Chp. 3

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5 minutes later.

*grumble grumble*

T~T so hungry.

Then the door slam right open.

"Srry I'm late!" When you turned your head, you were so surprised who the voice belonged to.

"I am sorry to keep you all waiting." The pharaoh said.

Why, why does he look like, Atem. Did Atem have a brother he never told me about.

Just staring at him is too much for you, you were wanting to cry so badly, but respect for the pharaoh. This caused many memories of Atem.

"That's ok pharaoh" as father stood up and bowed.

Mom got up and bowed too.

"(Y/n)! You should show respect to the pharoh!" Dad yelled.

"........." I just continued sitting down in my chair dazing off. Realizing what you're doing, you stood up and bowed.

"You don't have to, please, sit."

"..." everyone was quiet

Father and mother both sat down and dad whispered.

"Is something wrong  (y/n)?"

You stood up

"D-did we meet before?" You said while looking at the pharaoh in the eyes.

"Huh?" As he stared back.
It took a while for him to remember but glad he noticed my earrings.

"(Y/n)?!" He said in excitement

"Of course, the one and only." You said sarcasticly.

"Oh my gosh, you don't know how much I've missed you!"

"Same, but you, you never told me you were pharaoh."


"Did, you leave me just to become a pharaoh?"


"You don't know how much you hurted me." you said about to cry


"(Y/n), please show respect to the pharaoh." Your mom said

You sat back down, not wanting to talk any further.

"Uhh, I- I am so sorry" you said bowing.

"I'm so sorry my pharaoh, if you want to punish her, punish me" you father said.

"No biggy. Besides, you guys should eat." The pharaoh said.

"Uhh sure," your dad said.

You enjoyed dinner awkwardly, it was fine.

You took an evening still toward the Nile, it was calming, and you loved to be here when you needed time alone.

"Still loved the Nile heh?"

You turned around and spotted Atem

"Do you need something?" You asked rather happy He's here.

"Oh, it's nothing, sorry to bother you." He said with a tint of red on his face.

You smiled.

"So (y/n), what brings you back here?" Atem asked.

"Mother wanted to visit father so she took me along."

"I see" was the only answer he gave."Did you like it?"

You looked at him with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" You asked

"The palace, what did you think of it" Atem said "Was it the same as your imagination back then?"

You were shocked.

"Y-you remembered."

"So, are you from around here?" You ask

"Oh, Yea, its kinda boring here." He said

"Oh, I see, well, do you see that palace up there?"

"O-oh, Yea."he said

"I wanna visit there someday."

He looked up at the palace

Flashback end.

"The day we first met."

"Yes, the day where you saw me, and treated me more than anyone else would ever treat me." Atem said while smiling.

"That smile, I missed it" you thought.

You grinned.
You then hugged Atem.

"Oh Atem! You didn't know how I missed you."

"Same here (y/n)."

"Please, I wish you would never part with me again."

"I wouldn't."

We stayed hugging each other for a few more minutes until the palace guards were coming our way.

We broke away and then they took us back to the palace.

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