and we end up losing the homecoming game his father is going to say 'I told you so', big time.

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