Chapter 6

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My eyes opened unwillingly to the bright, direct sun. Wait, direct? Why wasn't I under water? I tried to sit up, but it hurt as soon as I moved. My skin was bright red, and painful. I was so confused as first, but then it all came rushing back. Everything that had happened since I had left Lisanna's, 3 days ago. I remembered being caught in a fishing net while getting dinner. They'd hauled me up on the boat, and I think they thought they had caught a shark or something. They were loud. The humans were very loud. I was terrified. What would they do to me? Would I suffer the same fate as my mother? The vial was still tied securely around my neck, but they could cut the string. I started to sing, but they stuck something long and sharp in my arm before I could finish. I sang as long as I could, until whatever they had put it me forced me to sleep. But my song had already gotten to them, and I watched them jump overboard as my brain shut down.

I was awake again. The sharp thing must have worn off. I had a peaceful three seconds before reality hit me square in the face. Those humans. All of those humans. There must have been more than 20, and were all dead. Because of me. They each had a living, breathing, unique life , and I took it away. I hated humans, but I wouldn't be like them. I won't slaughter people for something so innocent. I refuse to be so heartless. My mind is racing with destructive thoughts. And before I knew what I was doing, my hands were ripping the vial off of my neck and popping open the cap. I rolled to the edge of the boat and fell into the sea, the vial pouring as I plummeted into the sea. And I felt the siren that had been poisoning my body, fading into the salty air.


Last chapter!

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