Chapter 5

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~Dan's POV~

P: We need milk

D: Oh, dont worry, I'll get it

D: (note the sarcasm)

P: Thanks!

I sigh. "Phil, you're coming with me!" I yell. "What?! I'm busy!" He shouts. "Don't care!" I respond. He comes down stairs wearing black jeans like me, a yellow hoodie, and a pair of blue converse. "Fine." He says. We go outside. I go out into the street to look for a taxi when I hear "Dan! Look out!" I turn around and see a car coming straight for me. I don't have time to do anything, and next thing I know I'm landing on the road. I'm fading out and hear someone shout "Dan!" and see a figure come running towards me. I close my eyes and the last thing I remember I a pair of arms picking me up and hauling me somewhere...

~Phil's POV~

"Dan!" I yell, running towards him. No. No no no. No. I pick him up off the road and take him inside. I lay him on the couch. "Dan!" I yell. "Dan! Wake up! Can you hear me?!" No response. I check his pulse, it's still beating. He's just unconscious. I get my phone and dial for an ambulance. "I need you to answer a few questions," the female at the other end said. "First is he still breathing and is his pulse okay?" I check his breathing and pulse again. "Yes." I say. "Is he unconscious?" She asks. I try to stay calm. "I think so," I say. "And finally, is he bleeding?" I check for blood. I notice some on the back of his head. "Yes. He's bleeding a little on the back of his head." I look again. "And his shoulder." I say. "Alright. We'll send for an ambulance right away." She says and hangs up. I sit there stroking Dan's hair while I wait. Why did this have to happen to him? Why did the driver just run off like that? I hate that driver.

Soon enough, the ambulance arrives and they take Dan in the back of it. I convince them to let me ride with him, since he's my best friend and we live together. When we get to the hospital they take Dan in privately and run some tests. I sit there anxiously waiting and fidgeting constantly. I want to know if Dan will be alright. I send out a tweet. "Hey guys. Dan got hit by a car and I'm in the hospital rn. They're currently running some tests, and he's just unconscious. I'm waiting for an update." About two hours later, my phone's at 26% and they finally come out. "We have good news and bad news." Someone tells me. "He's going to be okay. He just has a fractured shoulder. But he has amnesia, and we don't know how severe it is. It could very on different levels, and it could last for any period of time from 5 days to a month and a half. Theres no way to tell for sure right now." I sigh. But its not as bad as it could be. Then she says something else. "By the way...did you know about his habits of self-harm?" She asks me. My eyes widen. "What?!" She nods her head. "The scars are very visible, and it seems like he's been doing it for a while. You can come and see if you want." I nod and follow her to the room he's in. I look at his arms, covered in scars. I try not to cry. Why Dan? Why didn't you tell me? I hold his hands in mine. I wonder how long this has been going on and why he didn't tell me. He's too precious to me. Since I know they're going to keep him in the hospital another night I'm going to go in his room and take his blades and hide them and anything that could be used as one. He starts to stir and open his eyes. "Dan..." I say.


A/N: Sooo...Dan's in the hospital. Not much else to say, I guess.

-Keep fighting, C

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