Chapter 58 Wednesday:

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Waking up in the Williams' basement was the first thing that threw me off. That and I had like five other people all strangers around me... Okay, four strangers, and Josh's mom wasn't in the basement anymore.
I got up and walked carefully to the stairs. I opened the door and Josh looked like he was reaching for the handle but was turned talking to someone. The sun wasn't even up yet.
"Good morning, Blake."
"Do you need anything?"
"No... I decided to go ahead and get up."
"Okay, I was coming to get you anyway." He said, "do you want to take a shower before everyone else gets up? The five of us just did."
"Did you guys go on a run?"
"Yes, yes we did."
I yawned and closed the basement door.
"Actually... Since it's like five in the morning can I just go crash on your bed? I didn't sleep well on a palate in the floor."
"Sure, right this way."
I could see a faint out line of a smile on his lips. I followed him upstairs to his room and laid down on his bed. It was so much more comfortable than the floor. I got under the covers and got comfortable. I heard him chuckle behind me.
"Blake, sweetheart, could you move over half an inch... Or more?"
It was only a queen, which was bigger than mine at home, that's a full, and I laid down in the center of it.
"Do I have to?"
I felt him move me over, and move the sheets back. I starting getting leery of where he was, and I stiffened up.
"I'm not going to hurt you, or touch you if you don't want me to, okay?"
I nodded my head, and started to drift back off.
I woke-up to what looked like a flash going by my eyes. I looked around to lighting and thunder going on. I looked back at Josh and he was still asleep. The sound of the thunder was really close. I looked at the clock at it was just time to get up to get ready for school.
"We have to go to school."
"What? It's dark outside."
"Because it's raining."
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Raining? What do you mean?"
"Rain, when the sky has precipitation coming from it."
"Babe, you're a genius, but not right now."
"Coming from the guy who didn't know what rain was."
He rolled his eyes and sat up in bed.
"You take a shower and I'll be downstairs."
"Okay." I said.
I sat up in bed, but I didn't want to get out of bed. It was raining and a Wednesday. That and I had to dress-up like an idiot.
"I change my mind. I want to go back to bed."
He smiled and pulled me to him.
"I'm sorry, baby, but we have to go. It's going to be too late."
There was a massive thunder rumble and a huge lighting strike that seemed to be really close by.
"Can you get dressed without a shower? I don't fee comfortable with you taking a shower now."
"Okay, and I should be fine."
That meant I could get away with maybe another 5-10 minutes.
"I'm going back to bed." I said leaning against his chest.
He laid back down, and I laid on his chest. I brushed my hands though his hair, and looked up at him.
"I love you."
He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too."
"Wow... You look good in white." Josh said walking into the kitchen.
I blushed and looked at him.
"Coming from my Devilishly handsome boyfriend."
"And you get annoyed with my puns."
Josh was dressed up like a Devil, and I was an Angle. It was opposite day, and this is what we found... Okay, it's more like what he conned me into wearing. How I still don't know.
"Are we going to school now?" I asked.
"Yes, we are." He said grabbing an apple.
I was about to grab a banana, but the looks in the room prevented me from doing so.
"You can eat a banana if you want it." He whispered in my ear.
I blushed again and grabbed an apple instead.
"Never mind." I said, "I don't want it."
We walked to his car and got in. It was poring outside. I turned on the heating, and unbuttoned his letterman that I had on.
"I don't know if wearing your letterman in the rain is a good thing."
"Why? The synthetic leather will shrink?"
I looked at him and took a bite of my apple.
"How are you going to eat and drive?"
"We're multitaskers. Don't worry about me not being able to eat and drive."
"Okay, as long as you don't kill us."
"I won't. Don't worry."
We got to school in one piece, and I put my halo on when I got in the school from the rain.
"Take your jacket off, or it won't make sense."
"But I'm cold."
"Fine, but take it off when we get to first block."
"Okay, I will."
I threw our cores away as we walked to my locker. Jess was standing there going though the texts on her phone.
"Hey you two... Are you a devil and an angel?"
"Yes, we are." Josh said crossing his arms over his chest, "what are you?"
"Jess. That's it. I didn't have anyone to be with."
"Right, Jersey Boy."
"Brent." She said locking her phone, "either say his name or don't say it at all."
"Alright you two." I said getting my stuff, "goodbye, Jess."
"Bye, Blake."
We walked away to first, and I smacked his arm.
"Why don't you like Jess?"
"I do. She just doesn't like that I don't like her boyfriend."
"And why don't you like her boyfriend?"
"His best friend screwed you over, remember?"
"Brent isn't like that now. Why don't we go on a double date?"
"Maybe. I'll think about it."
We walked into first block and sat down. I took the jacket off.
"Oh... That makes sense. It perfectly sums you up."
Josh and I looked up at Frankie, who just walked in.
"Who? Me or her?"
