Chapter 2- Standing up for me

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I absolutely hate the sun. But apperantly Karly decided that it was okay to invade my home, storm into my room and open my window, screaming, "Wakey wakey sunshine!"

I groaned and rolled over, but ended up falling off my comfy bed and landed with a thud.

"Whyyy??....It's so early!" I said and rolled up into a ball on the floor.

"Actually it's 11 am. We have things to do, places to be. Now get dressed sleepy head!" Karly said, walking out of my room.

-30 minutes later-

I was dressed in black skinny jeans and a tight white V-neck. I walked downstairs, put my black boots that ended just above my ankles, and towards the front door. I grabbed my wallet and keys off the table.

"Finally! 'Bout time! I was about to pronounce you dead!" Karly said, walking out of the kitchen, with a peice of bread in her mouth.

"Uh huh." I said and started walking out the door. I locked the front door, and we headed towards my red Chevy Camaro. But of course knowing me, I just had to look up.

When I looked up, my eyes were drawn to Mr.Sexy right away. His eyes stared straight into mine. He looked me up and down and then looked me in the eye again. He smirked.

"Oohh, look whos checkin someone out now." Karly whispered in my ear. She scared me enough to make me jump.

She looked over there and smiled. "I think I have something to do. I'll be right back."

She started walking but not before I threatened her. "I swear Karly. I will kill you if you dare go over there." I angrily said, staring at her sternly.

She just shrugged it off, and started walking away.

I did the only thing that came to my mind. I wrapped my legs around her leg, criss cross, and sat on her foot. I wrapped my arms around her leg, and screamed, "Karly Cara Tillman! Don't you freakin dare do it! I will bite you!"

"I will make you bleed!"

"I will shave your hair off when you sleep! I know where you live!"

"Ugh! Get off me you bastard!" She laughed.

"No! Not until you get into the damn car!" I screamed at her.

"Okay, okay, get off me and I will. I promise." She sighed.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Okay."

I got up and headed towards my car again. Next thing I know, I hear the click-clack of heels against concrete. I look over and see Karly running across the street.

"Oh my god! Karly fucking Tillman! I'm going to murder you in your fuckin' sleep!"

I ran over there, but by the time I got there, she was writing something on Mr.Sexy's hand.

I push her out of the way, and grabbed his hand. Once I look at it and see my number written in pen on his hand-very cold hand by the way- I turn around and slap her across the face.

The next thing I know I'm slammed against the truck, and I have a blonde dude in my face.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER! I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKIN' HEAD OFF!" He screamed in my face while clutching my neck tightly. I couldn't breathe.

Mr.Sexy tore the blonde dude from me and threw him on the ground. He stood over him. "Don't touch HER! Don't ever lay a single finger on her or else I will kill you." He said angrily.

Karly looked shocked but then she pulled me and ran across the street, and into the car. She took my keys, started the car up and sped out of the driveway. She sped down the road to wherever we were going.

"What the hell was all that about?!" I asked her.

She wouldnt answer me, she just stared straight ahead wouldn't talk.

"Karly! Answer me!" I yelled.

"Shut up. I just got scared. Okay? It's nothing, we had to go anyway." She just shook it all off like that. I was so confused. All I know is that Mr.Sexy just stood up for me when he doesn't even know me, the blonde dude stood up for Karly, and something is going on that I don't know about but I plan on finding out.

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Just been busy. But thanks to whoever took a chance to read my stories. (Btw this is a short chapter, just for now.)
P.S. next chapter will be Karly's P.O.V, and there will be a pic of Ryder.

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