Chapter 5

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Nico had spent the last couple days in Africa, not doing anything in particular, just roaming the fast savannahs and harsh landscapes. Sometimes he would collect a couple souls from the small villages; if he hadn't, they would've trekked their way to Los Angeles. It wasn't too much of a hassle for him, it was just a nice short trip. He saw Thanatos occasionally, collecting up the ones who lost on where to go, his great black wings protecting them from the harsh sun.

Night had fallen about two hours ago, and Nico had decided to sleep on the sandy shores of a small Australian town, deciding to leave Africa for the moment and perhaps see if he could explore the Warren in the morning. The moon had gotten slightly thinner but that didn't stop its glow. The son of Hades was going to sleep tonight, he was worn and tired, and after two weeks of constantly walking the earth, he was tired.

Unfortunately the Man in the Moon wasn't always sensitive to what Nico wanted.

The bright and vibrant moon beam hit him straight on the face, making his pale skin look ghostly. The teenager cracked open an eye before wincing and rolling over, blocking out the bright light. In response, the light grew brighter and wider until it encompassed his whole body.

"I know you can talk," Nico grumbled into the sand. Despite his best efforts, he still couldn't find himself thinking positively about the supernatural entity; luckily, Jack was on the same boat. "Stop trying to blind me and get it done."

The only sound was waves lapping against the shore.

If possible, the light grew brighter.

"Go away," Nico felt the shadows begin to crawl away from the light, leaving him exposed, "unless you plan on beaming me up with that light, this whole light show is pointless."

The coin in his pocket was a blessing. It arrived in his pocket with the usual name and address; and just as it did, the moon disappeared, leaving Nico in the dark. He shuddered and sat up running the name and address through his head.

Harley Bolt, Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141, Long Island, New York 11954.

A demigod death? He was never called for those. Pushing himself to his feet he disappeared into the plentiful shadows, thinking on the name. He'd heard that name before. Harley….The name played on his mind until it hit him. Harley, son of Hephaestus.

The demigods body was resting against the grass of the hill, a monster pecking at the boys exposed entrails. Cocking his head, Nico tried to identify the monster. Certainly nothing he'd seen before. A scaled four legged body with a head of an ostrich and a tail of a dog. As the blood continued to stain the grass below the body, Peleus roared in anger, pulling against the chain around his neck.

The spirit of Harley was at the base of the hill. Nico remembered the boy being rather depressive for reasons unknown. He'd probably been dropped off by a mortal parent, guessing from the scattered bag of clothing.

"Why aren't you going to D.O.A?" Nico folded his arms in question.

"I'm waiting for the proper burial," it seemed to take Harley a moment to process the fact that someone had spoken to him. He turned around and face Nico, head cocking to side as he tried to place a name to a face, "oh Hades, I really am dead. I was hoping it was a dream."

A conch shell sounded from within camp and Nico looked towards Thalia's Pine as he spoke.

"Oh, good, you know me," Nico dug in his pocket for the coin. Obviously Man in the Moon had changed his usual work requirements; there was something going on at camp that the entity wanted him to know about. It certainly wasn't a nice way of getting his attention.

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