Chp. 6

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Last time:

"Sure I'm sure , besides, you are a kind worker, hoping to just earn a little money, so why not help a friend in need?" you said while handing him the money.

"Thanks, Ra respects you." He said waving his hands.

You waved back and went your way, not noticing that someone was actually following you.....


After helping the shopkeeper, you continued walking, having this weird aura that someone is following....

You thought it'll be that theif, ....

You were starting to worry...
You walked faster to your father's house, and slammed the door while locking it..

"I hope we will be ok. Today is just not my day....." you said while slowly walking to put the vegetable down. "

"So where have you been honey? " your father said

"What do you think?" You said holding up the bag of grocery then placing it down.

Your father snickered and continue his reading.

Your mother came in, holding the basket of clothes, asking you if you can help.

"Sure, since I got nothing better to do." You said

When you walked out, you felt it again, the aura, But you just shook it off.

A few minutes later.....

Your mother came to you and ask you to come indoors.
When you went in, you saw the last person you wanted to see, Marik.

(In this story, Marik will be your rival)

"So how's it been (y/n), or should I say (your nickname)." Marik said laughing

"HEY! WATCH IT MARIK! YOU DONT WANNA MESS WITH ME." you said feeling furious. That's the only guy who ever called you that.

He just laughed away

"(Y/n) your so funny"

You growled at him.

"Marik, you little ....." and just stared at him angrily

"Oh NOO someone save me (y/n) is about to roast me for dinner." Marik said laughing

"Very funny now I have to go." You said while turning away.

"Where are you going (your nickname)?" He said

"Stop calling me that, and I have to go and cook dinner." You said walking to the kitchen


"No thank you, cooking is like, very important, gathering the right materials, and the right ingredients. If the ingredients don't mix well together, it will turn out to have too much taste if you place too much flavor, if you use to less, there will not be enough taste. And if u distract me, I will not finish making dinner ready in time" you said finally catching your breathe

"Well. Can you make me dinner?" Marik said

You looked at him like, WHAAAAA?
But u calmly said
"Sure, if you dont cause a fuss."

"Thanks" he said walking to the dining room

"Mann, I think I'm going to regret this".

Then the doorbell rang...

You rushed toward the door and opened it before Marik got out of his seat.

You didn't even know the he be here today.

"Come in Atem " you said while opening the door

"Thank you (y/n)" he said waving at you

When Atem reached the dining room, your parents both was in shock and drop whatever they were holding.

"Hi, can I join you for dinner?" Atem asked

"Sure your majesty." Your parent said in unison and bowed down.


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