Chapter Fifteen

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Luhan's POV
  Due to that incident, we walked away from the ice cream place. Our date pretty much ended as soon as we ran into them. We walked back to our hotel, quietly.

"What are we going to do now?" Sehun asked, breaking the silence. Lily sighed.

"I don't know truthfully. We still don't know what they are planning. Especially against you and Luhan." Lily replied to Sehun.

"Wait a minute, Jagiya, didn't you say you have sources, like that one guy, Yoongi?" Suho asked Lily. Her face brightened up. "Guys, I think I know people who can help us, but first, let's get back to the hotel room." We quickly walked back to our hotel room which was thankfully not that far. We all gathered into Lily and Suho's room.

Lily's POV

I took out my phone and called my 7 friends. Since they were pretty much together all the time, I only needed to call one of them.

"Hey, can you and the boys help me out?" I asked Yoongi. "Sure, send me your location and we'll be on our way." He replied.

"Okay, so my friends are on it now, but is there anything personal to know about Kris?" I asked them.

"Umm...for all we know, he had a son named Ace-" I cut off Suho. "Kris has a son?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I guess. It was a stuffed animal." I was relieved. If he had a son, things would go very, very wrong. Yoongi and the others are trained to capture adults, not children. I sighed and told them to carry on.

"So, uh yeah, his son's name is Ace. His best friend was also Tao. They trusted each other a lot. Tao was pretty devastated when he left. But I'm not really sure if they keep in touch anymore." Suho explained.

"Well, we still need to question Tao." I said as there was a knock on the door. Sehun got up and opened it. I saw Yoongi and the boys walk in.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed as I hugged them. I turned back to Suho, Luhan, and Sehun. "So these are my friends, they call themselves BTS. Here is Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. Say hello." When they finally seemed very friendly, I spoke up.

"Ookay then, now that you seem fine with each other, let's get on. BTS, I need you to help get some dirt on Kris and Jessica Wu." I said looking at them. Jin took out a laptop and set it down. He started to type.

"I got something Lily." Suho, Luhan, Sehun, and I looked over Jin's shoulder.

Name: Jessica Kim-Wu
Date of Birth: February 12, 1991
Spouse: Wu Yi Fan

Criminal records:

-involved in theft in 2012
- suspect the unsolved murder case of Kwon Sohyun in 2013
-harassment restraining order given by her ex-boyfriend Jang Hyunseung in 2014


Jessica Kim has been a former agent. Forced to resign by Jasper Lee, head trainer at the academy due to aggressive behavior towards a fellow agent. Journalist at Sunset Press.

We all looked at each other with wide eyes. As a former friend of Jessica, I never would have expected this. Sure, she was a tough cookie at the academy, but she was really bubbly and hyper.

"Jagi, has she always been like this?" Suho asked me. Still in shock, I shook my head. Although we were no longer friends in any way, I still feel as if I should care for her and I don't know why. Yoongi put his hand on my shoulder.

"Lily, do you need some time?" He asked me, seeing a bit of hurt on my face.

"No, we still need to do this. Jin, search up Kris' profile." I shook off the feeling and went to a poker face. I looked at the computer.

Name: Wu Yi Fan otherwise known as Kris Wu
Date of Birth: November 6, 1990
Spouse: Jessica Kim-Wu

Criminal Records:

-fined for a DUI in 2014
-suspect of hacking into classified government  files in 2015
-suspect of murdering Jung Daehyun in late 2015


Former member of popular Korean-Chinese boy band EXO. Heir to SkyGalaxy INC.

"He has actual criminal records." Luhan states in awe.

"So what should we do now?" Namjoon asked. We all began to think quietly. "I've got an idea!" Jungkook popped up suddenly. I nodded at him to continue.

"What if you guys trick the both of them to admitting their crimes! You give them pieces of what they want and trick them into confessing to their crimes." Jungkook suggested happily.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Sehun exclaimed as he high-fived Jungkook.

"Sounds great, but we still don't know what they want." Luhan said. An idea popped into my head.

"Well, they want to destroy EXO's happiness by the looks of it, so why don't I pretend that I want to destroy you guys and I'll get even more dirt on them." I applauded myself.

"Sounds great! Let's get working." Hoseok happily cheered. Suho kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, my genius girl." I blushed and gave him a peck on the lips. "I love you too, my rich jackass." He pouted and attacked me in more kisses.

"PDA!" Jungkook screamed, covering his eyes.

Heh. This update was much later then I expected. I meant to publish it two days ago but...POKEMON GO. I've been walking around my neighborhood collecting Pokemon. Sorry bout that (not really) ^~^

*leaves humming to the Pokemon theme song*


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