Chapter 4- Back to school

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I got dressed in a Panic At The Disco shirt and black jeans. I went downstairs and pulled on my black ankle-high boots.
   I walked into the kitchen to see Karly staring into my fridge.
"You need to go shopping." She said closing the refrigerator door.
"And we need to get coffee so hurry up and get into the car." She walked to the door.
I grabbed the keys off the counter and my backpack from off the ground. I locked up the house.
When I turned around I automatically looked across the street.
I regret it because when I did, Ryder was leaning over his front porch and looked straight into my eyes.
Thank God Karly pushed me into her car, breaking Ryder and I's stare off.
I let out the giant breath that I didn't even realize I was holding in.
Karly drove off to Lila's Café.
Lila's Café is this small Café in the middle of town that has amazing coffee and food. Luckily for Karly and I, we get free coffee because my aunt Lila owns it of course.
Karly went inside to get the usual-she got a vanilla iced coffee with 2 sugars and I got a caramel frappe. I was too tired to go in so Karly just went in.
    She came back with the coffees in her hands about 5 minutes later. But she also had a bag with her.

  "I got us a croissant 'cause I was starving." She said while chewing and handing me a croissant.
I ate it all by the time we got to school.

I picked up my bag and coffee, got out of the car and waited for Karly.
She came around the car and we started walking.

When we walked up the stairs of the front of the school I heard whispers all around us. We ignored them and walked to our lockers. Yes, somehow she and I got our lockers right next to each other.

"Did you see the new kids?"
"Oh my god they are gorgeous, especially the tall one."
"I wish I could have that hot shucks!"

I heard so many whispers about the new kids that I actually ended up realizing who it was.

Ryder, and his little group walked down the hallway. He saw me and smirked. I then realized he was walking over to me.

When he got to me, he leaned on the locker next to mine.

"Well isn't it nice to see you again." He said in a deep, innocent voice.
I heard a couple gasps when he spoke.

"What are you doing here Ryder? I thought you were an adult." I whispered.

I slammed my locker shut and started walking away but was stopped by Ryder's muscled arm.

"I am. But I might of hacked into the system and put me as a student with a different age."

"Now why would you wanna do that huh?" I said with a sly smile. I was not interested in his little games. Obviously he was going to take advantage of every girl he could. For some reason, my chest hinged with a pain when I thought of that.

"To see you of course." He smiled a toothy smile that looked amazing.

"Now isn't that kinda weird?"

"Skylar. I want to know you. I want to be your friend okay?" He whispered in my ear.

I looked him in the eyes. He looked serious. His eyes were a golden now, they were gorgeous.
Maybe I could play his game. Maybe I could show him that he doesn't want to mess with me.

I sighed. "Who's your first class?"

He smiled and leaned back up. "Whoever your first class is."

I started walking to English. Karly disappeared apparently.

Ryder and I have every class together. He made sure of it. For some reason he took an interest in me. Out of all the girls in this school. But I also took a slight interest into him too. I couldn't hide that. I will let him get to know me but I won't fall for this sexy beast. That is a promise that I am making to myself.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ryder.

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