Chapter 4

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Leaves and sticks crunched below his shoes as Stiles continued to trek through the preserve, getting deeper and deeper until he came to a path, one that was simply man-made from everyone walking it so frequently, one that he had become much too familiar with the past week.

Usually, he wouldn't be going after his next victims so soon, he liked to pace himself, give himself more time to gather more information about the specific person, but the girl he was tracking down now was too good not to go after straight away.

She went by the name Cee, though Stiles was still yet to figure out if that was her actual name or not. Almost every night she ran the path, curly brown hair tied into a messy looking bun at the top of her head. 

He was currently standing behind a tree, fiddling with a roll of duct tape as he waited for Cee to run close enough for him to grab her. It didn't take her long; before Stiles knew it she was almost passing the tree he was hiding behind. 

He got the tape ready then stepped out onto the track, letting Cee collide into his chest. Her first initial shock send her body still, this giving Stiles the perfect opportunity to bring her hands to her back, securing them together.

She struggled against his hold, screaming desperately for someone to help her until he harshly placed a piece of tape across her mouth, silencing her pleads. Stiles dragged her away from the path, well out of sight before he finally allowed himself to pull a knife out of his back pocket. 

He held the cool blade to her neck, and she immediately stiffened under his hold. Everything around them suddenly seemed to go silent, as if the world knew what was about to happen. The only thing audible was Cee's whimpers from behind the tape, but with a quick slice of the blade against her neck even those couldn't be heard anymore. 


Crystal and Ben, Brittany's parents, sat in his office at the police station. Crystal was leaning heavily against Ben, sobs racking her body while she processed the information Sheriff Stilinski had just given the pair.

It wasn't easy for him to tell them that their daughter was the third girl to disappear this month, nor was it easy to continue to lie on his sons behalf. 

Lying to Crystal and Ben was one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. He had known the couple for as long as he could remember, and it was almost unbelievable to him that it was Stiles that had killed their daughter. 

The same Stiles who used to have bubble bath's with Brittany when they were toddlers; the same Stiles who would play dress ups with her when they were five; the same Stiles who swore to Brittany one afternoon that he would always protect her no matter what happened. 

Stiles had seemed so sincere when he told Brittany, so the fact that he had put a blade to her skin didn't make any sense. What could have possibly happened to them to result in such a fate?

"I'm going to take Crystal home," Ben suddenly announced, bringing Sheriff out of his daydream. "Are there anymore forms we had to fill out or anything?" 

Sheriff shook his head, giving Ben an apologetic look, "No, its fine. Go home and rest. I'll call you immediately if we get any leads on who did this." 

Ben nodded and thanked him before shuffling out of the room. Sheriff watched as he pulled Crystal into his arms and began to lead her out of the station. Once they were gone, he took a seat at his desk and rested his head in his hands. 

One day he's going to end up telling someone about his son, and lately he's been feeling as though that 'one day'  is going to be 'sometime very soon'. 


That night, Sheriff had absentmindedly wandered down into the basement. He wasn't sure what he was looking for exactly, if he was looking for anything at all, but maybe by being down there he might be able to wrap his head around why his son was doing such a thing. 

Surprisingly, he was a lot cleaner than he had first imagined. It smelt a bit like bleach, but that didn't surprise him the slightest; bleach was probably what Stiles used to clean the blood from the floor. 

He moved further in, glancing at all the mechanical equipment and knives presented out on the counter as if Stiles was proud of them. They were all unbelievably clean, you really wouldn't ever be able to tell he was using them to kill people. 

He then noticed an envelope propped up against a roll of tape, To Whom It May Concern scrawled onto the front. He plucked it from the counter, lifting the flap and removing the piece of paper. He carefully unfolded it, eyes skimming over the words. 

His mouth fell agape, not fully being able to wrap his head around the words he was reading. No matter how many times he read over the letter, six little words stuck out to him.

Everything is not as it seems. 

* * *

A/n: Ooooh who do you think wrote the letter/What do you think it said? All will be revealed next week but I wanna know what you guys think :-)

The main girl character is introduced in the next chapter!

Also - Here's a little thing for you all to think about: Stiles vowed that he would always protect Brittany, so why do you think he killed her? Do you think he killed her at all?

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