I want to write you a song

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Harrys POV

My jaw dropped on the floor as she entered the room. She was wearing a beautiful glittery navy blue dress and her hair was perfectly done in a up-do. A smile spread across my face as she waved and smiled at me. I waved back and she came towards me. I was standing near the dance floor and there were couples dancing on the floor. It was our prom night .
She came to me and hugged me , I hugged her back and smelled her hair like I always do. We both pulled back at the same time which caused us to bump our foreheads , we both chuckled.

"Hey handsome !" Taylor said and I smiled.
"Hey beautiful !" I said and she chuckled.
"So what are the plans for tonight ?" I asked her as she looked around the room and then looked at me and smiled. "I'll just like to have some fun with friends and you. What about you ? Oh and don't forget the after party at Liam's house !" Taylor said and I smiled. "Well same for me and yes of course I'll come." I said and she smiled. As I was about to ask her for a dance , Louis came and took her hand in his , "Taylor may I have this dance ?" He asked her and she looked at me and as she was about to say something Louis dragged her to the dance floor.

I stood there and let out a sigh. I know there is no chance for me and Taylor together because she is dating the most popular guy in school , Louis and of course who would like to date a coward and a study obsessed boy like me ? Who just sits in his appartment while the other students of the school are in some parties. Who would like to date a boy who just writes songs whenever he is emotional or happy ? No one right ?

I sat on the couch where nobody was sitting as everyone was enjoying their night and here I am sitting alone , seeing the girl I love the most dancing with another man. I sighed and looked down, I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Niall , my best friend , he smiled at me and sat next to me.

"You know , you should be the one dancing with her right now." Niall said looking at Taylor and Louis dancing and laughing. Niall knew everything.
I just shrugged, "You should really tell her that you love her." Niall said and I looked at him and shook my head. "If I tell her I love her , it'll ruin our friendship we had from 5 years , and I would not want that to happen Niall." I said and Niall nodded. "You know Harry , Taylor isn't happy with Louis." Niall said and I looked at him with shock. "Yes , she isn't , whenever I go into her room she's always crying over how Louis is always fighting with her or writing things about some other guy she isn't telling me about." Niall said , of course he knew what she was happy about , he was her brother after all. "Niall , she likes someone else ?" I said and he nodded. Well again , no chance for you harold. I thought. Niall got up and went to god knows where. I looked around the room and I was the only one alone here.

"Hey Harry !" I heard someone shouting my name , I looked around and saw Zayn , the DJ for tonight and my friend calling me , I waved and went to him. "Yes bro ?" I said and he smirked at me. I shook my head knowing what he would say. "No-no I am not doing it and you know it !" I said but before I could say anything else he dragged me to the stage and everyone cleared the stage , Taylor and Louis too , Taylor looked at me with confusion written on her face but I ignored it as soon as I saw Louis kissing her neck.

"Hey guys ! So my friend Harry Styles would sing a song for us !" Zayn said on the microphone and everyone cheered and clapped , Taylor and Louis clapped too. I looked at Niall and he smirked at me and gave me a thumbs up , It was all their plan.

The only song that could up in my mind was the song I wrote for Taylor. I sighed as Zayn gave me a guitar and set up the microphone stand infront of me. I smiled at the crowd infront of me.

"So umm Hey guys ! My name is Harry Styles and umm I wrote this song for a girl who i've known for almost 5 years now , and umm she doesn't even know that I love her and I don't know if she loves me too or not because she is dating someone else and she looks so happy with him and I - I just wanted to write her a song so this song is called 'I want to write you a song'." I finished speaking and strummed the guitar.

I want to write you a song
One that's beautiful as you are sweet
In just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song

I want to lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek
So when the world is cold
You'll have a hiding place you can go
I want to lend you my coat

Everything I need I get from you Givin' back is all I wanna do

I want to build you a boat
One that's strong as you are free
So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink
You know it won't
I want to build you a boat

Everything I need I get from you Givin' back is all I wanna do

Everything I need I get from you Givin' back is all I wanna do

I want to write you a song
One to make your heart remember me
So any time I'm gone
You can listen to my voice and sing along
I want to write you a song
I want to write you a song

I finished the song and I saw Taylor running away . Everyone cheered and I kept the guitar down and smiled. I walked down the stage and saw Louis sitting on a couch alone with his head burried in his hands. I went towards him to ask what happened with Taylor.

"Louis ? What happened with Taylor ?" I asked and he looked at me and shook his head. "Congrats." He said that and got up from the couch and went to the drinks section.

I went outside to see where Taylor went , but she was no where to be found. I went inside and decided to go the terrace of this place , I went there and saw Taylor standing and staring at the beautiful view of the city. I went towards her and stood next to her , she quickly wiped away her tears , she had been crying.

"So , care to tell me what happened ?" I asked and she just looked at me and shook her head as if she was washing away some thoughts.

"Well if I tell you what happened you would probably break our friendship." She said and I chuckled , "Never will I do that !" I said and she looked down at her feet. "Well then , I- I love you." She whispered , I looked at her in confusion. "Wha-what ?" I said and she looked at me and suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. "I really love you and I know you would think I am stupid by saying that I think that I can't live without you but that's the truth and if living with you means marrying you I would do that , and if living without you is a necessity , i'll die." She said and cried in my arms , I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Well then Ms Swift you would be shocked when I say that I love you too and I didn't knew you could be cheesy too." I said and she chuckled and pulled back and kissed me . We pulled back after some time and I placed my forehead on hers and stroked her cheek. "Well then as we both know that we are together now so will you be my boyfriend ?" She asked me and chuckled , I nodded and pecked her lips again. She smiled, "Taylor ? I want to write you a song." I said and she just smiled and hugged me. "You can , so that whenever you're gone for even a minute , I can listen to it." She said and I smiled.

This is what I ever wanted , this is what I always dreamed of. I wanted to write her a song , but I guess there's no need for that now as she would always be in my arms whenever I want her to be. This is how life works I guess , it makes you cry and smile , it makes you fall and it makes you stand up and makes you more stronger than you already were and someday life will give you the happiness you ever wished for and I guess that's what happened with me right now. And I know , I don't know for how long we would be together but all I want to think about right now is that she is mine and I am hers. Harry and Taylor forever.

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