Alternate Ending

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"Oh my God." Stiles whispered out, thumb running over the smoothness of the cardboard.

He read pregnancy test over and over, unbelieving the words printed on the box in pink writing.

"You think... Are you..." He couldn't string together a proper sentence, too much at a loss for words to say anything.

(Y/n) finally lifted her head just as Stiles tore his gaze from the box to look at her. She shrugged halfheartedly, taking the box from Stiles, "I'm not sure if I am or not just yet. I have to wait a while before I can actually use one but last night... There's a pretty high chance of me being so."

The sudden sound of police sirens rang though the area, piecing their ears and changing the mood of the room in an instant. Stiles cursed under his breath, striding over to the window and pulling back the curtain to look out at the parking lot.

Three police cars were parked, flashing red and blue lights casting their hues into their hotel rooms. Police men were scattered around the area, some he could see walking into the reception.

In a rush of panic, he strode over to (Y/n) and took her hands into his while pulling her close to him.

"This is it," He spoke quickly, "We're coming down to the last moments we're going to have together so I need you to listen to me for a second, okay?"

She nodded excessively, wide and worried eyes flicking back and forth between his brown ones.

"I need you to know that I love you to the moon and back, and no matter what you decide to do with this baby is going to change that. The moments I have been lucky enough to share with you have been some of the best moments of my entire life. Sometimes I wish we had met on better terms, but I wouldn't change our past for the world. We're the runaways, remember? Forever and always."

The hotel door suddenly burst open, three officers with guns held up to their faces running in while shouting things but neither Stiles or (Y/n) bothered to listen to it.

They were so lost in each others eyes that what was going on around them hadn't became real until one of the officers had managed to cuff Stiles' hands behind his back. All the shouting pierced her ears as she watched in horror as two of the officers brought Stiles to his knees, pressing his face into the carpet.

Sobs racked her body, and the third officer had made his way over to her while placing his hands on her shoulders, ushering her toward the door.

Before she exited the room, she caught Stiles' eyes one last time, whispering out a strained "Runaways. Forever and always." before she was pushed out of the door and out of sight.

Everything was happening almost too fast, so fast it made her head spin while she tried to keep up. The officer had lead her to the reception, leaving her momentarily while he tended to helping the other two officers guide Stiles out of the room.

Her arms came up to hug her torso, tears still slipping down her cheeks as she watched them push Stiles into the back of one of their cars, slamming the door shut.

The three officers exchanged words, the lady at the reception offering (Y/n) a blanket that she gratefully accepted, then one of the officers were jumping into the drivers side of the car Stiles was in.

The engine was started, sirens starting up again. The car drove past the reception, and she managed to catch one last glimpse at Stiles before he disappeared down the road.

"Mr. Stilinski," The office spoke, sitting down across the table from Stiles. "Your test results came back, and it would seem that you have deemed unfit for prison."

This caught Stiles' attention, making him look at the officer while he waited for him to speak up again.

"Instead of prison, you will serve your time in a mental facility until you are fit enough to be transported to prison."

Stiles simply nodded at the officer, making himself seem uninterested in what the man had to say, yet he failed to realize how ecstatic his words made Stiles. Him being in a mental facility meant that he had the opportunity to actually see (Y/n) while he was serving his time.

That night at the hotel wouldn't have to be the last time they see each other. This facility gave them a sliver of a chance of keeping their relationship strong, giving Stiles a chance to see his son if (Y/n) decided to keep the baby.

So in deep in thought, Stiles had realized the officer had left the interview room until the door was opening again. The same officer entered again and spoke up almost immediately.

"Now, Mr. Stilinski, if you're ready your transport to the facility has arrived."

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