Sequel pt.1

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Hehe, for those that read the comments, or commented, i made a sequel, hope you like it

It's been a while since you were announced the queen of Egypt. It has been pretty nice living with your husband, Atem, and he seems busier than normal.

Ever since that incident with Bakura and Marik, things were different now. The village is now surrounded by walls, which was very protective. Guards were scattered in almost every possible entrances.

"So (dear, darling, honey, or whatever you want to call him), are you tired from doing all those work?" You asked

"No, because with you and Ethan, I'm a lean mean fighting machine" Atem spoke staring at our son, Ethan

"Goo- GAH!" Ethan yelled while pointing at our dog Driz (name the dog whatever you want, If you dont like the name that is )

The maid came in, serving thr food. Of course you thanked her, but she pretended to not hear, since that's what her roll is to do. Rules.

"Come on Ethan, open wideee" you said while holding a spoonful of Apple sauce"

Ethan opened his mouth smiling.

Atem laughed and he held out his spoon to feed you

"Open wide (y/n)"

You opened your mouth and he fed you a spoonful of macaroni.

"Ethan's turn to feed daddy" you laughed

"Are you sure dear, 'cause I don't think it's a good idea" Atem said nervously

"Aww, of course"


"Ethan sweety, why don't you feed daddy Apple sauce" you asked while scooping a spoonful and handing him it

"Ope" (<ok) Ethan replied

He took the spoon, and instead of feeding Atem, he flung the spoon and guess who just got apple sauced, Atem

You laughed while Atem glared at you. Well, this just gone to well, then to watch out

He grabbed a spoonful of Apple sauce, flinging it to you, you tried dodging, but it landed on your hair.

He glupped, knowing that flinging it to your hair, was a big mistake

". . . . . . . . . ARRRRGGGG!!!" You yelled and grabbed a bucket of Apple sauce, and threw it in his face

Atem fell, with him covered up in Apple sauce

He got back up, not looking too happy

"Well, let's REstart dinner shall we" you clapped and started scooping spoonful of macaroni into your mouth

"Yeeeee" (yay) Ethan said

"Right.... " Atem said, gloomy, still covered with Apple sauce

After dinner, you tucked Ethan to bed, then head to the shower

"Will the Apple sauce come off" you said while hand combing your hair to unstick some of the Apple sauce

Well, took almost a hour JUST to comb the Apple sauced hair which was a menace

After shower, Atem was on the bed reading a random book

"See you finished" Atem said while looking up

"Yeah, you showered?" You asked Atem

"Yes" he replied

"Ok then, let's get to sleep, you must have worked a little too much today" you said while pulling the blanket on you two

"Yea, I guess" Atem said pulling you close

"Night Atem"

"Night sweety"

And you drifted off to sleep...

The next morning...

"Wake up Atem" you said

"Five more minutes please " he whined like a kid

"Gee, it's already 10, wake up" you shook him

"10?!" He instantly shot up from bed

"Yes, 10, oh, wait, its 10:01" you joked

"Oh nooo, darn it, I have a meeting in 5 minutes" Atem said while running to the bathroom to wash up

Well, that Atem, never wakes up on time for his meetings

You walked into little Ethan's room, and he was there sleeping. He is more like Atem than you think
Same hair, same eye color, same skin tone, same everything, everything but Ethan was way cuter than Atem, well, because he acts like his mother (XD)

"AWWW, Ethan, you so adorable when you sleep" you whisper yelled

He turned around, and continued his sleep
Soon, he would want milk, so you got to the fridge and heated milk
When you walked into the room, surprise he was already awake, and ready to be fed, smart boy

"Your so cuteee!" You softly screamed

"Fannc yog"(thank you)
He replied

Well, he is a smart boy, with his father's look, he is so going to win everyone's heart

Atem, who is in his office, almost fell asleep listening to the speaker, who happens to be his acquaintance.

"So Atem, do you agree, or not?"

"Huh? What? Sorry can you repeat?" Atem said while snapping out of his half asleep self

"So do you want to put the millennium items to the museum? It's going to be well protected, trust me and it gives more time to study it"

"Sorry, I don't think I want to, even with security, who knows someone might just take it" Atem replied


"Sorry, my final answer is no, now if you'll excuse me" he said walking out the door

Atem, making the correct choice, made sure he keep it that way

Well, he knew about this, since people once did that, he doesn't want the repeat


"So do you want to, since it is for the items safety"

"Ok, if it means protecting them, I will"

"Ok, trucks coming tomorrow, so pack all of them"


10 years old Atem, asked his father

"Are you sure father, it might be a new choice"

"Son, we need to protect the millennium items, so I think I made the right choice "

But eventually, that led to the first war in Egypt

Flashback ended...

Well, what a day, poor Atem, exausted then ever

When he got on his room, he collapsed

"So Ate--"

"ATEM!, ARE YOU OK?" You yelled from the door way to the bed

No response so that means something bad is happening

You touched his forehead, damn he was burning up

Running to the bathroom to get a wet towel, you ran back to the room. Laying the towel on his forehead, he calmed down

"You worked yourself too hard today, again" you said

"Sor...ry" Atem said holding your hand

"You should rest, it would be better to stay in bed" you smiled

"Ok" as his eyelid slowly closed

"Atem you poor thing, guess ill have to find some medicine or cure to being his fever down" you said and ran out


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