"Actually you two should switch. It'll be more accurate."
"Why are you in here?"
"I'm getting work because I won't be in here today." He said getting papers, "I'm leaving at noon."
I didn't really care. He didn't like me, and even if Josh was his friend I didn't want to be his friend.
"Alright, man." He said waving him goodbye.
Frankie left, and I looked up at the board. We had a test, and I was no where near prepared for it.
"I'm so screwed about the test."
"Why? It's easy."
"I literally just made-up a test, and I'm going to fail again."
"Blake, you will do fine. I believe in you."
I turned in my test and looked at Josh.
He had his head on the desk and looked over at me with a smile.
"Come to church with me tonight. We'll let Hooch out, you can get a dress, and we can go. There isn't any football practice because of that."
"What about the whole separation of church and state thing?"
"My dad's the head coach, and as long as he doesn't openly disclose that. We can do anything."
"That sounds like my dad."
We were whispering because some people still were not finished with their tests. I stole his devil horns and took my halo off.
"You make a good angel."
"Why?" I asked putting it on my head.
"Because you're really sweet."
"Thanks, Josh." I said, "and you make a good devil."
"Oh, really? And why is that?"
"You're a naughty boy." I said with a wink.
He leaned over to my desk.
"Maybe you should be a devil too."
"So I can punish you without feeling guilty for it."
"Come on. You were the one that wanted to eat a banana in front of five guys. Even my mother knows better than that."
"You 6 are a weird bunch."
"Six? Oh, my dad."
"Yeah, I hope you and your brothers' aren't turned on by that."
"No, don't worry, but I would have been if you ate it."
I blushed, gave him his horns back, and I hid my head.
Why does he do that?
I like chemistry. Josh on the other hand hated it. He looked like he was one chemical equation away from beating his head on the desk.
"Josh, calm down."
"I'm going to die."
"You're not going to die... just don't beat your head on the desk, okay, I like you too much."
"Thanks babe. Are you ready for your second hint?"
"Yes, I am."
"Teddy bears."
"Teddy bears? What kind of hint is that?"
"For you a very vague yet accurate one."
Teddy bears? If he takes me to Build-a-Bear Workshop... But the other hint was cotton candy? What?
"Whatever, Joshua. I give-up."
"You have Thursday and Friday for a hint. Then our date on Saturday. Then the dance. I love this week."
"We have a test in here on Friday. Do you want to come over tomorrow and study?" I asked.
"Okay, Blake, you're only a little bit better at chemistry than I am. How are you going to tutor me?"
"Josh... Think about it. Then get back to me." I said patting him on his back.
"Oh... 'Study'. I get it."
I rolled my eyes and put my head on his shoulder.
"Do you remember that lab that we did? With the water. When I spilt it on my pants."
"Yeah." I said.
     I wasn't sure where this was going.
     It was the most awkward thing since I had to walk down the hallway to the bathroom like that."
"What reminded you of that?"
"Your hand on my thigh."
I blushed and moved my hand.
"It wasn't that close... I'll go to church with you."
"Okay, I'm glad."
"What denomination is it?" I asked sitting up.
"Does it matter?"
"No, I'm just curious."
"So are we."
"Okay, you probably don't go as often as we do."
"I haven't been to church since I was baptized, and that was back when I was like maybe 3. My dad knows when I was baptized. It was his idea."
"Okay, I go to church every Sunday, and almost every Wednesday."
"Maybe I'll go with you more often. I know that Jackson and Natalie want to get married in a church. They don't know which one, or what denomination. Baptist or Methodist. Knowing Natalie they'll have it in her church."
"Alright." He said, "I want food."
"Don't you always want food?"
"Yes, it's a side affect of being a football player."
"It's almost lunch." I said.
"Yeah, almost."
We were sitting down at the lunch table, and he didn't eat just one helping, but he went back though the line like three times.
"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked as he came back to the table for the last time.
"No, why?"
"You're eating like your pregnant." Jess said.
I looked at her.
"Pregnant? Really?"
"What? Got a better excuse?" She questioned.
"A Tapeworm." I said.
"Gross, I'm eating." He said.
"Then we'll stick with the pregnancy theory." Jess said, "just as easy."
"I haven't been doing anything that would cause that." He said.
I looked at him then and shoved him.
"I don't want to know that. Besides you're a guy. Therefore you cannot be pregnant anyway. And I'm done with this conversation."
"Sorry, baby."
"You need to get over this thing with Brent. He has not done anything to anyone and he loves Jess, which is more than I can say for most."
"Blake... I haven't said anything about him. We were talking about how your friend thinks that I'm pregnant."
"Well I'm not." I said, "and once again I'm tired of this conversation."
"Yeah, I'm glad that you weren't. Having one with Dallas..."
I was about to kick Jess under the table, and Josh didn't look too happy with that either.
"Thanks. I like being reminded of that with my lovable boyfriend next to me."
