Part Four

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The boys got back to the dorm and saw Sehun deep in his thoughts. Suho cleared his throat.
   "Sehun we're going to go see Luhan in China." Sehun bounced up. " R-Really?" Suho smiled and nodded. Sehun jumped up and gave the others a big hug. "Thank you hyungs. You are so so caring for me." He let go of them and ran up to pack. After packing, Sehun decided to make a special gift for Luhan. He went out and bought supplies. He put together a giant card and put it in his bag. Then he took his things and got into the car with the other members. He couldn't wait. He was going to see his  Luhan again. They arrived to the airport and got onto the plane. The members slept while Sehun was in his own world, thinking about Luhan. Thirty minutes later he slept and had a dream. A sweet one of his Luhan.
    A couple hours later, they landed in China, were they took a cab to the hospital. They arrived and asked the nurse for Luhan's room. She gave them the floor and room. They went up the lift and walked to the room where they saw Luhan eating. His eyes widened when he saw him. And his heart was pounding when he saw the maknae. He was pretty much speechless. He was in shock. He saw darkness next. He heard faint sounds however. It was like he was alive but not awake. He could still think but not speak or even move. He tried to but couldn't. The members tried to wake him but no movement. They called the doctors and nurses. The nurses made them wait outside the room and contact Lu's mum. A couple minutes later, his mum was there and was kind of happy to see the members. They all waited until the doctor came out. "How is he Doctor Wang?" Lu's mum asked worriedly. "Ah yes, Luhan is fine. He was in shock and exhausted. We should let him rest for now." Doctor Wang explained. He allowed them to go inside and left. Luhan's mum went to go call his father. The members left Sehun alone in the room with Luhan. "Lulu I hope you get better soon because you are a part of my heart. You make me happy. Saranghae." He kissed Luhan's forehead, thinking that he was asleep. When Sehun left, Luhan opened his eyes and blushed, replaying that moment over and over again. He smiled and truly went to sleep happily.

Hi there! This chapter was kind of a brain fart for me. If you don't understand it, or you are lost, comment and I'll edit. I'll update asap. See ya soon!

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