Seeing Her Pain

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Don saw the two children doing flips and enjoying the view of the empty city.

April must have currupted them while they were with her, I should put them somewhere safe away from all this but Hoshi might be okay. She clearly hates April unless it's a trick because April showed no fear.

"Hey guys let's go back inside, I think that's enough for today."

Don faced the foot building when Hoshi said something that caught his attention.

"When cam we just destroy this place?"

Turning around Hoshi was starring at him.

"I mean there's no real point if no one is the same so why keep the world as it is?"

"Hoshi but want people die from that? They aren't like us?"

"They will be."

Isamu moved his body in Hoshi's direction.

"Takashi Isamu, he'll save them."

Like he cares. But it's strange that she brings this up know.

"Did you hear me talking to April Hoshi?"

When Don turned around Hoshi was right up in his face.

"I finally figured out how to work my ears to hear from far distances and I happened to over hear your little conversation."

Don sight and hugged Hoshi.

"If you heard everything, I want you to know that some things are worth fighting for."

They parted and flew back to the building that was know his.

Kranng were everywhere, watching him.

As Don walked into the throne room he remembered when he thought Shredder was dead he was in charge.

"Like old times."

"What Dad?"

"Nothing, go see how Leo is doing, or check out the place just don't leave."

"Okay, come on Isamu."

Foots step went dead giving Don the sign that no one was in the room.

Takashi what's your part in all of this.

'To keep you in control, not to go pop and only be a robot of mass distruction.'

"The one as Takashi,"Don spun around and saw that the Kranng had Leo and April,"Kranng need to know what to do with the ones called April O'Neil and Leonardo Homato."

Don could feel his eyes change and his spin tingling with hate.

"Leave them with me."

As if Don's voice was a remote controle the Kranng letted go and slammed shut the metal french doors.

"Why didn't you run?"

"I was trying to break out Leo."

Don looked at Leo, seeing that around his eyes were dark making his eyes pop out more as he starred at Don.

"Look all I did was kill a couple of people so."

Leo ran at Don swing a kick at his but blocked by Don's arm. Quickly Leo punched at his gut used his other leg to hit Don's back. Using his wings he flapped them open cause Leo's leg to go the other direction. Don then grabbed his arm throw him to the ground making him slam his shell on the ground.

"Very good Leo, that would have been good if it were a human that don't have faster reflects than you."

Releasing Leo's arm he used his legs to fly by Don's face as a distraction and used the other leg to hit the back of Don's knees but Don saw it coming and jumped to dodge the move.

As Leo spun a used it's speed to jump back onto his feet and aimed a punch at Don's bare chest. As Don saw Leo have his fist coming in he landed and leaned to the right. Leo throw another punch to hit Don in the teeth but Don blocked it and kicked Leo in the plasteron.

Leo hit the wall and Don moved his forearm under his chin having a fist ready.

Then April's crying were heard.

Don turned to look at her to see her in tears on her knees looking at him.

"Stop fighting. Your brothers family. The thing your supposed to keep forever but all you guys do is want to cut each others heads off!"

Don felt weak at the sight of her bailing because of him. Of what he was doing. And know he real notice that she was in pain this hole time because he was braking her world when ever she felt happy. All she was know was in pain.


'Don we need to finish our jobs that were destined, just ignore her like before it will be over soon if you do it now.'

Don released Leo and flew away before he could continue to fight him.

I can't see her in pain anymore. Why must I be in love with her.

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