"Anyway... The bell is about to ring." Jess said.
"Good. I'm ready to go home." He said.
"Who isn't?"
The bell rang and we dismissed back to 3rd block. We were in math until the bell rang. Then 4th. I was kind if nervous to go to church with him. I hadn't been in so long.
I met him at his truck, and we left for my house. He let Hooch out, and I got a dress.
"Does it matter which dress I wear?" I asked.
"Something modest enough, but you can't wear my letterman jacket."
"Why not?"
"I don't know." He said with a shrug, "Do you need my help?"
"Nope, it's going to be a surprise. Like our date this weekend."
"Okay, just bring it with you. You can get ready at my house."
"Okay, that works."
"Are you coming with us?" Mrs. Williams asked as we walked in.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Okay, it starts at 6:00 do you want to come into my room and get ready?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Follow me. Josh go get dressed."
"Yes mother."
He walked away and she ushered me into the master bedroom. It was huge.
"You can use make-up, or anything that you need."
"Okay." I said.
I got dressed and used her make-up. It was weird because I was so used to just having Jackson or maybe my dad. A mother figure is weird.
"It's weird having a daughter, or more of a daughter figure. Five sons and you feel out of place."
"I bet."
"We're leaving soon, ready to go?"
"Yes ma'am"
We came into to kitchen, and Josh was standing there trying to tie a tie.
"Do you need help, baby?"
"Um... Yeah, I need help. I can't tie ties."
I tied it, and smoothed it down the front of his white button down shirt.
Joseph's fiancé came with us. Jackson, Jonathan, and James' girlfriend's joined as well. We all took our own cars. Well, every group took their own car.
We got there, and I looked at him.
"I love you." He said kissing my cheek, "did you have fun playing dress-up with my mom?"
"I love you too, and I did. I haven't played dress-up in a long time."
He smiled and turned the car off. We got out, and walked to the front to the church. The rain had stopped for a while after we got to school, but the thunder in the distance meant that it might start again. I went to strengthen his tie again.
"It's off by like less than half an inch. Is it bothering you?"
"Yes, yes it is." I said smoothing it down again, "I like it. It matches."
My dress is a burgundy color.
"I did it on purpose." He said, "I want to match you. Like I will with that mysterious dress you bought for homecoming."
"I don't like surprises, but I like surprising you."
"Come on. Let's go in." He said holding out an arm.
I took it, and we walked in right when the rain was starting back again.
We took our seats, and I looked around.
"I think this is the church that my mother and father got married in, and that I got baptized in."
"How do you know that?" He asked as we sat down.
"Pictures. My dad has pictures of their wedding hiding in a box somewhere, but I can't remember where."
"Well, I could ask about them. I bet they'll have something in the records."
"Okay, you can do that."
All of us took up a pew by ourselves. Twelve people all in one. They were long with one isle down the middle leading to the alter at the top.
"What are you thinking about?" Josh whispered in my ear.
"What was going though my dad's mind when he fall in love with my mother."
"Think of it this way. If he wouldn't have fallen in love with her then you and Jack wouldn't be here, and that would be terrible."
"Thanks Josh."
"You don't understand what it means to me for you to still put up with me."
"Blake, I put up with you because I love you. You are perfect and beautiful. I can't find anyone else who is like you."
"Thanks Joshua."
He kissed my temple, and a few minutes later church started. I listened to the sermon, and liked it. I mean it had been so long, but still it wasn't boring. It lasted an hour, and afterwards we went out to eat.
We arrived at the restaurant to eat. It was a local diner in town. The same place that I pulled Josh into the girl's bathroom.
"So, what do you want to eat?" Josh asked looking over the menu.
"I'm thinking of a Ruben, you?"
"That sounds good." He said, "I might eat that too."
We were sitting at a round table where everyone could see each other. We ordered food and ate. It was getting late, and I just wanted to go home and go to sleep.
"Are you going to your home or mine?" He asked me.
"Mine. You can pick me up in the morning."
"Or I can sleep over with you, and take you to school."
"What about clothes?"
"It's tacky day. I can come up with something."
"Josh, I think it'll be better if I just go home and sleep at my place rather than yours. I'm tired, and you should go and stay with your family."
"Okay, that's okay I get it. I'll just drop you off at home."
We made small talk until I didn't want to be there anymore. I was beyond ready to go home. We went to his truck, and he drove me home. We walked me to my door.
"So, this is goodnight." He said, "I'll see you in the morning."
"Yeah, I guess." I said undoing his tie from his neck.
"Just come and get me, okay?"
"Of course. Why do you need my tie?"
"Tacky day, baby. I'm going to wear it."
"Okay, whatever you need."
"What I really need to do is call my brother."
"Then call him."
"I'll do it later."
He kissed me.
"Goodnight, baby."
He walked away, and I closed the door behind him. I couldn't help but smile at him.

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