Chp. 11

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"AHHHH, FINANCE! ! LONG TIME NO SEEEE!!!" Bakura said running past alot of people.

You can hear many people talking about how dirty u look.

Bakura suddenly shows up and hugged you

"Ummm, I know your Bakura, right?" you ask unsurly

"W-what?!" Bakura said shocked

"Did, we meet before, because I can't remember you, I ONLY heard from the pharaoh, your bakura, a thief....." you said with a straight up face

"W-WHA!?, DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME, (Y/N), DON'T YOU!?" Bakura said with a sadden face, which soon turned to anger

"N-no......" you responded looking to the floor

"U-ughhh... PHARAOH, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!?" Bakura yelled , holding up a knife

"I didn't do anything, ask some sort of Oracle if you need!" Atem said madly and worried at the same time

"(Y/n), what happen when you were 12......." Bakura asked worried

"I-I don't know, even If I did, I don't remember....." you responded while walking out and away

Atem and Bakura both chase after you, but soon split to find you

Sigh* What did happen when I was 12....
Whenever you tried thinking, your head just forgets hurts.

"Gahhh, I give up, I'll just ask mom or dad" you thought

You made your way to the city, deserted, probably because of the party

You knocked on the door to your house, to be greeted by your father.

"Hi dad, I wants to ask you something..." you said

Your mom peaked through the living room and see you
"(Y/n)!" She ran and hugged you

"Hi mom, I want to ask you guy something"

"Come in..." your dad said while looking at your mother

"I see it is time........." you mother said looking at your father..

"Time what?" You asked

"We have done what we can to protect you... now, you must go to the Nile, beware, a can go with you, you must go alone.." your mom said

"B-but mom! What is all this talk about it being time. Time for what?" You said

"Go, please, it can't be tamed inside you any longer..." your mom said

"What is 'it'?"

"Enough question, just go to the Nile" your mom said strictly.
Never before did she ever use her strict tone on me, so I guess it's serious.

"Ok, I will go IF you answer one more of my question....."

"Yes, what is it?" Your mom asked

"What happened at my 12th birthday"

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