Chapter 1

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Author's Note

I just want to remind you that this is not my story. This is Wayward Assbutt's work on

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Read and Rock on!

Lea V.


Chapter 1

It was odd to see someone walk through Nico. Percy had seen it happen a couple of times, but he had never thought much of it, after all Nico didn't seem to care. Someone would just run into him by accident, or touch him slightly, and the area that was touched would just turn into blue wisp before settling. It happened a lot seeing as New York was always flurrying with activity.

When Percy first saw it happen he had to admit he was freaked out. But then Nico had explained.

"If you can't see me, you can't touch me," was all his cousin had replied with.

Percy hadn't tried to pursue the conversation, he respected his cousin's privacy, and to be honest, he had gotten used to people walking through Nico. Because of that fact he didn't notice when Nico would rub his chest and wince slightly. Though Percy was supposed to be super observant due to ADHD, but even he misses things sometimes.

It became a problem when they were on the beach of Camp Half-Blood. The Romans had come over to relax (most of them still had a slight distaste for the sea), but they still attempted to swim. The Camp was empty due to the fact the small amount of campers who were here in winter were up on Olympus. They had the whole camp to themselves.

Percy was already in the water, deep down past camp borders, gone from sight swimming with Frank (who had opted to go as a great white shark). Annabeth sat on the edge of the water with Piper while Jason and Hazel (who had a stronger distaste for the water), sat on towels further up. Leo, on the other hand, was on a sand dune trying to rig and surfboard to become perfectly balanced and balance sustaining.

"Sometimes, I wonder what those two even do down there," Annabeth played with the sand, "Last time they were down there for four hours!"

"Probably got caught up in Poseidon's palace," Piper hummed as she enjoyed the sun on her skin, "That place sounds amazing."

"Don't see how anything relating to water can be amazing," There was a light splash as someone appeared next to Annabeth.

"Zeus' beard!" Annabeth cursed as she squinted up into the sun and saw Nico stepping out of the water, shaking out his soaked boots, "There aren't even any shadows here!"

"Perks of being believed in," Nico shook out his shoes, before adding sarcastically "Thanks for the invite."

Jason called from the beach, "You said you were busy with North!"

"That wasn't of my own free will," Nico pointed out as he moved further up the beach, seating buckets in his dark clothes. Seeing as it was winter outside the camp borders, Nico had stepped up the clothing, "He's so stressed over Christmas - even though it's ten months away that even if I told him I was dying he would still drag me to do something for him."

"That's what you get for being friends with Santa," Nico rolled his tense shoulders.

"Besides, I thought you hated the beach?" Hazel commented as she smiled up at her brother.

"There's that as well," Nico riffled through his bag looking for something lighter to wear, "I'll be back."

Climbing up the sand dunes, he passed Leo, who was busy drilling holes into the surf board. Heading into the main U of cabins, Nico headed towards his. After four years, it still hadn't been touched by a living soul. Campers claimed it was haunted by his ghost. Others said whoever entered would be cursed with the bad luck of Hades for fourteen years. How the rumours started, Nico had no idea.

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